Dear Elijah,
Last night you were laying in your little sleeper and all I could see were your little feet sticking out from the top. I was laying on the couch just staring at your little feet. I was falling even more in love with you during this time of silence and peace. I was thinking about how your tiny feet are so smooth right now, and you don't use them much at present. Only to kick mommy and daddy sometimes ;) I was thinking about where those feet are going to take you? They are some day going to be bigger than mine, and walking to all sorts of places. I was praying that your little feet would take you wherever God wants you to be, and that you would walk on a path of love, peace and integrity. Last night I was laying in bed with your daddy and we were talking about you. About how much we love you and how protective we have both become. I asked him to pray for me that I wouldn't worry about you so much, but instead enjoy you in every moment that God blesses us with you. I want to be able to enjoy every second with you and don't want to be robbed of that by fear. I think I worry more than the average person lately, and needed to be released from that, and be able to know and believe that God can take care of you better than I can, and He will. He will also help me to make wise decision concerning you and this family :) After praying, I felt 10x better! Prayer really really really works! I'm a work in progress, but God sure can give me peace and carry my burdens while we figure out how to work through this. You are such a joy Elijah, and you make me smile every day and night!

This weekend was your daddy's birthday weekend, and today is your daddy's birthday! It's been super fun celebrating with him. It was exciting because it was his first birthday being a daddy, and we loved having you here to celebrate your dad's birth! You and I went out and got him a bunch of fun gifts and I wrapped them all individually so that I could give him a couple gifts each day till his birthday. That didn't happen! I am just like your daddy in that way and can't help but give gifts right when I get them! Hahahahaha. So your daddy got ALL his gifts on the first day of the birthday weekend! Haha. Oh well, he liked them, and he didn't want to wait either... We went out to breakfast the next morning to the Pacific Diner to get out favorite omelets! Yummers! We love it there :) We were joined by Dean and Jake, so it was really nice. Then your daddy, you and I went for a walk in at the park by the ocean. It was so much fun. We sang to you!!! We were making up songs thinking we were so clever, but there was one I just have to get on film, because I didn't want to forget it. We always make up songs and then forget them! Hahaha, but I liked this one and thought it was funny at the moment, so we filmed it. I will show you someday! It's called the HOLLAND SONG a.k.a. The Holland FA-MI-LY... Heehee :) We have probably written about 100 songs about you. We sing songs to you all the time, but never the same one twice! Hahaha, because we can't remember it! After the park, we went and played PHASE 10 at Starbucks! I WON!!! No mercy, I was not going to let your dad win just because it was his birthday, he won at another card game when I was in labor, so I was out to get him! Haha. Then we rented 3 movies, got ice cream, and all snuggled on the couch to relax... Oooooh, that sounds good right now. I want to do that again ;) Then the next day your grandma and grandpa Thornblad took us out to a birthday brunch at the Waffle and Omelet House! Yummerlicious! I got a chocolate shake, so good!!! Then we went home and watched another movie! This morning your daddy left to go to work for a couple hours, and when he got home, you and I had made him cup cakes and had a card waiting on the table for him. We made the card too ;) I realize you are not even able to hold your head up for too long, and yet you are making cupcakes and cards, but you see, when you are a baby, you get automatic credit for that stuff. Heehee... Then this evening we got to meet up with your cousins Grace, Katelynne, and Hannah. Your auntie Tiff, Uncle Jimmy, and grandma and grandpa Holland for dinner at Carrows! That was so much fun too! So nice having all this family around. Well we have had a pretty busy weekend Eli. Maybe that means you will sleep longer tonight?! One can hope ;) Hahaha...

You have been holding your head up a lot more now, and are awake a lot more now. You make all kinds of sounds, and smile so much. You react to us now, which is cool! We love to make you smile. But we will do one thing that makes you smile really big, then when we go to show each other, you apparently don't think the same thing is funny twice :/ Love you Elijah James Holland. You are our favorite!