My goodness, did I ever thing a smile would bring me to tears... Well that's what you do Elijah. When you smile, or make a sound you've never made before, you make me cry. It's so funny. It's like I don't know how to express my delight in you, so I tear up and laugh. You are the sweetest boy, and I'm always telling you so. You are just a pleasure to live with and I hate being a part from you. I was wondering what mommy and daddy's first night out will be like the first time we leave you to go on a date. I think I would give myself heart burn by eating so fast all the while asking your daddy if he thinks you are doing alright. Hahaha... We already had to leave you for the wedding, but were able to go up and check on you whenever we wanted. Plus, mommy was distracted by all the festivities getting to be a part of the wedding party. So we will see how your daddy and I do when we actually decide to go somewhere without you. Yeeeeeeeeeps! My stomach just dropped when I said it. Hahaha. We go out to dinner, coffee, ice cream, and do all the fun stuff we did before you were born. We just have a little bundle of joy with us now. You are so good when we go out. You just sit there sleeping, or talking to yourself. It's so cute! We have never had to leave a place with a screaming baby yet.
Oh my goodness Elijah, having you has changed me in so many ways. For one, I am way more protective then I ever was or claimed I would be. Haha. But seriously, I have always, all my life been pretty tender hearted towards children and babies. I would always get emotional if I would see parents being mean to their kids or just people treating little one's wrongly in general. Now, since you have come, I have been 100x more emotional, and effected by outside situations. The other day, your daddy, you and I were eating at Coco's and a family sat next to us. They were so loud and fighting the whole time. Actually the parents were yelling at each other as if they were at home in their own place. There was a little boy with them who was about 2 years old just sitting quietly in the booth looking so deflated and sad. He was not making a peep or even moving around like 2 year old's do. He just sat there zoned out and looked so unhappy. I almost cried, and I wanted to walk over, pick him up, hug him and sign some adoption papers. I was ready to ask them if they even wanted their little blessing who they were making miserable. They were saying awful things to each other. Your daddy and I finally had to leave, and inside, I felt like I was abandoning that poor baby sitting with these two parents who only cared about themselves at that moment. I just think about you being in a situation like that and it tears my heart out! I'm so happy you have people around you who love you, and a daddy and mommy who love each other.
Let me tell you, watching Dr. Phil is a whole new ballgame for mommy! Hahaha. Forgive me if you end up having 12 brothers and sisters who look nothing like you. ;) I'm just saying....
I love you very much pumpkin. I love to love you.
Oh, last night I was so tired and you started fussing because you were hungry. Your daddy and I discussed how we would approach last night. I would feed you, and he would change you. Usually we just do whatever, like sometimes he will just pick you up and walk the floor with you, or I will just get up to change you and feed you, and then he will walk around with you to put you to sleep. But last night we decided that he would do the changing and I would do the feeding. Hahaha. Well, I sure did feed you, and when I asked your daddy to change you, he fell back asleep and could not wake up! So I got up and changed you, then walked around with you, and put you back to bed. I was talking baby talk to you and enjoying your company, but then realized that I should be mad at your daddy! Hahaha, so I crawled back into bed all loud... Like, I really needed to make noises and climb around the bed like I did. I was being a stinker and trying to wake up your dad. He woke up, realized what had happened and felt so bad. As I was purposely laying facing away from him, he put him hand me and I shrugged it off. I felt bad for doing it right away! Haha, but I stood my ground and still didn't acknowledge his apology. That didn't last long. I thought about how bad he must have felt, how hard he works, and what a great dad he always is, and turned over and said, "It's ok babe, I understand." Then we got to snuggle. I would have missed out on good snuggling with your daddy if I would have kept that going. You and him are more important to me then making a point that he already got! Hahahaha. In conclusion, you have made mommy less selfish. Marrying your daddy helped make me less selfish, and now you are helping me be less selfish! God is good and has been using the two loves of my life to teach me His message and values. I am so blessed to learn from you guys, and so blessed that God has helped me, and touched my heart so much during these times. Love you!
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My little snuggle bug |
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