Saturday, May 12, 2012

I'm a Mommy! That's Pretty Sweet!

Dear Elijah,
Tomorrow is Mothers Day... All I can think about is how much I love and adore you! You are a ray of sunshine in our lives and I couldn't picture my life without you. I watch you grow every day, and see what a sweet hearted little baby boy you are. You wave at people we walk by, you smile, you kiss and you hug. You are such a shy guy until you warm up, and then your personality just pops! I love how shy you act sometimes because it's just too cute :) When I look at you I see an innocent, sweet, loving, fun, active little boy who thinks everyone is here to play with him. haha! It's crazy to me how much you are your own person, and have your own ways and quirks that you did not learn from daddy or me. I can't wait to see the man you grow up to be. We are super in love with you, and we tear up at everything! If you do new things, or show a softer side your dad and I just melt. It's hard for me sometimes to imagine you grown up, so I just don't do it often, because I am enjoying this time right now. This sweet baby time where you are so vulnerable and need lots of love and care. I pray all mommies get to experience the joys of motherhood, I pray that all mommies get to see their little miracles grow, I pray that all mommies would find the energy they need to enjoy even the tougher times, and I pray that all mommies would see their babies as thee most wonderful gifts from God. All babies are special, priceless gifts from God and deserve the best kind of care and love that we are able to give as parents. It's so great to have a God who loves you more than I do, and who is always watching over us, and filling our lives with His goodness and grace. I personally need His grace and mercy on a day to day basis. Just as our Father in heaven wants us to give us blessings and good gifts and wants the best for us, I also want my precious baby boy to to be filled with joy, and love everyday! I want the best for you, and I want you to feel completely loved by God, by us and by the people we bring into your life. You are blessed with a wonderful family who loves you very much. I am so humbled by Gods faithfulness, and I know that God has given so many great blessing to those around us as well. I love to see other people around us experiencing God's blessings. I love to see joyful families who love their gifts from God. It brings me so much joy to see a sparkle in another mommies eye when she looks at her baby! It's just good to know that there are babies around us receiving so much love. Us mommies are pretty blessed. I am so humbled and blessed to get to have this roll in life. I LOVE YOU AND EMMA SO MUCH! Thanks for making me a proud mama!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

So Fun!

Dear Elijah,
Man, I'm so sorry I have been slacking on your letters. You have been keeping me busy along with so many other things! I love you, and I NEED to share with you what you have been doing the past few weeks!
First, you said, "I love you," on April 27th I believe, or at least a day before or after that ;) Haha, and you say mama and dada ,baba, and these past two days have been really trying to say what you hear me say. I sang, "pop goes the Wiesel," and you tried to mimic that, which was so cute! So basically you have just entered the stage of mimicking what we are saying. You get shy about it, and hide your face, or smile and turn away. It's pretty funny! You give kisses WAY better now, and you are officially a climber! You will grab me by the back of the neck and kiss me over and over and over again with your very serious "kiss face." I eat it up, and love those moments. If we ask you for a kiss now, you know exactly what we mean. Now about your being a climber, I walked out of the room a few days ago, and when I walked back in, you were standing on top of your firetruck just smiling. You didn't know how to get down, but you did know how to climb up. You have tried to climb over the gates we have up to keep you out of unsafe (un-baby proofed) area's, and you are getting really brave with trying to climb on just about anything now. I knew this was coming because I have been trying to teach you how to safely climb on and off the couch, but you had never attempted that without me until the past week or so. Lot's of falls lately, and bumping your head. You are getting hurt a lot more now since you are venturing off to try new things :) You say bye bye now when you wave sometimes, and today you said grandpa pretty clearly. :) You LOVE to wrestle, and when me or daddy get on the floor with you, you get this twinkle in your eye, and then start to want to wrestle with us. It's too funny! You jump on us, grab up, climb on us, and it's all so much fun! You REALLY like to stand behind me while holding onto my hair, and laugh while I turn to try and see you, and you move just enough behind me so that I can't fully see you. It's like your favorite game with mommy! Hahaha... You hide behind me essentially, and think it's funny when I try to turn and see you! With daddy, you will walk up behind him, and he quickly turns around and says, "I'm gonna get you," and then you scream and run as fast as you can in the other direction. So cute! You are still sleeping through the night, and waking happy. You like to point to everything right when we take you out of your crib. You point first to the eagle on grandpa's safe, then to the lock, then to the deer on the wall, then to anything and everything that you can see. It's so funny! When you point at something, it means you want us to say what it is.

