Today Your daddy and I talked about you so much. We are so curious about you, what you are going to be like, and what you will look like. We walked downtown today and were sitting at Seattle's Best playing cards, when out of the blue your daddy said "I wonder what he's going to be like?". I said, "charming" haha. We love talking about parenting, and the fun things we want to do. Can't wait to dress you up, take thousands of pictures of you, and take you on mini adventures! But anyways, the best thing that happened today was that I got to feel you!!! EEEEeeeeeeeps! It was so cool! I was kind of freaking out and telling your daddy that I haven't really been able to feel anything yet. :( As I was complaining about how the book says I should be feeling you about now, I collapsed onto your daddy on the couch, and he started playing with my hair. Since I was in a weird position and putting pressure on one part of my tummy unawares, I felt movement! I felt a couple pokes, and a few adjustments. It was so cool ;) It's as if you knew... haha Definitely unmistakable though. Well I'm going to go join your daddy now. We are watching The Princess Bride. Love you. Here are some pictures your dad and I took today. THE DAY I FELT YOU...

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