Dear Elijah,
Hey there baby boy! You are sleeping right next to me right now. Last night I was rocking you to sleep because you were so tired that you became restless and cranky. I finally got you to drift off to a peaceful sleep and then your dad, A.K.A. the big bad wolf, sneezed sooooooooooooooooooo loud it scared you awake! You started crying again, and I gave your daddy "the look" hahahaha. Your daddy felt so bad, but you ended up going to sleep about 20 minutes after, so it all worked out :)
You have been making these crazy sounds. Soooooooooooooooooooooo cute! You sit in your play mat and you make these like, playful, high pitch screaming sounds. I can't really call them squeals anymore. It is the funniest thing to watch you do. You try to grab thing now, and can usually hold onto them for a while before you ether let them drop or fling them down. You like your little blue bee to chew on, but you can't hold it to your mouth for than long. You also like to suck on these squishy letters at your grandma Hollands house :)
This morning you took a bath and I seriously laughed the whole time! I basically hold your head out of the water while you splash splash splash! You LOVE bath time and would stay in there forever if we let you ;) I call you my little fishy because you would go swimming if mommy let you. You look like you are just waiting to be able to swim on your own! Hahahahaha... Sooooooooooooooo, this morning your mommy was out of luck or something because I got hurt a lot. I put you in your play mat so you could pay with your toys and kick around, and then decided to get some cuddle time in with your daddy before he had to leave for work. We were hanging out on our bed, and he went to kiss mommy but somehow poked me in the eye ball with his spiky chin!!! OUCH! It really hurt, but I could help but laugh. I hate that, because I want him to know that he hurt me, but it's to funny not to laugh! Uhg!!! Hahahahaha, he was laughing so hard as if it was the funniest thing he had ever seen :/ Maybe when you are a little bigger we can gang up on daddy! Are you with me!!!? Hahaha. Then, I left the room to check on you really quick because when your a mom all of the sudden you think that books, picture frames, and couches can fly and somehow make it to your baby who is in the middle of the room :/ (can't help it). haha... You were fine, so I ran back into our bedroom and was going to jump on daddy because he was laying on his stomach and wouldn't have seen it coming (muahahaha), but little did I know he was about to get up and readjust... :/ SMACK! He almost knocked the wind out of me!Hahahaha, I rolled to the side, and was laugh/crying but I lived... Then I heard you let out a little cry so we looked at each other and your dad says, "I'll get him!" and I said... "No, I'll get him!" The race began!!! We both wanted to hold you and were about to race down the hall for you. WELL, YOUR DAD, took a cheap shot and tried to pull the bedroom door shut and it slammed into my entire thigh!!! RUDE! hahahahahahahaha... It hurt, but once again I was on the floor laughing. He felt bad... But in the end, I got to hold you!!! Victory! Hahahaha... We love you...
Well, this last week your cousins Missy and Stephen were in town! It was so much fun seeing them and getting to hang out with them. He is such a cutie, and you guys exchanged a few words (high pitch screams) with each other. He tried to take your socks off, and wanted to touch your face a lot. Hahaha, but you just wanted to stare at him. The both of you are so cute though, and it was nice to see you interact with another baby. You guys are only like 6 months apart. :) We hope to see them again soon! Have a safe strip back to Oregon :)
Also, this last Sunday we celebrated pop's birthday! He is your very sweet great grandpa ;) That was super fun, and always very cool seeing everyone. Then last night was V.B.S. at our church and since your daddy is helping with it, you and I tagged along to walk around and see all the fun going on! It was so cool Elijah, and I can;t wait till you can participate :) Your daddy was up on stage dancing like a crazy man, and what was funny is he was doing the dance that makes you and I laugh ans smile at home. Hahahahaha, it sure worked on all the kids there too ;) Good thing you are too young to be embarrassed ;) hahaha. We got to stand in the back at the end of V.B.S. and listen to the songs, see daddy shoot panda bears across the room, and watch all the kids dancing around. It was awesome.
Oh, and yesterday at work your daddy text me a picture of the cutest cup! It was a cup with your name on it! It is so cute and I can't wait till you can start using it ;) It is from a very nice guy names Ben! He saw it and got it for you, and seriously blessed my heart! I thought it was so sweet that he did that for you.
Well, I better go now my love. You just woke up and I have to scoop you up and kiss you!
big boy trying to sit up :) |
eating your blue bee :) |
You, pop, and cousin Stephen |