Dear Elijah,
OH MY goodness... You are for sure showing us a great deal of what we are in for. There have been more tantrums, and more signs of how strong willed you truly are. Haha! Funny little story..
Me- (calmly making a sandwich in the kitchen) "Would you like some cheese Eli."
You- "cheese!" (reaching for a piece, and then running out of the kitchen happy)
Me- (cut two extra pieces of cheese in case you would want more, so I could put the cheese away)
You- (saw me putting away cheese... Came running to kitchen... dropped to your knees... screamed out with all of your might, "cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!" began to cry and point to the refrigerator.
Me- "Here Elijah, it's alright, I have cheese here for you." (Held out a piece of cheese for you)
You- (Falling to the floor again) "No! sniff, sniff... No... Sniff" Pointing to fridge.
Me- (Picking you up, and opening the fridge) "what would you like to have Eli, What do you want?"
You-(Points to package of cheese)
Me- (Pulls out package of cheese) "Cheese? Do you want this?"
You- (throwing head back, and grabbing face) "Cheese!"
Me- "ok, here you are, here is some cheese."
You- (thinking it was the same ones I was trying to give you before began to cry again) "No" (pushing cheese away.)
Me- confused.... tired..... hungry.... "Elijah, calm down... What would you like? peaches?"
You- BIG SMILE "peaches!" (shakes head yes) "please."
Me- "ok, I will get you some peaches."
You- Big Smile "peach!" ( then ate them very happily)
Here is the thing... The whole time, I knew exactly why you were crying, and I knew why you did not want the cheese I had already cut. It was probably because you had caused such a fuss and scene about me putting away the cheese, thinking I had forgotten you completely, and then when you saw that I had some for you, you got a bit embarrassed and couldn't just shut it off! You were already there, and had to go with it. I understand that because I used to do it. I mean, hey, I could be wrong, but in any case, could understand that you had reasons. I have stories of my own Eli... Man do I have stories! I was/am very strong willed and I found it very hard to control my passion/feelings/emotions. I know frustration. I know what it's like to become ever so frustrated from a situation that I created. I wasn't a bad kid, I cared for people, I loved others, I felt that I had empathy, and was able to sympathize with others as well. I wanted to do good, I wanted to serve, and I had the desire to be kind. I just struggled with my stubbornness. I guess now, I can take what I know, and how I used to feel and have empathy for you, knowing that at times, as much as you want to, you can't control your emotions, especially at this age when you are still learning so many basics. There are times between you and I when I want to pull my hair out, but then I realize that patients goes a long way. It's hard sometimes man!!! hahahaha. I can also see the humor in these situations, where both of us are trying to communicate, and both of us get frustrated, and then both of us end up just fine in the end anyway. You know what else I see in you Eli, not only do you have a will of iron (which I am proud of in you), you have a tender heart, a caring heart, an affectionate way, a calm spirit, a brave spirit, and a great sense of humor! You can laugh at yourself when you trip. You laugh at us when we trip. You laugh at times when you basically eat it, falling off of a piece of furniture. Your laugh is just the best sound ever. You take care of your sister like a pro, giving her a binky, covering her with blankets, giving her your stuffed animals, and kissed her cheek. You rub her head and cheeks, and snuggle up next to her while putting your arm around her. You come give your daddy and I hugs and kisses all the time, and enjoy snuggling with us. Yes, you have been having more outbursts of tantrums, but everything else that you are make experiencing your tantrums a bit easier. Yes, there are times I don't appreciate picking up a crying baby in the middle of the store isle, or carrying a kicking, screaming little guy out of Target, but the wonderful far outweighs the difficult ;) I was thinking after the whole cheese situation that when I was young, but able to talk, I would have appreciated someone coming down to my level, looking me in the eyes, and asking me why I was sad, and why I was crying. Even if I couldn't have come up with an answer, someone cared about my feelings. I thought about being a little girl, and in those explosive moments, I wanted to be heard, I needed to be taken seriously, and then told maybe that I was not being fair and why. I think that would have defused the situation . So here I go! I want you to always feel like you can talk to me, and I will listen. I want you to know I will tell you the truth regardless. If you are being impractical, I will tell you. If you are being unfair in your outbursts, I will tell you the reasons, and act accordingly. I feel like you have a right to know why mommy is upset or feeling angry when you hit, scream, or do something your dad and I feel is wrong. I was sitting here thinking, and then voiced to your daddy that when I was a kid I can remember times when I would be throwing a tantrum, and would be ignored or told to go elswhere. That's fine and all, and although it may work behavioraly, what it taught me to do was get it together to not get in trouble, but store up the anger that I was feeling. I would store up my anger, and was able to act right, but inside I was hurting, and holding grudges. I just needed a proper outlet is all. But I know it must have been shocking, or hard to listen to. I know my mom wouldn't mind me sharing that with you because she knows how much we appreciate her. She knows she was a great mom, and very much loved by all of her blessed children ;) and we get to talk now about things like parenting now. I love that we have that openess now. Whats funny is that I have told your dad before that sometimes all I need is a hug or someone to hold me. Tonight when you were flipping out, I finally extended my arms to you, and you reached up, grabbed onto me tight, and hugged me for a long time. You wanted physical love to calm you down this time. Sometimes you need your space too, and I can understand that as well. This is fun Eli... I can honestly say that I am learning something new every day! I am never going to be a perfect mom, or get everything right, but at least I'm enjoying the process. I Love this! I love learning with you, and being your mommy!
