Dear Elijah,
Oh my goodness... For the past week now you have learned that you get a good reaction out of us when you cough. We think it's so cute when you really do cough because it's such a tiny sound, and we always pick you up and rub your back when you cough. Sooooooooo, you have figured that out, and now fake cough! It's the cutest thing I've ever seen! Hahahahaha. You will look right at me and pretend to cough, and smile, knowing I am still going to give you the reaction you were fishing for ;) I still make over you when you fake cough because I think it's adorable. It makes us laugh. Your face when you do it is priceless! You know exactly what you are doing, and your little half smile and little blue eyes looking at us from the side. Oh I love you Elijah James. You are so incredible. You did tummy time today and did great! You actually didn't cry... You didn't appreciate it, but you didn't cry, so I'd say that's progress.
So for the past few weeks you have been making me smile and lighting up the room when you see your daddy walk through the door. When he comes home now, you smile and start to move your upper body toward him hoping he will kiss you and take you. Works every time Eli ;) You are irresistible to your daddy and my heart melts when I see you light up when he comes home. This morning you woke up next to me and daddy was already out of the room. When daddy walked into the room you gave him the biggest smile and made a loving little sigh. He leaned over to kiss you, and you smiled and grabbed his face! Aaaaaaaaaah *tear* so sweet! I can't believe the connection you have with him and I. It's so nice to be wanted by you Elijah. You love us, you reeeeeeeeeeeeeealy love us!!! Hahahahaha. We love you too ;)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
New Mommy Stuff...Oh my...heehee
Dear Elijah,
You are sleeping right now, and I think you are just the cutest! You and I are at grandma's house waiting for daddy to get off of work so that we can pick him up! So, your dad has been coming up with tasty, yet healthy recipe's for a cook book he is putting together. Seriously, he is the best cook in the world. I'm not joking... You and I have been playing around with bananas, carrots and mango's! You love all three so far. I can't believe you are eating solids. You look like such a big boy when I feed you! You are still mostly nursing, but I will sometimes give you a little bit of solids here and there. Sort of easing you into it. You do very well, and you eat so fast!
Oh my gosh Eli, I have never been more aware of squeaky doors and creaky floors! Everything squeaks and creaks so loud now that you fight sleep. You can sleep through lots of noise, but it has to already be going on. You jolt awake when for instance... Daddy drops a spoon in the sink when you are almost asleep!!! Hahahaha. That happened last night and you were so cranky! I finally got you to drift into a nice sleep and your father dropped a loud metal spoon onto glass dishes in the sink!!! LOUD! hahaha, and you woke up, and didn't go back to sleep for a while. I walked into the kitchen with you in my arms and the straightest face I could possibly make, and your dad already knew before looking at me that he woke you up. Hahahaha... He was like, I know, I woke him up, I'm sorry...... I wasn't really mad at him, I just wanted to give him a hard time :) I mean, after all, he was making dinner for us! I thought it would be funny to make a list of things that stand out to me as being funny/irritating about being a new mom. Highlight NEW... My sister, your Nina Meliss took us to coffee the other day and asked me, "so, what like, super bothers you about other people concerning Eli." I danced around the question for a while, then just started laughing and blurted out all my pet peeves! hahahaha!
#1. When ladies come up to us in Starbucks and tell me, "he's cold." Yes, I sure do like to freeze my baby. You are usually recovering from sweating and being super hot outside, and mommy is usually in the transition phase of putting your blanket, hat and socks on you... So irritating...
#2. When people ask you... YOU a 4 1/2 months old, why you are wearing that... Who knows, they may think you are to hot or to cold in the chosen outfit of the day. I can't quite keep up with other people's body temperatures. If they are hot or cold on a whim, you must be too. Thing is, when you and mommy leave the house, it's usually early and you are cold, then it gets hot. So I will change you accordingly, but apparantly not fast enough for the public... So irritating...