So your daddy and I had planned a trip for our TWO YEAR wedding anniversary, and the trip was this last weekend! It was SO MUCH FUN! What is so funny to me is that we planned on going up to Palm Springs the first day and night alone (meaning without you) and having you stay with grandma and grandpa. The next day Auntie Melissa and Megan would drive you up to us, and stay the next night with us. Great plan until it got closer to that actual moment when I realized I was going to have to leave you over night!!! I mean it sounded nice from afar that your daddy and I would spend some time alone first and then have you join us, but when it got closer, I panicked and almost changed our plans completely! Hahahaha... I just could not imagine leaving you that long, and being that far away from you as well!!! So I told your dad, I didn't know if I could do it, and he was very understanding and just said, "Ok babe, we'll pray about it, and when the time comes, if we don;t feel comfortable, we'll just take him with us the first night, but still have your sister and Megan come up the next day!" I was so relieved that there was no pressure in leaving you the first night, and after praying for days, and then talking to your auntie, I decided I would be ok :) I think it was because everyone was so understanding and put no pressure on me, that I felt like I could be at peace with it. So your daddy and I took off as planned on Friday, and you came to us Saturday afternoon around 1pm. Your dad and I really did have a blessed time together. We did so many fun things, and it makes me all giggly just thinking about the time we had together. We hung out, talked, swam, went to dinner, had hot cocoa and coffee by the fireplace, watched a movie late at night, and just enjoyed each other's company! Funny thing was that we talked about you a lot, and both missed you! We kept say things like, "Oh Eli would just love that!" Hahaha... Saturday morning I text my sister super early telling her how excited I was that she was bringing you to us that day! I was so excited to get to see you! I called Megan around the time I thought you guys might be semi close, and she said you guys were 13 minutes away, and I started crying! Hahahahahahahahaha! I totally teared up, and then told her, "Don't make fun of me for crying when I see him!" And she said, "I'll probably be crying right along with you just from seeing you cry!" Hahahahaha... Then I hung up and your daddy was looking at me smiling, and I said, "Babe! I can't help it! Why aren't you crying???!" and he replied, "Because I get to see him very soon!" Haha... At least one of us can hold it together. When you arrived at 1pm, I walked outside to greet you! Nina was holding you, and you had just woken up. You smiled when you saw me, and I grabbed you up and hugged and kissed you! It was the best moment! We immediately got you all geared up and in the pool and you had the best time! You loved the water, and wanted to be in the pool the whole time! The shower there was so huge and really cool, so before we all went out to dinner that night, your daddy, you and I all took a shower together. You were splashing around in the huge bath tub, and we were singing your favorite song while you stomped your little feet splashing in the water! It was thee cutest thing I had ever experienced! Since the bath tub was filled with about 2 inches of water from the shower running, it was perfect for you to splash in. We are talking, this was like a four foot wide, and 10 feet deep shower/bath, so it was basically a wet playground for you! Haha. Can't wait to go back someday when you are a bit older and Emma is here! Sooooooo, the entire trip was amazing, and such a fun time for all of us. It came time to leave, and your daddy and I decided after check out, we would hang out on the Palm Springs strip for a while before leaving to go home. We got to Starbucks, and were hanging out there with our drinks while you walked around saying hi to everyone :) Then as we took off to walk the strip, you became interested in the marble tiles along the sidewalk. You kept pointing to them as we passed every single one. It was so cute. I walked ahead for a moment to capture pictures of you and daddy walking side by side on the strip, and then you fell on one of the marble tiles, and when you touched down to get up, it was so hot that it burned your hands!!! It also burned one of your legs a bit. I was far, but your daddy grabbed you up as fast as he could, and your hands were already burned and starting to turn red! We didn;t know how bad it was until you started crying uncontrollably, and there was NOTHING we could do to calm you down. You were crying so hard that it scared me! You were not breathing right, and your face was completely red. We poured water on your hands, and grabbed an ice cube from our ice chest. As we sat in the air-conditioned car, we finally decided that there was nothing we could do to get you to stop screaming, so your dad decided that we had to go to the ER. If only to get you some sort of relief! We got there and you were still screaming and beside yourself. They got you in right away to evaluate your burns, and by then they had blistered. Thankfully they said they were minor, and we didn't have to worry. They took your temp, and all that jazz and then sent us to the waiting room to await a room visit. They finally called us in and by this time your nina had rushed over. We all went it, and as they looked at your blisters they decided not to wrap them, but just to give you an ice pack and some Motrin for the pain! I was fine with that. Anything to ease the pain, and get you to calm down. They gave you medicine, and soon after that, you stopped crying, and feel asleep in my arms. I was crying for a lot of the time just because I was so overwhelmed with everything! I hated to see you in pain, I felt bad that it happened in the first place, and I was feeling defeated since I was so helpless to bring you comfort! So all of our tears stopped and we were able to get on the road back home. Today one of your big blisters burst, and you didn;t seem to mind. You have been very good about the whole healing process, and they don;t seem to be bothering you much! Thank Jesus! We had lots of people praying for you :) Love you!