Sometimes when you whine for no good reason at all, and are doing it just to get a rise out of me, I can tell, and I usually nudge or push you, and you can not stop laughing! You see, some parents would have a cow if I told them that, but you and I think it's hilarious! I'm gentle, if I choose to push you into something, which you think is extra hilarious, I make sure to push you into something soft! hahahahahaha! I use a humorous tone of voice, and make sure you know I can see right through that fake whining! Hahaha! You always think it's funny when I call you out on your fake cry. You laugh every time! I love it! Ok little guy... I must go now. I love you... I hope that tomorrow we can agree on cheese ;) haha. Love you!
Letters To Elijah
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Happy For Each Other
Dear Elijah,
Hi! You just had your second Halloween, and we all dressed up as the Rubbles from the cartoon, The Flintstones!!! You were Bam Bam ;) You were the cutest Bam Bam I've ever seen! It was fun this year watching you try to play the games at the Harvest Festival. You were interested in at least trying most of them! Far different from last year when you couldn't walk yet, and weren't sure about it. Haha. We had so much fun at the church harvest festival, and were so glad to have a great group of people to spend the evening with. We played games, ate pop-corn, roasted marshmallows, and walked around talking and playing with everyone. You weren't quite ready for the jumper ;) We are so thankful for our church and the fellowship we have there.
Today when you were eating your dinner, I was sitting on the couch with Emma talking to her to get her to smile. We were talking about all sorts of things, and then I mentioned to her that you were in the kitchen eating your dinner. You overheard your name, and lit up! So I continued telling her how you looked very cute over there eating your dinner, and that you were doing such a great job, and she was smiling. You smiled SO BIG and started eating even faster! Haha, not my intention to get you to eat better or quicker, but you loved that I was telling your sister all about you. It made you happy. I thought that was so cute and I do love that you try to impress her. I guess it got me thinking that I hope someday you guys will have a good relationship and always be happy for each other in times of joy! I know all about siblings fighting and all that, but all in all, I have ALWAYS wanted the very best for all of my siblings because I love them so much! Even as kids we would get so happy for each other, and want to celebrate with each other. My mom was very good about never setting us up against each other, and taught us to care for each other. I appreciate how my mom would never compare us. We are all good at different things. I remember telling my friends about what a great artist my sister was, and how fast my brother could run, and being so proud of them!
Right now you are jumping off the couch over and over and over again! You love climbing up onto things and jumping off! You have had a few falls, and a few bumps on your head, but you are getting pretty good at it. I get so nervous sometimes though! Hahaha, I am always holding my breath hoping you land it! Oh the joys of having an active little boy :) You love running, jumping, playing with cars, building blocks, stacking anything you can find and playing hide and seek. You have recently picked up the habit of hiding from us, and sometimes it freaks us out! But thankfully we have figured out your main hiding spots, so we know where to look now. You like potato soup, sour dough toast, and peaches the best right now. You love taking showers, and haven;'t taken a bath for more than a month now! Just showers! So funny, you just stopped liking baths, so now whenever we are getting in the shower, we switch off taking you with us. The other day all three of us got in there and were singing so loud, and splashing each other! It was so much fun, and you were laughing the whole time!
Something I've been enjoying lately is waking up to feed Emma, and I hear that you and daddy are already up snuggling on the couch with the turquoise blanket, sharing cereal and watching MacGyver!!! Hahahaha, it's so cute! Then Emma and I come to join you guys for a bit. We take you to the park pretty much every day and you have been getting so good at climbing on the bigger stuff and trying new things! It's fun to watch :) We sing every day, wrestle every day, play together, and pray together every day! I am loving being yours and Emma's mommy :) It's great! Oh boy do we have our crazy times, but always followed by love and laughter. Eventually... haha! Love you!
Hi! You just had your second Halloween, and we all dressed up as the Rubbles from the cartoon, The Flintstones!!! You were Bam Bam ;) You were the cutest Bam Bam I've ever seen! It was fun this year watching you try to play the games at the Harvest Festival. You were interested in at least trying most of them! Far different from last year when you couldn't walk yet, and weren't sure about it. Haha. We had so much fun at the church harvest festival, and were so glad to have a great group of people to spend the evening with. We played games, ate pop-corn, roasted marshmallows, and walked around talking and playing with everyone. You weren't quite ready for the jumper ;) We are so thankful for our church and the fellowship we have there.
Today when you were eating your dinner, I was sitting on the couch with Emma talking to her to get her to smile. We were talking about all sorts of things, and then I mentioned to her that you were in the kitchen eating your dinner. You overheard your name, and lit up! So I continued telling her how you looked very cute over there eating your dinner, and that you were doing such a great job, and she was smiling. You smiled SO BIG and started eating even faster! Haha, not my intention to get you to eat better or quicker, but you loved that I was telling your sister all about you. It made you happy. I thought that was so cute and I do love that you try to impress her. I guess it got me thinking that I hope someday you guys will have a good relationship and always be happy for each other in times of joy! I know all about siblings fighting and all that, but all in all, I have ALWAYS wanted the very best for all of my siblings because I love them so much! Even as kids we would get so happy for each other, and want to celebrate with each other. My mom was very good about never setting us up against each other, and taught us to care for each other. I appreciate how my mom would never compare us. We are all good at different things. I remember telling my friends about what a great artist my sister was, and how fast my brother could run, and being so proud of them!
Right now you are jumping off the couch over and over and over again! You love climbing up onto things and jumping off! You have had a few falls, and a few bumps on your head, but you are getting pretty good at it. I get so nervous sometimes though! Hahaha, I am always holding my breath hoping you land it! Oh the joys of having an active little boy :) You love running, jumping, playing with cars, building blocks, stacking anything you can find and playing hide and seek. You have recently picked up the habit of hiding from us, and sometimes it freaks us out! But thankfully we have figured out your main hiding spots, so we know where to look now. You like potato soup, sour dough toast, and peaches the best right now. You love taking showers, and haven;'t taken a bath for more than a month now! Just showers! So funny, you just stopped liking baths, so now whenever we are getting in the shower, we switch off taking you with us. The other day all three of us got in there and were singing so loud, and splashing each other! It was so much fun, and you were laughing the whole time!