#3. When people try to send me a message through speaking to you... I hate that. Use your imagination... It could sound something like... (baby talk tone) "your to little, your mommy needs to feed you more." or "why do people dress you babies in jeans, what happened to dressing babies like babies?" ehem, I do dress you like a baby.... A very cute baby. Hahahaha... Yes you have baby jeans, forgive me I have sinned... ;)
#4. You are wearing blue, have a green and blue blanket, and are holding a shark... "Oh how old is she?" HAhahahahahahaha... I actually think that is funny. People always assume you are a girl. The only thing that bothers me about that is that I have to correct them and they feel embarrassed. haha
Hahahahahaha....Guess this stuff comes with the territory ;)
Believe me, I along with many new mommies could write a book on this stuff. But all in all, it gives us something to laugh about later. I LOVE mommyhood, and I wouldn't trade any of these experiences for anything. Even the irritating ones ;) I have a ball taking care of you! But you know I have to say this, maybe a tiny disclaimer... I find it kind of endearing when you are at grandma's house, and I come back to a half dressed baby. :) They strip you down! Socks OFF, jeans OFF... hahaha that is just cute, and that's what I do at home ;) Oh funny side note, when we were hanging out with my aunt Teresa a while back she looked at me and said, "oh my gosh, you are just like I was... I too used to put shoes on my babies that could not yet walk." Hahahahaha... I know it sounds funny, but I feel like you are not put together well with out shoes or socks on when we are out and about. I always think it looks so unkempt when you are barefoot on public to much. I do let you now more than I used to, since it's so hot... But yes, I bought you sandals when you were like 2 months... Hahahaha. You have shoes, sandals, socks that look like shoes, and yes, you have worn them all! I personally love your little feet, so when I do let you go shoeless or sockless, I love seeing your cute little toes all free! Love you baby boy ;)
You are sleeping right now, and I think you are just the cutest! You and I are at grandma's house waiting for daddy to get off of work so that we can pick him up! So, your dad has been coming up with tasty, yet healthy recipe's for a cook book he is putting together. Seriously, he is the best cook in the world. I'm not joking... You and I have been playing around with bananas, carrots and mango's! You love all three so far. I can't believe you are eating solids. You look like such a big boy when I feed you! You are still mostly nursing, but I will sometimes give you a little bit of solids here and there. Sort of easing you into it. You do very well, and you eat so fast!
Oh my gosh Eli, I have never been more aware of squeaky doors and creaky floors! Everything squeaks and creaks so loud now that you fight sleep. You can sleep through lots of noise, but it has to already be going on. You jolt awake when for instance... Daddy drops a spoon in the sink when you are almost asleep!!! Hahahaha. That happened last night and you were so cranky! I finally got you to drift into a nice sleep and your father dropped a loud metal spoon onto glass dishes in the sink!!! LOUD! hahaha, and you woke up, and didn't go back to sleep for a while. I walked into the kitchen with you in my arms and the straightest face I could possibly make, and your dad already knew before looking at me that he woke you up. Hahahaha... He was like, I know, I woke him up, I'm sorry...... I wasn't really mad at him, I just wanted to give him a hard time :) I mean, after all, he was making dinner for us! I thought it would be funny to make a list of things that stand out to me as being funny/irritating about being a new mom. Highlight NEW... My sister, your Nina Meliss took us to coffee the other day and asked me, "so, what like, super bothers you about other people concerning Eli." I danced around the question for a while, then just started laughing and blurted out all my pet peeves! hahahaha!
#1. When ladies come up to us in Starbucks and tell me, "he's cold." Yes, I sure do like to freeze my baby. You are usually recovering from sweating and being super hot outside, and mommy is usually in the transition phase of putting your blanket, hat and socks on you... So irritating...
#2. When people ask you... YOU a 4 1/2 months old, why you are wearing that... Who knows, they may think you are to hot or to cold in the chosen outfit of the day. I can't quite keep up with other people's body temperatures. If they are hot or cold on a whim, you must be too. Thing is, when you and mommy leave the house, it's usually early and you are cold, then it gets hot. So I will change you accordingly, but apparantly not fast enough for the public... So irritating...
#3. When people try to send me a message through speaking to you... I hate that. Use your imagination... It could sound something like... (baby talk tone) "your to little, your mommy needs to feed you more." or "why do people dress you babies in jeans, what happened to dressing babies like babies?" ehem, I do dress you like a baby.... A very cute baby. Hahahaha... Yes you have baby jeans, forgive me I have sinned... ;)
#4. You are wearing blue, have a green and blue blanket, and are holding a shark... "Oh how old is she?" HAhahahahahahaha... I actually think that is funny. People always assume you are a girl. The only thing that bothers me about that is that I have to correct them and they feel embarrassed. haha
Hahahahahaha....Guess this stuff comes with the territory ;)
Believe me, I along with many new mommies could write a book on this stuff. But all in all, it gives us something to laugh about later. I LOVE mommyhood, and I wouldn't trade any of these experiences for anything. Even the irritating ones ;) I have a ball taking care of you! But you know I have to say this, maybe a tiny disclaimer... I find it kind of endearing when you are at grandma's house, and I come back to a half dressed baby. :) They strip you down! Socks OFF, jeans OFF... hahaha that is just cute, and that's what I do at home ;) Oh funny side note, when we were hanging out with my aunt Teresa a while back she looked at me and said, "oh my gosh, you are just like I was... I too used to put shoes on my babies that could not yet walk." Hahahahaha... I know it sounds funny, but I feel like you are not put together well with out shoes or socks on when we are out and about. I always think it looks so unkempt when you are barefoot on public to much. I do let you now more than I used to, since it's so hot... But yes, I bought you sandals when you were like 2 months... Hahahaha. You have shoes, sandals, socks that look like shoes, and yes, you have worn them all! I personally love your little feet, so when I do let you go shoeless or sockless, I love seeing your cute little toes all free! Love you baby boy ;)
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Musical Chairs!!!
