Monday, November 1, 2010

Midnight Prayers...

Well Elijah,

Your daddy and I pray for you all the time. But when we say our prayers at night as well, you are always in them. Your daddy falls asleep usually really fast while I stay awake for what seems like forever praying for you, and our family. Last night as I was praying for you I remembered all the times God was there for me. All the times he protected me from harm, corruption, negativity, and so much more. I told your daddy yesterday after reading 1 Corinthians in the bible, that even though there are people in this world that I do not like or care for ;) I know he would give me the strength to help them if they were in need, and to love them if they needed love.  I told him, "man babe, I could be so bitter, and such a pessimist right now if God had not been with me. It's crazy how positive God has kept me, and how much love he has filled me with! It blows my mind!!!" I read that above all, love is so important, and we are blessed to have it. So when I pray for you I'm filled with peace since I know that God has seen me through so many things that blow my mind each time I think about them. I prayed that you, your daddy and me would never put God in a little box, but that we would try to see and understand everything God is and can be to us. We are making so many decisions based on you right now :) But we pray that they are the ones God would have us make ;) Here are some pictures me and my siblings when I was a little girl. We didn't have much Eli, but we had love...

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