Something I've been enjoying lately is waking up to feed Emma, and I hear that you and daddy are already up snuggling on the couch with the turquoise blanket, sharing cereal and watching MacGyver!!! Hahahaha, it's so cute! Then Emma and I come to join you guys for a bit. We take you to the park pretty much every day and you have been getting so good at climbing on the bigger stuff and trying new things! It's fun to watch :) We sing every day, wrestle every day, play together, and pray together every day! I am loving being yours and Emma's mommy :) It's great! Oh boy do we have our crazy times, but always followed by love and laughter. Eventually... haha! Love you!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Joy, Chaos, and Pumpkin Love
Dear Elijah,
Sometimes I wish I could take a snap shot of life. Like the times when Emma is crying, You are crying, your dad stubs his toe, and I'm just trying to shove a spoon full of cereal in my mouth! Or when I'm holding Emma, you are pulling at my shirt, and I'm trying to pour you some juice and drop the entire container of juice all over the floor as it gushes out! Or when I'm dancing around the kitchen like a crazy woman trying to get you to laugh in your high chair so you will be more willing to eat, while your daddy is cleaning a poopy mess using like 20 wipes! Hahahahaha! Or when I'm nursing Emma on the couch, and trying to eat breakfast, and you come running up, steel my spoon, and my cereal somehow spills all over the couch... HAHAHA! Oh man, these are the moments ;)
I made my very first pumpkin pie the other night!!! I made it from scratch out of the pumpkin you picked out at the pumpkin patch! I was so happy and excited to try something new. You and your sister did not make it easy either ;) haha... Right when I picked up the knife to slice up the pumpkin, you both very much needed me. haha, so between nursing, changing diapers, kissing booboo's and hushing cries, I finished! It came out great and you and daddy LOVED it. Success... ;)
So filled with joy I have been, watching you grow, dance, jump, sing, laugh, and smile. You have a very funny personality. You are so very strong willed and ever so stubborn! Both your daddy and I see some of ourselves in you ;) You test us every single day, multiple times a day. If we tell you not to hit, you hit once more to see what reaction you will get, then try once more, and then with each hit, you apply less pressure trying to see what level of hitting you can get away with. Babies are smart, and you pick up on things pretty quickly. If you have something you know you are not supposed to have, you run to one of three little hiding places you have. One of your hiding places in behind the bookshelf in our living room, another is under the bar in the very corner of the kitchen, and the last is in your bedroom on the side of the changing table. You stand there holding your prize timidly, and wait for us to find you! Hahahaha, you crack me up! You think that by being very quite, you can get away with things, but in fact it is the complete opposite! When you are very quiet, we go looking for you! haha! You have officially entered the world of throwing tantrums, and although I do not condone this behavior, I also find it ever so cute. You pout your lips out, wave your hands around in the air, and make your body go limp if you are on the floor, or stiff if you are in my arms. You know how to make it very difficult for mommy and daddy to hold you. You really don't throw tantrums that often, but when you do, you make sure there are lots of people around, we are in a public place, and we have our hands full. ;) I have learned since having children, that there are many very good parents out there whose kids will cry and throw fits in public... Yes, no matter how great you are, it's bound to happen, and it does not mean that you are not doing your job as a parent. It means that your child is learning, testing social boundaries, and has feelings that they are expressing... Loudly and in front of people... hahahaha! I have just gained a whole other perspective ;) Now if you were 15 and doing this, well then we have a real problem ;)
I really like you Elijah... You are fun! You make me laugh with your little conversations that I can not understand. You will say the longest sentence that I can't seem to translate, and then burst out laughing! So, I just laugh right along with you, and answer you when you pause. I do my best to understand you these days, but you are still very hard to understand. I know what you say sometimes, and then other times I just smile and nod. Even thought I don't understand you much right now, I am so glad that you are not shy to try talking to us every day, and that you are listening and trying to say things as well as you can for the time being. My favorite words you say VERY clear are, cheese, juice, mama, dada, thank you, please, hi, and dog. Those are the ones you have mastered ;) You love to dance and when you dance, my heart just fills with joy. I love seeing you enjoy yourself, and goof off. You are such a sunshine boy. You hug us so much, kiss us lots and snuggle with both of us. We always say we are so lucky to have a baby that loves on us.
This morning you woke up earlier than usual, and daddy, Emma, and I were all still in bed! So you came and snuggled up to daddy while I nursed Emma, and then I put Emma right next to you and daddy and layed down too! I loved giggling, and snuggling with all of you this morning. That was all I needed to start the day off right ;) After that, we took you to the park, then took you to run around at the pumpkin patch where we saw chickens and pigs. They let the chickens out of the coop since we were the only family there.
Your nina just got a dog, and you have loved going on the back yard and playing with the "doggy." You will walk to the back door and bang on it saying, "doggy! doggy!" It's so funny!