Dear Elijah,
All I can say is thank you Jesus, and all those folks who gave us multiple play things for you! You are so busy these days, and mommy can hardly keep up with you! I am always holding you, and trying to be aware of the time so that I don't "hold you too much" as they say in the books, articles, and other such things. I told your dad the other day that you are a goolge baby! Hahahaha, which means that google is raising you. Just kidding, kind of... It's just that I use the internet as a huge resource for you and I. I am always reading "what to expect the first year," and articles other mommies post :) It's been so helpful even though there are some things I just blow off and do it my way :) Anywho, you are playing musical chairs around here now. Between your Bright Starts Play Mat, your Monkey Time Bouncy, your Graco Swing, your Baby Einstein Jumper and your Easy Up Fisher Price Sleeper, there is always something for you to be in and play with! The trick is moving you around to all of them during the day before you start to cry. We have a great system going right now. It goes a little something like this... Get you out of your sleeper, feed and play with you in bed for a while, then off to the play mat while mommy eats breakfast and does some sort of house work, then out of the play mat to feed you again and do some tummy time with mommy, then into the bouncer while mommy scrapbooks and talks to you, then out of the bouncer and into mommy's arms for some good snuggling till you drift off into your first nap of the day in mommy's bed while mommy cleans and tries to respond to e-mails. Then you wake up, mommy tries to play with you till you get hungry, feeds you and then into the play mat to let your tummy settle. After the play mat into the JUMPER!!! You usually will stay in the jumper for a while playing music while mommy dances and tried to get you to laugh :) Then out of the jumper and onto the couch where you and mommy practice sitting up!!!you like to fall backwards into the blankets (you think it's so funny), but mommy tried to get you to stay up :) Then into the swing while mommy eats again, and then in mommy's arms again to sit and rest. You just like me to hold you after a while and not do anything. I love those moments. Finally, another nap, then your dad comes home and hogs you for the rest of the night. These are just the days we stay home. Otherwise, we are at the park strolling, walking with your baby carrier (which by the way kills mommy's back), or over at a grandparents house visiting :) Sometime we take a portion of our day to go walk around Target! We like it there ;) haha... You are on your last nap till daddy gets home right now, and let me just say... Thank goodness for memory foam beds! It lets me lay with you till you fall asleep, and roll off without you even noticing :) You really like to take naps on our bed. Probably because the only way I can get you down is to lay down with you. Once I hit the bed next to you, you close your eyes and fall into a deep sleep. But you won't fall asleep even if you are really tired unless I lay next to you. You fight sleep all the time, and I know you are tired when you are fussy combined with lots of face grabbing and eye rubbing. Love you Eli!
