You have to be the sweetest baby I have ever met! You are just so sweet to the people you love. You show your love so openly and freely, and I couldn't be more proud of you and thankful for your tender heart. During church today you walked up to where your grandpa was sitting and layed your head on his knee just to give him some love. You did this multipul times, and then would come and hug me and lay your head on my chest. You are so cuddly, and you really enjoy snuggling up to the people you love. Today at church you were running around outside with your daddy, and you were feeling rather brave and like you could go up and down the small incline all by yourself. Any little bump very much affects your walking, but you were actually doing quite good. Daddy was right there watching you, and all of a sudden you went flying forward about to do a face dive right into the concrete. As my heart leaped out of my chest into my throat, your dad quickly reached out as fast as he could, and caught only your face! It was perfect! His hand was the cusion for your face that would have otherwise slammed into concrete! Aaaah, I was so thankful that daddy was quick on his feet. After church we all went out to eat with your 2 sets of grandparents and your uncle Jake. Your uncle actually had to leave the restaurant and go sit in the car because he was having
pain. He just got a major back surgury, and is super tough and really brave about the whole thing. When we finally got you home today, your daddy and I layed on the floor of our downstairs living room, and you roamed and ran around us playing with your toys, and having a blast! The best thing ever was when you would run up to your daddy and lay your head on his chest for a minute and then get up and play again! You did this all night, and were just so in love with your daddy tonight. He was eating it up and enjoying every single snuggle you gave him. He holds you tight and says, "aww, thank you buddy, I love you too." It's just the best! You did it to me too a few times, but mostly your daddy tonight. You would always look up at his face while you were laying on him and smile. I was enjoying watching you all night. What a relaxing time we all had together tonight. I love being a family. I love our family! Lets see, you walk very well now, and rarely want to be held. You always talk to yourself and crack yourself up. Tonight you were being so funny, and would laugh every time you fell down. We call that your "punchy/goofy" mood. You get very wound up and laugh at everything at times.
You kick soccer balls, and throw very well. You understand, nap time, or sleep time. You will now walk to your crib if you are tired and hold onto it while looking at me with longing in your eyes ;) You know if we say, "where is your ball," you walk up to your ball and show it to us. You understand "bottle," or "baba." You dance all the time! You have also been so much better at playing on your own with your toys. You have figured out how to use some of the more advanced ones, and that keeps you pretty entertained, although you prefer card board boxes, water bottles, and other such things so much more ;) You have also figured out how to stack your stacking cups and every time you stack one, you throw your hands up in the air with a huge smile and we say, "yay." You also do that with your shapes. You can sometimes fit a shape into its hole and we all get excited when you accomplish that! You rarely get a shape in, so when you do, it's very exciting.
Just a little while ago, we thought you were tired and wanted to go to sleep, so we put you in your crib and you stayed for a while even though we all knew it seemed early... Your dad took off to the store, and I was walking out into your area to grab something, and you were standing there peeking over your crib bars. It startled me! You started giggling, and were so not ready to sleep yet, so we are now playing again, and you are playing with your ball, and with your shapes cookie jar that sings ;) Oooooh, daddy's home! Yay! you just ran up and gave him a huge welcome home hug ;) Love you Eli.
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This was us at church today :) |
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