Monday, August 6, 2012

Raising a Vegetarian!?!? haha

Dear Elijah,
 Tonight you decided for dinner you would have a peach, cheese, a baked yam, pear, and grapes! Luckily I got you to eat spinach and broccoli earlier. It's like a war zone in here at dinner time! You  only ate what you personally pointed at, and tonight that happened to be mostly fruit! ;) I think I may be raising a vegetarian?!?! You don't really like meat, and will only eat chicken and turkey once in a while! I keep trying though, but you are mostly a veggies, fruit and pasta kind of guy! I always choose what you eat, and I always get you to eat it, but tonight I decided to let you pick out what you ate because you were in pain, and pretty cranky and I didn't want to fight with you. You chose all good things, just pretty funny together ;) I just held different things up and asked you what you would like to eat tonight, and you would shake your head no at some things, and then smile really big at others. Oh gosh, I remember when your daddy and I tried giving you Gerber food for the first time about a month and a half ago, and you gagged, and almost threw up, then you had the worst look on your face, and your eyes teared up! We felt so bad! Nothing against Gerber, but you were used to eating either homemade food, fresh fruit and veggies or occasionally organic food packs. I didn't realize how different tasting that would be for you, and so we had to stop trying Gerber food. It's just so handy when you are in a hurry or out and about! Luckily you do like the organic packaged food though. ;) Hahaha... You are so funny! Eating is still a bot of a challenge, but your daddy and I are also very patient with you when it comes to meal times. We realize this is just a phase, and it's so important to us to get good nutrition in you. So we just learn to be creative, choose our battles, and make silly faces and funny sounds when feeding you! Hahahaha... You do enjoy feeding yourself, and we let you most of the time, but the foods that aren't your favorite, we usually have to supervise whether it me feeding it to you ourselves, or watching you and telling you to put the bites in your mouth. You do alright with spoons and forks, but you still try to twist the utensil upside down, and sometimes the food falls right off! We are working on that ;) I love you, I love you, I love you!!! You are such a sweet boy, and you are such a joy to be around. Your laugh, your smile, and your sweet voice brighten our days. You are such a blessing to us Elijah.

Things you love- You LOVE your Jana dance video, especially the song, "Play From Your Heart." You LOVE "Praise Baby" which is a video that plays worship music while showing images of nature, shapes, colors, babies, and all kinds of fun stuff. You LOVE running in the sand at the park, and get excited over the challenge of it. You LOVE running across the bridge at the park back and forth and back and forth! You LOVE singing and dancing. You LOVE wrestling with us (mostly daddy right now). You LOVE reading your books. You LOVE playing with all your different toys and have quite the imagination. You LOVE going to church and flirting with the people behind us ;) You LOVE snuggle time, hugs and kisses ;) You LOVE painting with your food before you eat it. You Love coloring. You LOVE playing with cousins. and you LOVE so many things that I will think of later ;) Hahaha... You are learning so much, at your own little pace, and I love being a part of it! Love ya!