All I can say is thank you Jesus, and all those folks who gave us multiple play things for you! You are so busy these days, and mommy can hardly keep up with you! I am always holding you, and trying to be aware of the time so that I don't "hold you too much" as they say in the books, articles, and other such things. I told your dad the other day that you are a goolge baby! Hahahaha, which means that google is raising you. Just kidding, kind of... It's just that I use the internet as a huge resource for you and I. I am always reading "what to expect the first year," and articles other mommies post :) It's been so helpful even though there are some things I just blow off and do it my way :) Anywho, you are playing musical chairs around here now. Between your Bright Starts Play Mat, your Monkey Time Bouncy, your Graco Swing, your Baby Einstein Jumper and your Easy Up Fisher Price Sleeper, there is always something for you to be in and play with! The trick is moving you around to all of them during the day before you start to cry. We have a great system going right now. It goes a little something like this... Get you out of your sleeper, feed and play with you in bed for a while, then off to the play mat while mommy eats breakfast and does some sort of house work, then out of the play mat to feed you again and do some tummy time with mommy, then into the bouncer while mommy scrapbooks and talks to you, then out of the bouncer and into mommy's arms for some good snuggling till you drift off into your first nap of the day in mommy's bed while mommy cleans and tries to respond to e-mails. Then you wake up, mommy tries to play with you till you get hungry, feeds you and then into the play mat to let your tummy settle. After the play mat into the JUMPER!!! You usually will stay in the jumper for a while playing music while mommy dances and tried to get you to laugh :) Then out of the jumper and onto the couch where you and mommy practice sitting up!!!you like to fall backwards into the blankets (you think it's so funny), but mommy tried to get you to stay up :) Then into the swing while mommy eats again, and then in mommy's arms again to sit and rest. You just like me to hold you after a while and not do anything. I love those moments. Finally, another nap, then your dad comes home and hogs you for the rest of the night. These are just the days we stay home. Otherwise, we are at the park strolling, walking with your baby carrier (which by the way kills mommy's back), or over at a grandparents house visiting :) Sometime we take a portion of our day to go walk around Target! We like it there ;) haha... You are on your last nap till daddy gets home right now, and let me just say... Thank goodness for memory foam beds! It lets me lay with you till you fall asleep, and roll off without you even noticing :) You really like to take naps on our bed. Probably because the only way I can get you down is to lay down with you. Once I hit the bed next to you, you close your eyes and fall into a deep sleep. But you won't fall asleep even if you are really tired unless I lay next to you. You fight sleep all the time, and I know you are tired when you are fussy combined with lots of face grabbing and eye rubbing. Love you Eli!
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Napping on our bed :) |
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you and mommy playing |
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Loving your Jumper, and mommy was showing you how to dance to the music until she saw a camera :) |
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Your looking at me! You love me... haha |
Monday, August 22, 2011
My Days
Dear Elijah,
I love the days when it's just you and I, and we just lounge around the house in our P.J.'s together. I think it's so much fun to have those days when you know you're not going to see anyone so you just relax and break out the scrapbooking stuff ;) Usually you and I are on the go, go go... But some days it's nice for both of us to snuggle, play and just stay home to relax. You had a big weekend filled with so many family, friends, and places! This last weekend we were in Riverside for a BBQ, and you got to play with your old buddy Rylee. Your auntie Erica was babysitting her during the BBQ :) You also got to see Nina and Nino, along with your tia Dolly, Tio Oscar, uncle Oscar and others. You were very sweet, and let more people hold you. You didn't cry much, and you were all smiles. So much fun. I have been scrapbooking today, and started putting together the beginning of your baby album. I have so many tummy pics that I'm so glad I took now that I get to look back at them! I love seeing how you were growing inside of me, and seeing my tummy get bigger and bigger! Then I worked my way to the day you were born, and all those pictures brought back so many sweet feelings of joy and excitement! I was so beside myself when you came into this world! That is a moment we will NEVER forget!
So today has been our lazy day, and I was doing tummy time with you, trying to teach you to wave hello, talking to you in the mirror, and helping you try to sit up! We covered a lot of ground today. You love seeing yourself in the mirror now. You just smile, and look back and forth between you and I. You also love when I turn the water on, gets my hand wet, and sprinkle you! Hahahaha. We have fun :)You are taking a nap on mommy and daddy's bed right now. That always looks so cute to me since you are so tiny and the bed is so huge! We even skipped your bath time this morning, and I do have to say, you are a little scraggley today. You have been drooling, spitting up, and sweating all day so you are smelling super sweet and sour right now. I know this sounds crazy, but even your sweaty drooley self smells soooooooooo good! Can't wait for bath time tonight to get you all fresh and clean before bed :) I love you Elijah. You are simply adorable, and bring me to smile every day. You were bouncing around in your jumper today just staring at me. If you could say, "mommy look at me!!!" I know you would have! Heehee. Daddy has been trying to teach you to flex, I'll let you know when you finally pick that up ;) Love ya
I love the days when it's just you and I, and we just lounge around the house in our P.J.'s together. I think it's so much fun to have those days when you know you're not going to see anyone so you just relax and break out the scrapbooking stuff ;) Usually you and I are on the go, go go... But some days it's nice for both of us to snuggle, play and just stay home to relax. You had a big weekend filled with so many family, friends, and places! This last weekend we were in Riverside for a BBQ, and you got to play with your old buddy Rylee. Your auntie Erica was babysitting her during the BBQ :) You also got to see Nina and Nino, along with your tia Dolly, Tio Oscar, uncle Oscar and others. You were very sweet, and let more people hold you. You didn't cry much, and you were all smiles. So much fun. I have been scrapbooking today, and started putting together the beginning of your baby album. I have so many tummy pics that I'm so glad I took now that I get to look back at them! I love seeing how you were growing inside of me, and seeing my tummy get bigger and bigger! Then I worked my way to the day you were born, and all those pictures brought back so many sweet feelings of joy and excitement! I was so beside myself when you came into this world! That is a moment we will NEVER forget!
