Dear Elijah,
by now you must know that mommy and daddy think you are the worlds cutest baby! We think you are handsome AND have a great personality ;) Well, now of days you are holding your head up pretty good, although you are still a wee bit wobbly... You are also kicking like you have to train for a Marathon or something! You wave your arms around so fast that in pictures all you see are waves of your limbs flying by. Hahaha... You still have a great appetite, but best of all.................... YOU ARE SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! Heehee... Lets see how long that will last ;) This has been going on for the past 4 nights. Crazy! You ALMOST laughed again this morning, and let out the tiniest laugh yesterday, but then you held back. So still no luaghter, but I think soon :) You make enough happy sounds to melt mommy's heart though, and I love hearing you talk to your toys hanging above you in your play mat. Oh and just for your information, you have your mommy's belly button! That's right folks, Elijah has MY belly button! You take after your daddy so much that when I see something similar to me, I think it's cool. :) Lets see, you do not enjoy tummy time at all, and when I put you on your tummy, you try to work your neck as much as you can, but then cry for me to save you. I let you cry a tiny bit before I pick you up, but not to much because I don't like it. Sooooooo, you may not be getting 20 minutes a day of tummy time, but I won't tell if you won't tell ;) I do try though, it's just hard to see you trying so hard, and then balling because you hate the position you are in. I try laying you on my tummy, and you prefer tummy time when you are close to me. It's like you are being held, but you are getting tummy time that way. Or I will do "SUPER BABY!!!" with you, which you LOVE, and that works the same muscles in your neck as tummy time does. I love you so much my baby boy. You are growing growing growing, and I am loving and taking in every second of it. I had to retire more outfits this week ;) Such a healthy little guy you are ;) Your personality id really showing more and more. You know what you like and what you don't like. You know how you like to be held, and you are so aware of what is around you now. You look around at everything now which is why I hold you facing out now. Oh, and I love that sometimes you really just want your mommy! It feels so good to know that you just want to be held by me sometimes. You will usually go to anyone who wants to hold you right now, but there are moments where you would just rather be in my arms. I love that! I was holding you yesterday and you were so cozy, in your favorite position, and your grandma started coming close and talking to you... You totally flipped out and started crying like your feeling were so hurt. Your lip stuck out and you had sad eyes. I believe you thought she was going to take you from me, so once I stood up and talked to you, you were just fine. It was hilarious. I couldn't help but laugh. and your grandma was laughing too! You crack me up little one...
This was you this morning before we took daddy to work :) |
This was this morning when you first woke up! |
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