Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy For Each Other

Dear Elijah,
Hi! You just had your second Halloween, and we all dressed up as the Rubbles from the cartoon, The Flintstones!!! You were Bam Bam ;) You were the cutest Bam Bam I've ever seen! It was fun this year watching you try to play the games at the Harvest Festival. You were interested in at least trying most of them! Far different from last year when you couldn't walk yet, and weren't sure about it. Haha. We had so much fun at the church harvest festival, and were so glad to have a great group of people to spend the evening with. We played games, ate pop-corn, roasted marshmallows, and walked around talking and playing with everyone. You weren't quite ready for the jumper ;) We are so thankful for our church and the fellowship we have there.

Today when you were eating your dinner, I was sitting on the couch with Emma talking to her to get her to smile. We were talking about all sorts of things, and then I mentioned to her that you were in the kitchen eating your dinner. You overheard your name, and lit up! So I continued telling her how you looked very cute over there eating your dinner, and that you were doing such a great job, and she was smiling. You smiled SO BIG and started eating even faster! Haha, not my intention to get you to eat better or quicker, but you loved that I was telling your sister all about you. It made you happy. I thought that was so cute and I do love that you try to impress her. I guess it got me thinking that I hope someday you guys will have a good relationship and always be happy for each other in times of joy! I know all about siblings fighting and all that, but all in all, I have ALWAYS wanted the very best for all of my siblings because I love them so much! Even as kids we would get so happy for each other, and want to celebrate with each other. My mom was very good about never setting us up against each other, and taught us to care for each other. I appreciate how my mom would never compare us. We are all good at different things. I remember telling my friends about what a great artist my sister was, and how fast my brother could run, and being so proud of them!

Right now you are jumping off the couch over and over and over again! You love climbing up onto things and jumping off! You have had a few falls, and a few bumps on your head, but you are getting pretty good at it. I get so nervous sometimes though! Hahaha, I am always holding my breath hoping you land it! Oh the joys of having an active little boy :) You love running, jumping, playing with cars, building blocks, stacking anything you can find and playing hide and seek. You have recently picked up the habit of hiding from us, and sometimes it freaks us out! But thankfully we have figured out your main hiding spots, so we know where to look now. You like potato soup, sour dough toast, and peaches the best right now. You love taking showers, and haven;'t taken a bath for more than a month now! Just showers! So funny, you just stopped liking baths, so now whenever we are getting in the shower, we switch off taking you with us. The other day all three of us got in there and were singing so loud, and splashing each other! It was so much fun, and you were laughing the whole time!

Something I've been enjoying lately is waking up to feed Emma, and I hear that you and daddy are already up snuggling on the couch with the turquoise blanket, sharing cereal and watching MacGyver!!! Hahahaha, it's so cute! Then Emma and I come to join you guys for a bit. We take you to the park pretty much every day and you have been getting so good at climbing on the bigger stuff and trying new things! It's fun to watch :) We sing every day, wrestle every day, play together, and pray together every day! I am loving being yours and Emma's mommy :) It's great! Oh boy do we have our crazy times, but always followed by love and laughter. Eventually... haha! Love you!

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