I have to say that every single day getting prepared for you just gets funnier and funnier. Since being prego effects my moods, emotions, and mind, your daddy keeps getting funnier. Hahahaha... I get my feelings hurt pretty easily now of days, and he is usually very aware of that. He makes adjustments and I can tell how he tries to be more gentle with me... But a man can only take so much! Today YOUR FATHER sat on my hand and farted on it!!! I was so disgusted that I threw a juice bottle at his stomach and ran to the bathroom to wash my poor little hand! Can you believe your father... Whilst I'm in this fragile state, he totally did something he knew would gross me out to the max. He has NEVER done anything like that before EVER! I thought I was pretty special to have a husband who never farted on me... He never did a "dutch oven" or anything like that. So I was pretty shocked... Hahahaha. But get this, after he did it, he could not stop laughing. He was trying to apologize, but I could tell that in doing this, it made him feel so liberated. He was a new man. He was so happy with himself and although he was sorry, I don't think he would take it back if he could. Hahaha. I only write this because I usually tease him by pushing or shoving him into things, and immediately say, "Don't touch me, I'm pregnant!" Haha. He can NEVER get me back for teasing him so much because he is afraid to lift me up, or play wrestle with me since I've had you in my tummy to protect me! Hahaha... So, I guess this was pay back today. Your daddy has been such a good sport through the tears and the ups and downs of my moods. I don't condone what he did, but I have to say it was a long time coming. I most likely deserved it... We sat on the couch together after the this disturbing incident, and you were moving around in my tummy. That put me in a better mood. I LOVE feeling you! Still never gets old.
There are boxes EVERYWHERE right now, and your dad and I have started packing for the big move. This is such an exciting time! We get to move into a new place, and it's so much fun moving with your dad. He makes everything more fun, you'll see ;). I started to pack now, so that we are not in a rush at the end of the month. We don't want to be stressed out because that's not healthy for any of us, but especially you. So, we are taking it slow, and doing it thoroughly. Can't wait to have all your stuff in your new room. Love you. Your daddy is at work, but if he were here, he would tell me to say that he loves you too!
There you are with mommy trying to open the packing tape! |
Look how big you are Eli, This is us at 7 months! |
This is the part I'm allowed to do. Your daddy has to do all the lifting! |
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