Dear Elijah,
You are so cute it hurts! I mean it! I told your daddy to take you away from me the other day because you were just too cute and I couldn't stand it! I was going to eat your little cheeks and toes, but daddy saved you! You make me smile and laugh every day! You are so much more awake now, and spend your time making sounds, looking around, and waving your hands and feet around super fast.
Well, yesterday evening your daddy and I went to the movies with your god-parents and Megan to see Thor. I was excited to go since I love your Nina, Nino and Megan, and they are always a blast to be with, but on the other hand I was dragging my feet. I was so anxious to leave you. At least at the wedding you were right there in the same building, and I could go kiss you anytime I wanted, but this was different. We were going to a movie! Somewhere we had to drive to that is rather far once you think about it. I almost didn't leave the house, but your daddy said we should just get ready and bring you to grandma and grandpas, and then see how I would be feeling then. So I did. On the car ride there, your daddy was like, "You're anxious aren't you?" Who me, no... Like... It's cool... I'm fine....... Yeah right! I was like, "yes!" We got to your grandma and grandpa Holland's house and I felt peaceful about leaving you with them since of course they would take such good care of you! They are awesome! The whole issue was that I was going to miss you. So your daddy and I left the house, and while driving away, I started to tear up! I was so embarrassed, and didn't want your daddy to see, but it could not be helped. He looked over and I blurted out... "ok, YES I'm crying!!! What are you, made of stone?!!!" Hahahaha... He replied with a sweet smile, and said... "Aww, I love you so much honey, you are so sweet and I just love you so much... "then I exclaimed, "Why? because I'm crying?! where are the napkins, we always have napkins in here, and of course right now we don't..." I then punched him softly in the arm... To make a point... He was like, "Hey! What was that for." I replied, "for making me leave my baby! I blame you!" hahaha... He followed that up with... "I'm just used to having to leave since I go to work everyday, but I hate being away from you guys..." I then said... "Oh yeah, I forgot you go to work every day and have left him before, but I'm new at this! and it's so sad!" Then he gave me a handkerchief... :/ where it came from, I have no idea... So we got there, I sucked it up, and had a great time with Your Nino Cruz, your Nina Meliss and Megan. The movie was very good and I was glad your daddy and I got to do that. But I have to admit, during the movie I was thinking about your sweet cheeks, your sweet smell, the way you stare at me, and your little hands and feet. I was so excited to get to see you after our fun outing. Right when we got home, I scooped you up into my arms and kissed your face all over! Such a sweet baby boy you are :) Your Auntie Tiff and Uncle Jimmy just got back from a nice weekend away. I believe it was their first weekend away since your cousin Gracie was born. I think? So they probably missed their babies too. Just like me, haha... oh, and Your Uncle Oscar and Auntie Erica get back from their honeymoon tomorrow! Hope they had so much fun :)
Oh my Eli, You are eating so much lately. I feed you almost every hour now, unless you sleep for longer. I was wondering if there was a general schedule you and I should try for, but all that I read said to feed your breastfed baby on demand at your age, and that you know when you are hungry and will let me know. I read about lots of babies that are hungry every hour, and it's totally normal.
Well I love you my love.
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