So today has been our lazy day, and I was doing tummy time with you, trying to teach you to wave hello, talking to you in the mirror, and helping you try to sit up! We covered a lot of ground today. You love seeing yourself in the mirror now. You just smile, and look back and forth between you and I. You also love when I turn the water on, gets my hand wet, and sprinkle you! Hahahaha. We have fun :)You are taking a nap on mommy and daddy's bed right now. That always looks so cute to me since you are so tiny and the bed is so huge! We even skipped your bath time this morning, and I do have to say, you are a little scraggley today. You have been drooling, spitting up, and sweating all day so you are smelling super sweet and sour right now. I know this sounds crazy, but even your sweaty drooley self smells soooooooooo good! Can't wait for bath time tonight to get you all fresh and clean before bed :) I love you Elijah. You are simply adorable, and bring me to smile every day. You were bouncing around in your jumper today just staring at me. If you could say, "mommy look at me!!!" I know you would have! Heehee. Daddy has been trying to teach you to flex, I'll let you know when you finally pick that up ;) Love ya
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hi there Rylee... |
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Hand shake? |
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Rylee, your daddy and you :) |
Monday, August 15, 2011
Four Month Anniversary!
Dear Elijah,
It's your four month anniversary today! It's August 15th, and you were born April 15th 2011! BEST DAY EVER!!! I took some 4 month old pictures of you this morning while your daddy was napping. He saw them when he woke up, and his heart melted. We love you baby boy!
It's your four month anniversary today! It's August 15th, and you were born April 15th 2011! BEST DAY EVER!!! I took some 4 month old pictures of you this morning while your daddy was napping. He saw them when he woke up, and his heart melted. We love you baby boy!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Toys, Fun, and seriously cute smiles!
Dear Elijah,
Hi baby! I love you!!! Today mommy went through your entire room, and closet rearranging things and redoing everything in there. Now that you are bigger, you will be using different things and not using some things. I got out all your toys that I thought you would enjoy playing with now that you are more in control of your hands and feet! You love colorful fun looking things now, and so I got out your big purple octopus, your funny looking colorful giraffe, and your hand and feet rattles! You love it all. You were so happy you wouldn't stop moving and grabbing your new toys! The hand and feet rattles Velcro onto your wrist and ankles and make sounds every time you kick and wave. You thought the rattles were amazing. I was watching you kick and listen to the cools sounds you were making! Too cute :) Good day altogether, you were happy with your new toys and mommy reorganized your entire room and everything is so much better in there!
Yesterday when your dad came home from work, I asked him if he had a surprise for me!!!? Hahahaha, he was like, "um, no...? I don't... What do you want?" Made me giggle because the only reason I asked was because I used to do that with my mom whenever she would leave and come back. Me along with your uncle C.J. and auntie Meliss would rummage through my moms purse to see if she brought us a surprise. It was usually gum, or something like that ;) Hahahaha, I wonder how many other kids do that? Or if that's normal? I don't know. I wonder if you will do that? :) Well, I had forgotten about the whole thing, and went to put you to bed for the night and when I walked back into the living your daddy had lit candles, wine, and actually MADE some chocolate covered strawberries for us! That was my surprise. I should ask for a surprise more often! Hahaha. I thought it was so sweet, and could not believe he did all that without me even noticing. I mean, our apartment is not that big! Your daddy is a sweet guy, and maybe when you get older he will do fun surprises for you too ;) just no wine. Hahaha...
This last Wednesday you and I went to Riverside to visit Tia Dolly! It was a lot of fun, and always so nice to chat and catch up. We hung out, talked and went to lunch where your mommy had a wonderful cheeseburger! Yum!!!You were so good on the car ride both ways. You just went to sleep! That was good because it was just you and I.
I love your little feet, your little skinny arms and legs, your nose, your eyes, your cute little lips, your sweet cheeks, your elbows and knees with the tiny dimples, your little ears that poke out, and your sweet sounds. You are the best thing ever Eli.
Hi baby! I love you!!! Today mommy went through your entire room, and closet rearranging things and redoing everything in there. Now that you are bigger, you will be using different things and not using some things. I got out all your toys that I thought you would enjoy playing with now that you are more in control of your hands and feet! You love colorful fun looking things now, and so I got out your big purple octopus, your funny looking colorful giraffe, and your hand and feet rattles! You love it all. You were so happy you wouldn't stop moving and grabbing your new toys! The hand and feet rattles Velcro onto your wrist and ankles and make sounds every time you kick and wave. You thought the rattles were amazing. I was watching you kick and listen to the cools sounds you were making! Too cute :) Good day altogether, you were happy with your new toys and mommy reorganized your entire room and everything is so much better in there!
