Dear Elijah,
Well, you are growing daily, and it sure does feel like it. I woke up this morning and found it harder to get out of bed. I actually found rolling over more difficult and almost started crying! Haha... I told your dad that today was the first real day that I felt like I was ready to have my body go back to normal! Not that I want to kick you out or anything Eli, I am just beginning to feel SO uncomfortable. I walked into the post office and was out of breath! Sick! I hate that feeling. I walked into the bank, and I was out of breath! Yipes! It's not so fun. But I shouldn't complain too much seeing as how I can still walk around fine, and you and I are both super healthy :) The doctor told me that I have gained 20 pounds so far and am where I should be weight wise. Yay! I don't mind the weight so long as it protects you and keeps you healthy. Your daddy started to build your changing table the other night. I kid you not, this is his third night working on it. He will start, and about a half hour later I hear him shout "Step one complete!" Hahaha. There are sooooooooooooooooo many pieces, and a lot of it he is having to measure out and make his own holes, and such. The second night I heard, "step two complete" as he was laughing and saying he was done for the night. He is getting it done, just taking his time doing it. Maybe because I keep pulling him away to snuggle :) Hehe. Well Eli, we are in our 34th week! I am so anxious to see you and experience this whole birth thing. Oh my goodness, my heartburn has been out of control! Your dad is practicing drums right now, but then he is off to the store for more TUMS! I eat them like candy these days. Oh, I got to go visit your great grandma Gutierrez two days ago, and it was so nice to see her. She got to feel your move! I was so glad she felt you while you were in my tummy. And on another note your daddy snuck up on your poor great grandma File today in target and scared her half to death! RUDE! Poor Darlene, but it was nice running into her and your grandma Holland today at Target. We were actually there buying shelves for YOUR ROOM! Woohoooo! Love you baby face ;)
The changing table blues. Haha |
You and me in our 34th week! |
So Big! |
Hard at work ;) |
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