Saturday, May 12, 2012

I'm a Mommy! That's Pretty Sweet!

Dear Elijah,
Tomorrow is Mothers Day... All I can think about is how much I love and adore you! You are a ray of sunshine in our lives and I couldn't picture my life without you. I watch you grow every day, and see what a sweet hearted little baby boy you are. You wave at people we walk by, you smile, you kiss and you hug. You are such a shy guy until you warm up, and then your personality just pops! I love how shy you act sometimes because it's just too cute :) When I look at you I see an innocent, sweet, loving, fun, active little boy who thinks everyone is here to play with him. haha! It's crazy to me how much you are your own person, and have your own ways and quirks that you did not learn from daddy or me. I can't wait to see the man you grow up to be. We are super in love with you, and we tear up at everything! If you do new things, or show a softer side your dad and I just melt. It's hard for me sometimes to imagine you grown up, so I just don't do it often, because I am enjoying this time right now. This sweet baby time where you are so vulnerable and need lots of love and care. I pray all mommies get to experience the joys of motherhood, I pray that all mommies get to see their little miracles grow, I pray that all mommies would find the energy they need to enjoy even the tougher times, and I pray that all mommies would see their babies as thee most wonderful gifts from God. All babies are special, priceless gifts from God and deserve the best kind of care and love that we are able to give as parents. It's so great to have a God who loves you more than I do, and who is always watching over us, and filling our lives with His goodness and grace. I personally need His grace and mercy on a day to day basis. Just as our Father in heaven wants us to give us blessings and good gifts and wants the best for us, I also want my precious baby boy to to be filled with joy, and love everyday! I want the best for you, and I want you to feel completely loved by God, by us and by the people we bring into your life. You are blessed with a wonderful family who loves you very much. I am so humbled by Gods faithfulness, and I know that God has given so many great blessing to those around us as well. I love to see other people around us experiencing God's blessings. I love to see joyful families who love their gifts from God. It brings me so much joy to see a sparkle in another mommies eye when she looks at her baby! It's just good to know that there are babies around us receiving so much love. Us mommies are pretty blessed. I am so humbled and blessed to get to have this roll in life. I LOVE YOU AND EMMA SO MUCH! Thanks for making me a proud mama!

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