Tonight your daddy took you and Emma to his parents (your grandparents) house, and I was able to take a long hot bath, paint my nails, and watch a super girly movie ;) haha! Although it was nice to relax and do girly stuff, I super missed you, your sister and your daddy! I can't wait till you guys come home now! Haha
So, the big question everyone has for us now is, "so..... How are you guys doing now with TWO babies." Let me think........ It's hard to answer that questions. Because if I was going to be honest, it's been nice! Yes, we have our times of craziness, but we had those times with one baby! well, maybe not as often ;) I know the first few nights we brought Emma home, we didn't sleep much AT ALL! I remember thinking to myself... "Yes, this is indeed a full plate!!!" Hahaha, but then things started to become easier if you will, and basically just part of our lives. We wanted this, we wanted you guys, and we were in the mind set of starting our family! We are just so happy to be blessed with you both! Things change from week to week with you both being so young, so our weeks will go from super easy, breezy to weeks of exhaustion, and needing help! Hahaha... I wouldn't change it. In all, I'm glad we have two babies, and I love watching you interact with Emma. It's to funny! I have enjoyed seeing you go from wondering, who is this baby? Does she live here? to knowing she is here now, and looking for her when you don't see her. You like to give her kisses and hugs, and rub her tummy and head. Your a great big brother Elijah.
Love you,
Sometimes I wish I could take a snap shot of life. Like the times when Emma is crying, You are crying, your dad stubs his toe, and I'm just trying to shove a spoon full of cereal in my mouth! Or when I'm holding Emma, you are pulling at my shirt, and I'm trying to pour you some juice and drop the entire container of juice all over the floor as it gushes out! Or when I'm dancing around the kitchen like a crazy woman trying to get you to laugh in your high chair so you will be more willing to eat, while your daddy is cleaning a poopy mess using like 20 wipes! Hahahahaha! Or when I'm nursing Emma on the couch, and trying to eat breakfast, and you come running up, steel my spoon, and my cereal somehow spills all over the couch... HAHAHA! Oh man, these are the moments ;)
I made my very first pumpkin pie the other night!!! I made it from scratch out of the pumpkin you picked out at the pumpkin patch! I was so happy and excited to try something new. You and your sister did not make it easy either ;) haha... Right when I picked up the knife to slice up the pumpkin, you both very much needed me. haha, so between nursing, changing diapers, kissing booboo's and hushing cries, I finished! It came out great and you and daddy LOVED it. Success... ;)
So filled with joy I have been, watching you grow, dance, jump, sing, laugh, and smile. You have a very funny personality. You are so very strong willed and ever so stubborn! Both your daddy and I see some of ourselves in you ;) You test us every single day, multiple times a day. If we tell you not to hit, you hit once more to see what reaction you will get, then try once more, and then with each hit, you apply less pressure trying to see what level of hitting you can get away with. Babies are smart, and you pick up on things pretty quickly. If you have something you know you are not supposed to have, you run to one of three little hiding places you have. One of your hiding places in behind the bookshelf in our living room, another is under the bar in the very corner of the kitchen, and the last is in your bedroom on the side of the changing table. You stand there holding your prize timidly, and wait for us to find you! Hahahaha, you crack me up! You think that by being very quite, you can get away with things, but in fact it is the complete opposite! When you are very quiet, we go looking for you! haha! You have officially entered the world of throwing tantrums, and although I do not condone this behavior, I also find it ever so cute. You pout your lips out, wave your hands around in the air, and make your body go limp if you are on the floor, or stiff if you are in my arms. You know how to make it very difficult for mommy and daddy to hold you. You really don't throw tantrums that often, but when you do, you make sure there are lots of people around, we are in a public place, and we have our hands full. ;) I have learned since having children, that there are many very good parents out there whose kids will cry and throw fits in public... Yes, no matter how great you are, it's bound to happen, and it does not mean that you are not doing your job as a parent. It means that your child is learning, testing social boundaries, and has feelings that they are expressing... Loudly and in front of people... hahahaha! I have just gained a whole other perspective ;) Now if you were 15 and doing this, well then we have a real problem ;)
I really like you Elijah... You are fun! You make me laugh with your little conversations that I can not understand. You will say the longest sentence that I can't seem to translate, and then burst out laughing! So, I just laugh right along with you, and answer you when you pause. I do my best to understand you these days, but you are still very hard to understand. I know what you say sometimes, and then other times I just smile and nod. Even thought I don't understand you much right now, I am so glad that you are not shy to try talking to us every day, and that you are listening and trying to say things as well as you can for the time being. My favorite words you say VERY clear are, cheese, juice, mama, dada, thank you, please, hi, and dog. Those are the ones you have mastered ;) You love to dance and when you dance, my heart just fills with joy. I love seeing you enjoy yourself, and goof off. You are such a sunshine boy. You hug us so much, kiss us lots and snuggle with both of us. We always say we are so lucky to have a baby that loves on us.
This morning you woke up earlier than usual, and daddy, Emma, and I were all still in bed! So you came and snuggled up to daddy while I nursed Emma, and then I put Emma right next to you and daddy and layed down too! I loved giggling, and snuggling with all of you this morning. That was all I needed to start the day off right ;) After that, we took you to the park, then took you to run around at the pumpkin patch where we saw chickens and pigs. They let the chickens out of the coop since we were the only family there.
Your nina just got a dog, and you have loved going on the back yard and playing with the "doggy." You will walk to the back door and bang on it saying, "doggy! doggy!" It's so funny!
Tonight your daddy took you and Emma to his parents (your grandparents) house, and I was able to take a long hot bath, paint my nails, and watch a super girly movie ;) haha! Although it was nice to relax and do girly stuff, I super missed you, your sister and your daddy! I can't wait till you guys come home now! Haha
So, the big question everyone has for us now is, "so..... How are you guys doing now with TWO babies." Let me think........ It's hard to answer that questions. Because if I was going to be honest, it's been nice! Yes, we have our times of craziness, but we had those times with one baby! well, maybe not as often ;) I know the first few nights we brought Emma home, we didn't sleep much AT ALL! I remember thinking to myself... "Yes, this is indeed a full plate!!!" Hahaha, but then things started to become easier if you will, and basically just part of our lives. We wanted this, we wanted you guys, and we were in the mind set of starting our family! We are just so happy to be blessed with you both! Things change from week to week with you both being so young, so our weeks will go from super easy, breezy to weeks of exhaustion, and needing help! Hahaha... I wouldn't change it. In all, I'm glad we have two babies, and I love watching you interact with Emma. It's to funny! I have enjoyed seeing you go from wondering, who is this baby? Does she live here? to knowing she is here now, and looking for her when you don't see her. You like to give her kisses and hugs, and rub her tummy and head. Your a great big brother Elijah.