Yesterday when your dad came home from work, I asked him if he had a surprise for me!!!? Hahahaha, he was like, "um, no...? I don't... What do you want?" Made me giggle because the only reason I asked was because I used to do that with my mom whenever she would leave and come back. Me along with your uncle C.J. and auntie Meliss would rummage through my moms purse to see if she brought us a surprise. It was usually gum, or something like that ;) Hahahaha, I wonder how many other kids do that? Or if that's normal? I don't know. I wonder if you will do that? :) Well, I had forgotten about the whole thing, and went to put you to bed for the night and when I walked back into the living your daddy had lit candles, wine, and actually MADE some chocolate covered strawberries for us! That was my surprise. I should ask for a surprise more often! Hahaha. I thought it was so sweet, and could not believe he did all that without me even noticing. I mean, our apartment is not that big! Your daddy is a sweet guy, and maybe when you get older he will do fun surprises for you too ;) just no wine. Hahaha...
This last Wednesday you and I went to Riverside to visit Tia Dolly! It was a lot of fun, and always so nice to chat and catch up. We hung out, talked and went to lunch where your mommy had a wonderful cheeseburger! Yum!!!You were so good on the car ride both ways. You just went to sleep! That was good because it was just you and I.
I love your little feet, your little skinny arms and legs, your nose, your eyes, your cute little lips, your sweet cheeks, your elbows and knees with the tiny dimples, your little ears that poke out, and your sweet sounds. You are the best thing ever Eli.
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Just woke up... Bed head! |
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You with your new toys! |
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Loving those hand and feet rattles! |
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Your daddy's sweet surprise! |
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Nice break away!
Dear Elijah,
This past weekend we drove out to the desert with "gramps" (haha) and Grandma Holland to meet up with your uncle Jimmy, auntie Tiff, and your cousins! They rented a house with a pool and invited us to come out for the weekend and swim with them. It was a really nice break away for our little family, and so fun. Your daddy and I have been dying to swim, and we also wanted to see how you would like the pool :) You had never been in one till this past weekend. You LOVE bath time, but I don;t know if you were the biggest fan of the "huge bath tub" haha... You actually didn't mind it at times and were ok with your feet splashing around, but then you would become unsure about it and cry a little. You were alright, then you were not. Haha... But you did great for your first time. I think for now we may just have to stick with warmer baths and try again later :) It was very cute to see you in a bathing suit though. You looked super cute! You had a lot of fun watching your cousins play in the pool, and spending time with your grandparents. We stayed in a hotel, and your daddy and I had so much fun playing in the pool while grandma and grandpa watched you. We hit a ball back and forth 32 times without dropping it! That was our highest score, it was a small ball... All in all it was a nice, short get away for a couple days :)
Oh, and you are officially grabbing your own feet! You did it a lot on this trip, and are so cute when you do it. You can actually hold onto them for a while now. You are making more sounds now that are starting to sound more like a baby conversation. Hahaha. I wish I could speak your language, I do try ;) You are laying next to me right now just laughing and smiling. Every time I glance down at you, you smile really big and squeal! I LOVE IT! Mommy made you banana-carrot yummies tonight and you liked it! I have to say, your daddy and I liked it to! Banana and carrot blended together are quite delicious!
The reason I wrote "gramps" above is because I thought it was hilarious that your cousin Katelynne called your grandpa Holland that yesterday.
Earlier this evening your dad and I went to the grocery store, but I was sooooooooooooooooooo tired after the car ride home from the desert. I still went to the store with you and your dad because I wanted to be able to make some dinner tonight. I grabbed a bunch of groceries and headed to our front door. I always get so frustrated with our front door because the key never goes right in. You have to stand there for a while trying to get the key to work. Uhg... So that was happening while I was trying to hold all these heavy groceries, when finally a bag slipped from my grip and landed on the floor! This would have been fine had it been the cereal boxes, or the vegetables... or even the bread... But no, it was the one bag with the glass jar of pickles... PICKLES!!! Pickles... So, I did what any woman in my condition would do. I dropped all the groceries, kicked the door open, and fell on the couch with a blanket over my face saying, "I hate our stupid door, it's so stupid, and so lame! the pickles are ruined!!!" Your daddy and you followed behind looking troubled. Your dad cleaned it up and told me he would get me more pickles... He said it was going to be alright, that he would run out right then and get another jar. I thought the whole thing was funny after that, and didn't let him go back. So yes, this is currently a pickle free zone, but who needs pickles when I've got my boys around :) Love you!
