Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Silly Little Man!

Dear Elijah,
I just put you down for a nap, and when I gave you your bottle, you got so excited that you started moving your hips up and down while laying on your bed. It was hilarious. You were singing, dancing and drinking your bottle all while laying down. I walked in the room about 2 minutes later, and you were still doing it! Hahahahahaha... You are a crack up. Lets see, you BARK at people now. Ever since mommy taught you, "what does a doggy do," you think it's appropriate to bark at people, and expect them to do it back. You and your grandpa especially go back and forth with this one, both barking at each other and laughing. It's pretty cute I have to say.
Last night you went to sleep around 8:30pm, and daddy had a council meeting till like 10:30pm. He finally got home, and him and I snuggled up in bed and were watching a show. Your dad all of a sudden started crunching something so loud!!! Like, I thought he pulled out some chips, and was crunching as loud as he could. But when I looked up and asked what  was eating, it was a bag of M&M's!!! How the heck do you crunch M&M's that loud!!! Hahahahahaha... I crunch cereal really loudly though, so I can;t say too much. I like crunching cereal. Lets hope you don't eat M&M's or cereal like your mommy and daddy. I mean, I woke my brother up one time crunching cereal. It's a serious problem.
Oh I have to tell you the conversation your dad and I had last night before bed. This conversation is a direct result of a huge lack of sleep on our parts. You have been waking us up at 5am, and also we have been having late nights for one reason or another. This lack of sleep has affected our hearing and concentration.
Daddy: Do you think the baby needs another blanket?
Mommy: Do I have the key to the southern window???
Daddy: (sarcastic) Yeah, I need to make copies at Home Depot...
Mommy: Haha... (unsure laugh) hehe haha??? (puzzled look)
Mommy: I don't get it... Why would you say you need to make copies at Costco???
Daddy: I said Home Depot!!! hahaha
Mommy: Oh!!! I get it. HAHAHAH... Ok, but what did you say in the first place?
Daddy: Do you think Elijah needs another blanket.
Mommy: No, he should be fine with the ones he has.

We got it together at the end ;) AND, you were warm and cozy all night... All night till 6am, then you demanded to sleep next to mommy as daddy left for mens group. I love you boo face!

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