Love you,
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I took these pictures two days ago ;) You both are my favorite people to take photos of ;) |
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So far we have gone to the pumpkin patch 4 times this year ;) |
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This is Jase and you. Nina's new dog ;) |
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I took these pictures today ;) 18 months, my big boy ;) |
Saturday, September 22, 2012
The Beautiful Facts...
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This is the verse that our pastor read to us after you guys were born. Never forget it ;) You guys are wonderfully made! |
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Hahaha! This picture made me laugh. It's blurry, but perfect!
I love you both so very much! I'm so excited about what I have learned, how God has changed me, and how this family has been a blessing to me from God. Both of you babies have given me so much, helped me recognize strengths and weaknesses, and helped me to see that the world does not revolve around ME! hahaha! Love you.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Sick Day...
Dear Elijah,
I feel so bad for you! You have been pretty darn sick yesterday and today. It started the night before last, when you woke up after we put you to bed. You never cry or wake up during the night, and you always sleep very good, so we went in to see what was the matter, and saw that you had thrown up :( It was so sad! You were wanting mommy to hold you right away, and were kind of shaking a bit. So I held you, throw up and all. I waited to clean and change you until you were calmed. Daddy made you a fresh new bed, and put new, clean friends in your crib for you. I cleaned you, changed you, and then held you till you wanted to go back into your crib. You slept for a while, and them we heard you cry again! I walked in there and you were half awake, sitting up, crying a bit. I picked you up and noticed you had thrown up just a tiny bit on one of your stuffed animals. It wasn't very much, but enough to make you uncomfortable. We decided to put you in bed with us. Daddy laid you next to me in bed, and you turned towards me, put your arm around me, and fell right to sleep. You slept through the night with us, and even slept through me moving you off of me to feed Emma twice! I usually can't sleep when you join us. You kick and move so much, and I get crowded, but that night, I was so tired, and also felt super peaceful having you in bed with us so I didn't have to worry, that I slept so great! It was wonderful waking up next to my precious baby.
Yesterday you seemed fine! you were running, playing, and acting like you were just great! Your dad and I just figured you had a sour tummy that night, and that was it. It all started up again later that evening. Last night was TERRIBLE!!! We noticed that you were a bit cranky and tired in the later afternoon. You went to bed just wonderful, but then woke up around 11pm and you were so miserable! You were throwing up mucus, had a stuffy, runny nose, were coughing, and your eyes were weepy. You just wanted to be held. I cuddled you with me on the couch for a while, and then your daddy held you for a while in your room. Even when you fell asleep in our arms, you didn't want to be put back into your crib. Again, we decided to put you in bed with us. I was happy :) If we hadn't, I would have been up ALL night checking on you. This time you gravitated towards your daddy, and I was able to move around more, and get up to get Emma when she cried. Emma refused to go back into her bed, and ended up joining the party with all of us. She slept with mommy, while you slept closer to daddy. Before I was woken by Emma and before she came into bed with all of us, something crazy happened. You move a lot in your sleep. On a regular night, every time I check on you, you are in another position facing the complete opposite way! Last night I woke up to me holding onto your leg very tight. IN MY SLEEP I grabbed your leg because you dove over me and and you were hanging off the edge of the bed by one leg! The leg that I was holding!!! Your daddy also sprung up and grabbed hold of your shirt when he realized what was going on. I was confused, but when I woke up to that, I gasped and pulled you back into bed with us! You were asleep the entire time! So scary, but also quite funny! Although we have pillows surrounding our bed for an occasion such as this, it's still not ideal...
We all woke up this morning at 6am! You were our wake up call. You wanted to get out of bed and play, and not only did you want to play, you wanted to go outside and play. I fell back asleep with Emma for another hour since your daddy got up with you. When I woke up, I walked into the living room, looked out the window, and saw you and daddy all bundled up playing outside! Hahahaha! I couldn't believe you were the same sick little guy from last night. You are are still throwing up, and not as energetic as you usually are, but you are playing and singing. You took a great nap, snuggled with me for a while on the couch while you drank two bottles of water, and are now playing with your toys. I'm hoping for a better night for you although your nose is running like a faucet! :( I know how annoying that can be...
Oh my goodness, yesterday you were walking around the house playing, and then I heard you yell out for us. I ran into your room and you were standing in your crib!!!!! Your daddy was right behind me, and I looked at him confused and said, "did you put him in there?" and he said no! We both started laughing because you had figured out how to climb into your crib from the couch! At least we know you can't get out on your own yet, but I'm waiting for that morning you come walking into our room! Hahahahahaha... I think you will soon figure out how to climb out of there.
Ok, well I love you, I'm taking good care of you, and I hope you get better my love!