This past weekend we drove out to the desert with "gramps" (haha) and Grandma Holland to meet up with your uncle Jimmy, auntie Tiff, and your cousins! They rented a house with a pool and invited us to come out for the weekend and swim with them. It was a really nice break away for our little family, and so fun. Your daddy and I have been dying to swim, and we also wanted to see how you would like the pool :) You had never been in one till this past weekend. You LOVE bath time, but I don;t know if you were the biggest fan of the "huge bath tub" haha... You actually didn't mind it at times and were ok with your feet splashing around, but then you would become unsure about it and cry a little. You were alright, then you were not. Haha... But you did great for your first time. I think for now we may just have to stick with warmer baths and try again later :) It was very cute to see you in a bathing suit though. You looked super cute! You had a lot of fun watching your cousins play in the pool, and spending time with your grandparents. We stayed in a hotel, and your daddy and I had so much fun playing in the pool while grandma and grandpa watched you. We hit a ball back and forth 32 times without dropping it! That was our highest score, it was a small ball... All in all it was a nice, short get away for a couple days :)
Oh, and you are officially grabbing your own feet! You did it a lot on this trip, and are so cute when you do it. You can actually hold onto them for a while now. You are making more sounds now that are starting to sound more like a baby conversation. Hahaha. I wish I could speak your language, I do try ;) You are laying next to me right now just laughing and smiling. Every time I glance down at you, you smile really big and squeal! I LOVE IT! Mommy made you banana-carrot yummies tonight and you liked it! I have to say, your daddy and I liked it to! Banana and carrot blended together are quite delicious!
The reason I wrote "gramps" above is because I thought it was hilarious that your cousin Katelynne called your grandpa Holland that yesterday.
Earlier this evening your dad and I went to the grocery store, but I was sooooooooooooooooooo tired after the car ride home from the desert. I still went to the store with you and your dad because I wanted to be able to make some dinner tonight. I grabbed a bunch of groceries and headed to our front door. I always get so frustrated with our front door because the key never goes right in. You have to stand there for a while trying to get the key to work. Uhg... So that was happening while I was trying to hold all these heavy groceries, when finally a bag slipped from my grip and landed on the floor! This would have been fine had it been the cereal boxes, or the vegetables... or even the bread... But no, it was the one bag with the glass jar of pickles... PICKLES!!! Pickles... So, I did what any woman in my condition would do. I dropped all the groceries, kicked the door open, and fell on the couch with a blanket over my face saying, "I hate our stupid door, it's so stupid, and so lame! the pickles are ruined!!!" Your daddy and you followed behind looking troubled. Your dad cleaned it up and told me he would get me more pickles... He said it was going to be alright, that he would run out right then and get another jar. I thought the whole thing was funny after that, and didn't let him go back. So yes, this is currently a pickle free zone, but who needs pickles when I've got my boys around :) Love you!
Friday, August 5, 2011
My experience :)
Dear Elijah,
First of all, you went to the Long Beach aquarium 2 days ago, and LOVED it! I loved watching you look at all the fish and sea creatures. I have to say, I didn't think you were quite ready to be interested, but I was wrong, and you had a great time. Aunt Cindy and uncle John came in from Bakersfield with two extra tickets to go, so aunt Teresa and I tagged along. It was fun, and I got you a little stuffed animal (sharkey) to have as a souvenir :)
Last night you slept through the WHOLE night. I was so surprised! I don't expect you to do that yet at all, but it was a nice treat to sleep through the night for all of us. We woke up missing you though, and not much longer after your dad and I woke up, you joined us. You could tell we missed you because when you woke up, we were soooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited and asked you why you didn't say hello to us in the middle of the night? Hahahahaha Sooooo, did you miss us? We really appreciated the uninterrupted sleep, but we did miss you ;) You were all smiles when you finally did wake up! Ah, so cute!