I feel so bad for you! You have been pretty darn sick yesterday and today. It started the night before last, when you woke up after we put you to bed. You never cry or wake up during the night, and you always sleep very good, so we went in to see what was the matter, and saw that you had thrown up :( It was so sad! You were wanting mommy to hold you right away, and were kind of shaking a bit. So I held you, throw up and all. I waited to clean and change you until you were calmed. Daddy made you a fresh new bed, and put new, clean friends in your crib for you. I cleaned you, changed you, and then held you till you wanted to go back into your crib. You slept for a while, and them we heard you cry again! I walked in there and you were half awake, sitting up, crying a bit. I picked you up and noticed you had thrown up just a tiny bit on one of your stuffed animals. It wasn't very much, but enough to make you uncomfortable. We decided to put you in bed with us. Daddy laid you next to me in bed, and you turned towards me, put your arm around me, and fell right to sleep. You slept through the night with us, and even slept through me moving you off of me to feed Emma twice! I usually can't sleep when you join us. You kick and move so much, and I get crowded, but that night, I was so tired, and also felt super peaceful having you in bed with us so I didn't have to worry, that I slept so great! It was wonderful waking up next to my precious baby.
Yesterday you seemed fine! you were running, playing, and acting like you were just great! Your dad and I just figured you had a sour tummy that night, and that was it. It all started up again later that evening. Last night was TERRIBLE!!! We noticed that you were a bit cranky and tired in the later afternoon. You went to bed just wonderful, but then woke up around 11pm and you were so miserable! You were throwing up mucus, had a stuffy, runny nose, were coughing, and your eyes were weepy. You just wanted to be held. I cuddled you with me on the couch for a while, and then your daddy held you for a while in your room. Even when you fell asleep in our arms, you didn't want to be put back into your crib. Again, we decided to put you in bed with us. I was happy :) If we hadn't, I would have been up ALL night checking on you. This time you gravitated towards your daddy, and I was able to move around more, and get up to get Emma when she cried. Emma refused to go back into her bed, and ended up joining the party with all of us. She slept with mommy, while you slept closer to daddy. Before I was woken by Emma and before she came into bed with all of us, something crazy happened. You move a lot in your sleep. On a regular night, every time I check on you, you are in another position facing the complete opposite way! Last night I woke up to me holding onto your leg very tight. IN MY SLEEP I grabbed your leg because you dove over me and and you were hanging off the edge of the bed by one leg! The leg that I was holding!!! Your daddy also sprung up and grabbed hold of your shirt when he realized what was going on. I was confused, but when I woke up to that, I gasped and pulled you back into bed with us! You were asleep the entire time! So scary, but also quite funny! Although we have pillows surrounding our bed for an occasion such as this, it's still not ideal...
We all woke up this morning at 6am! You were our wake up call. You wanted to get out of bed and play, and not only did you want to play, you wanted to go outside and play. I fell back asleep with Emma for another hour since your daddy got up with you. When I woke up, I walked into the living room, looked out the window, and saw you and daddy all bundled up playing outside! Hahahaha! I couldn't believe you were the same sick little guy from last night. You are are still throwing up, and not as energetic as you usually are, but you are playing and singing. You took a great nap, snuggled with me for a while on the couch while you drank two bottles of water, and are now playing with your toys. I'm hoping for a better night for you although your nose is running like a faucet! :( I know how annoying that can be...
Oh my goodness, yesterday you were walking around the house playing, and then I heard you yell out for us. I ran into your room and you were standing in your crib!!!!! Your daddy was right behind me, and I looked at him confused and said, "did you put him in there?" and he said no! We both started laughing because you had figured out how to climb into your crib from the couch! At least we know you can't get out on your own yet, but I'm waiting for that morning you come walking into our room! Hahahahahaha... I think you will soon figure out how to climb out of there.
Ok, well I love you, I'm taking good care of you, and I hope you get better my love!
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enjoying your first cookie all your own! |
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You loved it :) |
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You had to eat your spinach and blueberries first ;) but you LOVED your cookie :) |
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You have been very interested in stacking things. Anything! You are very good at stacking blocks! :) |
Monday, September 10, 2012
Funny Little Eli :)
Dear Elijah,
YOU MAKE ME MELT!!! I love you so much, and your sweet disposition, and your sense of humor ;) You are so fun to watch! Here are some fun things you do that make me and your dad laugh, or just look at each other and say "awwwwww." haha...
Whenever we say, would you like to take your nap now, you immediately go around collecting your "friends," (stuffed animals) and once you have them all in your arms, you stand in front of us so that we can pick you up and put you in your crib! It's so cute! When you wake up in the morning, or from your naps, you gather all your "friends" into your arms, or hand them off to me or daddy, and then are ready to come out. But all your stuffed animals go in and out of the crib with you! It's so funny! This is stuff we never taught you, you just started doing. Another thing you do is when you hear the phrase, "I love you," You usually blow a kiss! It's so funny! The other day I was straightening my hair in the bathroom, and you usually like to be in there when I am, so you were standing behind me, talking to me. I started singing, "boogy, boogy, boogy, shake it, shake it, shake it," and you grabbed the bath tub and started shaking your butt and twisting your hips back and forth! It was hilarious! I called out to your daddy, and when he came it, you turned around and started shaking your shoulders! You LOVE to dance; especially when mommy sings silly songs. Hahaha
Your daddy and you wrestle and rough house ALL THE TIME! I usually don't watch because you guys get so crazy, and I find myself constantly saying, "be careful... Yikes! watch his head!" etc. Haha, so I just glance over here and there and trust that your daddy will take good care of you! Haha But last night your daddy said, "watch babe, look what we can do!" so I looked over to see you running at your daddy from across the room, and you dove into a pillow he was holding up in the air, and then he would fly backwards and lift you up over his head!!!!! All I said was... "No!" Hahahahaha... But you guys were both laughing hysterically... Oh gosh... I have seen you run and dive on your daddy's stomach while he is lying on the floor! You two are seriously funny.
The other day I was sitting in the back seat between you and Emma, and she needed to eat while daddy was in the store. So I got her out of her seat and started to nurse her... You looked at us, then you got a very serious expression on your face, and said, "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh." Then you pointed at Emma eating, and shook your head no. You get very protective over me if you think someone is hurting me, and so I think you thought Emma was hurting me. I had to try and explain to you that this was how Emma drinks her milk, and it doesn't hurt mommy. Hahaha. You were finally ok with it, and smiled. But I thought it was so funny!
We were all playing in the sprinklers yesterday, and your daddy started splashing me with water and getting me super soaked! I was screaming and we were playing, but I told your daddy to stop in a playful way, but you didn't like it to much. You got mad at daddy, and started crying because you thought he was being mean to mommy. Hahahahahaha! I picked you up, and again, had to explain to you that I was fine, and that daddy was just playing. Then we all three had a blast running through the sprinklers, and cooling off. You are such a caring little guy. I love it! I was the same way with my mom. I remember one time when people were trying to throw her in the church pool, I grabbed her leg and started crying! I was protective of my mommy that's for sure! I think all kids are to an extent. You also got upset the other day at auntie Jessica and uncle C.J.'s house because Nic and your nina were rough housing. You didn't care at all until it appeared to you that nina was getting hurt, then you walked up to them, put your hands over your face saying, "Ooooooooooh," and then started to cry a little. You thought Nic was beating up your nina, but when you realized it was not the case, you were fine, and wanted in on the playing. Hahaha. You got protective over Nic once too when someone was pretending to hurt him while wrestling. Sometimes you can't tell if it's play or for real, but once you figure it out and see that they are laughing, you calm down and usually want to jump in yourself ;)
Gosh you do so many things that make us smile or laugh or melt from the cuteness, but I can never write about ALL of them. There are to many! I am so blessed to be your mommy. I love you Eli. Hope you are having a great nap.
YOU MAKE ME MELT!!! I love you so much, and your sweet disposition, and your sense of humor ;) You are so fun to watch! Here are some fun things you do that make me and your dad laugh, or just look at each other and say "awwwwww." haha...
Whenever we say, would you like to take your nap now, you immediately go around collecting your "friends," (stuffed animals) and once you have them all in your arms, you stand in front of us so that we can pick you up and put you in your crib! It's so cute! When you wake up in the morning, or from your naps, you gather all your "friends" into your arms, or hand them off to me or daddy, and then are ready to come out. But all your stuffed animals go in and out of the crib with you! It's so funny! This is stuff we never taught you, you just started doing. Another thing you do is when you hear the phrase, "I love you," You usually blow a kiss! It's so funny! The other day I was straightening my hair in the bathroom, and you usually like to be in there when I am, so you were standing behind me, talking to me. I started singing, "boogy, boogy, boogy, shake it, shake it, shake it," and you grabbed the bath tub and started shaking your butt and twisting your hips back and forth! It was hilarious! I called out to your daddy, and when he came it, you turned around and started shaking your shoulders! You LOVE to dance; especially when mommy sings silly songs. Hahaha
Your daddy and you wrestle and rough house ALL THE TIME! I usually don't watch because you guys get so crazy, and I find myself constantly saying, "be careful... Yikes! watch his head!" etc. Haha, so I just glance over here and there and trust that your daddy will take good care of you! Haha But last night your daddy said, "watch babe, look what we can do!" so I looked over to see you running at your daddy from across the room, and you dove into a pillow he was holding up in the air, and then he would fly backwards and lift you up over his head!!!!! All I said was... "No!" Hahahahaha... But you guys were both laughing hysterically... Oh gosh... I have seen you run and dive on your daddy's stomach while he is lying on the floor! You two are seriously funny.
The other day I was sitting in the back seat between you and Emma, and she needed to eat while daddy was in the store. So I got her out of her seat and started to nurse her... You looked at us, then you got a very serious expression on your face, and said, "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh." Then you pointed at Emma eating, and shook your head no. You get very protective over me if you think someone is hurting me, and so I think you thought Emma was hurting me. I had to try and explain to you that this was how Emma drinks her milk, and it doesn't hurt mommy. Hahaha. You were finally ok with it, and smiled. But I thought it was so funny!
We were all playing in the sprinklers yesterday, and your daddy started splashing me with water and getting me super soaked! I was screaming and we were playing, but I told your daddy to stop in a playful way, but you didn't like it to much. You got mad at daddy, and started crying because you thought he was being mean to mommy. Hahahahahaha! I picked you up, and again, had to explain to you that I was fine, and that daddy was just playing. Then we all three had a blast running through the sprinklers, and cooling off. You are such a caring little guy. I love it! I was the same way with my mom. I remember one time when people were trying to throw her in the church pool, I grabbed her leg and started crying! I was protective of my mommy that's for sure! I think all kids are to an extent. You also got upset the other day at auntie Jessica and uncle C.J.'s house because Nic and your nina were rough housing. You didn't care at all until it appeared to you that nina was getting hurt, then you walked up to them, put your hands over your face saying, "Ooooooooooh," and then started to cry a little. You thought Nic was beating up your nina, but when you realized it was not the case, you were fine, and wanted in on the playing. Hahaha. You got protective over Nic once too when someone was pretending to hurt him while wrestling. Sometimes you can't tell if it's play or for real, but once you figure it out and see that they are laughing, you calm down and usually want to jump in yourself ;)
Gosh you do so many things that make us smile or laugh or melt from the cuteness, but I can never write about ALL of them. There are to many! I am so blessed to be your mommy. I love you Eli. Hope you are having a great nap.
Lovin' on your daddy :) |
so sweet |
Eating your fruit salad I made for you yesterday :) |
You love playing outside with the hose and your truck :) |
Sprinklers! |
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You and Emma :) |
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Adjusting to a New Little Blessing!
Dear Elijah,
You are taking a nap right now, and I am resting with your sister on the couch. You have been such an amazing big brother to Emma! I am so proud of you. You are so sweet giving her hugs and kisses, and being gentle with her. I can't believe how great you are adjusting considering you are still a baby yourself! You are not even 1 1/2 yet! I have noticed a few things that are different in you, but nothing to major. You still get lots of attention and love, so I think you will continue adjusting just fine :)
The other morning we left Emma in our bedroom sleeping, and you, mommy and daddy were out in the living room playing. You all of a sudden looked up at where Emma would usually be if she was in the living room, and went running over pointing, and shouting her name! You looked and she wasn't there, and then looked at daddy with big, wide open eyes! Then you proceeded to pull all the blankets away, and feel around, but you still couldn't find your sister! We were laughing and then we took you into the bedroom to let you see where she was, and you gave her a kiss and ran back into the living room to play. Hahaha... You used to go on with life kind of forgetting that Emma was even here, and then you would see her, look surprised and remember that she was around! Hahaha, it was funny. You are now at the point where you know who she is, and you know she lives with us. You play with her for longer periods of time now, and are always trying to give her her binky, and feed her your bottle! Haha. You steel her binky a lot too ;)
So you have picked up somewhere, I have no idea where, how to pinch! You think it's a fun little game, but we have to tell you it's not! We don't want you to go around pinching other people, but for now you restrict your pinching to mommy and daddy. We are taking it one day at a time trying to teach you that it's not kind to pinch and that it hurts us when you do. This is not an easy task considering the fact that we want to laugh every time it happens. We refrain from laughing, but it is difficult. You don't do it maliciously, you do it with a smile on your face and want to play. I think it's kind of your way of picking a play fight with us so we will wrestle with you.
You have a pretty shy nature about you when you are first around other people. You cling to me or your daddy, until you feel comfortable enough to break away. Once you break away, you are usually running all over the place, flirting with other people, and no longer need us close by. It takes you about a good half hour to warm up to people. You have a very select few that you will immediately go to, and those are people who you see all the time, and who have been pretty intentional in winning you over. haha... Your nina is one of those people. She always makes it a point to call me and ask me to go to coffee, or ask if I need her to come with me to the store. It's nice having someone who can hang out with you even when you are doing daily, boring things like grocery shopping. She is so helpful with you guys, and when we do go to coffee it's not stressful because she just jumps right in there and helps me entertain you, and keep you happy :) Every body needs someone like this in their lives, and I'm pretty blessed to have such a down to earth, helpful older sister :) In fact just two days ago, I called her and asked if she would mind coming over for just 15 minutes to watch you and your sister while I jumped in the shower. She was over here in like 2 seconds, and was so happy I asked. That felt nice... The shower felt nice too! Haha...
Ok, I better go now. I love you little guy!
You are taking a nap right now, and I am resting with your sister on the couch. You have been such an amazing big brother to Emma! I am so proud of you. You are so sweet giving her hugs and kisses, and being gentle with her. I can't believe how great you are adjusting considering you are still a baby yourself! You are not even 1 1/2 yet! I have noticed a few things that are different in you, but nothing to major. You still get lots of attention and love, so I think you will continue adjusting just fine :)
The other morning we left Emma in our bedroom sleeping, and you, mommy and daddy were out in the living room playing. You all of a sudden looked up at where Emma would usually be if she was in the living room, and went running over pointing, and shouting her name! You looked and she wasn't there, and then looked at daddy with big, wide open eyes! Then you proceeded to pull all the blankets away, and feel around, but you still couldn't find your sister! We were laughing and then we took you into the bedroom to let you see where she was, and you gave her a kiss and ran back into the living room to play. Hahaha... You used to go on with life kind of forgetting that Emma was even here, and then you would see her, look surprised and remember that she was around! Hahaha, it was funny. You are now at the point where you know who she is, and you know she lives with us. You play with her for longer periods of time now, and are always trying to give her her binky, and feed her your bottle! Haha. You steel her binky a lot too ;)
So you have picked up somewhere, I have no idea where, how to pinch! You think it's a fun little game, but we have to tell you it's not! We don't want you to go around pinching other people, but for now you restrict your pinching to mommy and daddy. We are taking it one day at a time trying to teach you that it's not kind to pinch and that it hurts us when you do. This is not an easy task considering the fact that we want to laugh every time it happens. We refrain from laughing, but it is difficult. You don't do it maliciously, you do it with a smile on your face and want to play. I think it's kind of your way of picking a play fight with us so we will wrestle with you.
You have a pretty shy nature about you when you are first around other people. You cling to me or your daddy, until you feel comfortable enough to break away. Once you break away, you are usually running all over the place, flirting with other people, and no longer need us close by. It takes you about a good half hour to warm up to people. You have a very select few that you will immediately go to, and those are people who you see all the time, and who have been pretty intentional in winning you over. haha... Your nina is one of those people. She always makes it a point to call me and ask me to go to coffee, or ask if I need her to come with me to the store. It's nice having someone who can hang out with you even when you are doing daily, boring things like grocery shopping. She is so helpful with you guys, and when we do go to coffee it's not stressful because she just jumps right in there and helps me entertain you, and keep you happy :) Every body needs someone like this in their lives, and I'm pretty blessed to have such a down to earth, helpful older sister :) In fact just two days ago, I called her and asked if she would mind coming over for just 15 minutes to watch you and your sister while I jumped in the shower. She was over here in like 2 seconds, and was so happy I asked. That felt nice... The shower felt nice too! Haha...
Ok, I better go now. I love you little guy!
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We had lots of fun celebrating your grandmas 60th birthday! |
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