Ok so it's time to get real here for a second. These letters are just for you Elijah, and I am so glad that I started doing these because it's not only letters to my baby boy, but a motherhood diary for me! I have already appreciated going back a reading some of these, and it reminds me of what things were like and the feelings I was having at certain moments. So I have to be honest with you and say... You ARE SO EASY!!! haha... Ok, yes, motherhood can be challenging, and tiring, BUT it never ever outweighs the fun, the joys, and the excitement of it all. MY experience with YOU, has been unexpectedly breezy. I could try to analyze it all day long, but the simple truth is that I have had a blast taking care of, and loving you! I struggle with fears, and different things like that. I worry... I pray, pray, pray!!! Let me tell you, prayer, and God's grace has been the rock that I stand on, and because of that, we are having so much fun! I know there are many challenges to come, but they are welcomed. I know you are going to probably knock me on my butt some days, but with God's grace I'll get back up. :) I love you my little man! The funny thing is that people are always coming up to us saying "JUST WAIT..." or "YOU BETTER ENJOY THIS TIME BECAUSE IT ONLY GETS HARDER." That makes me so sad! It's like Jeeze, can you please LET me enjoy my baby and not be such a downer. Thanks! I am usually nice to these people and just smile, and don't want to be rude, but it gets to me at times. I think we all know how challenging it can be, but for goodness sake, let me be. I'm having a blast! We hear so many negative things out and about. People trying to be funny I guess. Hahaha. Then you get the breath of fresh air with those rare, sweet people who say things like... "Isn't it great?" or "Aren't you guys just having the best time? I miss those days :)" Refreshing... I love those people. Or the ones who have had a hard time but are still so positive, "Oh man, no sleep, diapers galore, but I wouldn't trade it" or "It was so hard for us but it's different for everyone." I don't mind that at all. In fact it's always encouraging to hear a mother's difficulties, and how she came through it. There are so many women who are brutally honest about there experiences even when they were horrible! I appreciate the honesty. I seriously get it. We just happen to have you Elijah, and you have not yet pushed us to our breaking points. It's sort of a catch 22 for people anyway which is why I am nice to them. Hahahaha. Because the comments that we appreciate hearing might not be what other parents want to hear when they are barely hanging on. :) We always joke that if you have another brother or sister, they are going to show us what up! They are going to have us on our knees begging for help! Hahahaha... We are pretty spoiled by you. It's fun to have this experience, and then if we have another child, it's going to be fun to have a whole other experience. I mean, I'm sure you and your siblings would appreciate the differences between your letters... One reads, Oh what a wonderful day prancing through the meadows with the baby sleeping in my arms... While the other reads... Help! Hahahahahaha... Oh my gosh, Elijah... Your fits are hilarious! Yes, my 4 month old throws fits. You will scream at me sometimes if I move you, or if you want something. The first fit I saw you throw, I just took a step back and watched you kick your feet, whine, and turn red in the face. I picked you up after realizing what I was witnessing was your first fit. That was at 3 months! Hahahaha. Here are some things that help me keep my chin up. 1) When you spit up on me for the 4th time in a row, no joke... I laugh. Yes, barf all over my shirt, pants, and inside my shoe! I laugh because when I look at you afterward, you are laughing at me! You think it's so funny! Or you just feel really good after getting it out, so you smile huge, and laugh! Makes me feel better every time. We were meeting with our banker yesterday and you seriously threw up on me 4 times during the meeting. And it did go in my shoe that time. The 4th time, I looked up at your daddy with a straight face, and the banker gave me the box of tissues at his desk and said "here, you need these more than I do." I took that opportunity to laugh. Throw my hands up in the air and surrender to motherhood. Hahahahaha... 2) When you freak out, and are seemingly crying for no reason (which is more and more recently), I try to appreciate your situation. You need me. Plane and simple. You can't do things for yourself, so I try to understand how frustrating that might get for you at times. :( 3) here... hahaha. that's it! Here daddy :) before I get to that point. I have the luxury of having your daddy be home more, and let me tell you, your daddy is so good with you. He has opened arms for you my love. All the time! 4) I don't take myself to seriously because most likely during the day you will find a way to humble me. Like when you pooped on my stomach the other day. Humbled... Or when you spit up down my shirt. Humbled... Or the time you kicked me in the eye ball. Ouch... And that time you peed on the wall... Thanks a lot... Hahahaha. That's it :) Those are the things that help me with you Eli. I try to laugh my way through. And yes, I have cried my way too! Especially when I was pregnant, and you were a week late. I broke down. I cried, and didn't think I could go another day! But I did. God made me. Hahahaha.
I have pictures of you at the aquarium! Hopefully I will be able to post them, but my email is not working right now. If they never end up on here, just ask me about them, and I'll show you :) Love you!
Oh!!! and thank you for the birthday present! I love it. Your daddy, grandparents and you really know how to surprise me! :) I love my pink bike that I hope to someday bike ride with you :)
Oh!!! and how could I forget... You ate a banana for the first time 2 days ago!
First of all, you went to the Long Beach aquarium 2 days ago, and LOVED it! I loved watching you look at all the fish and sea creatures. I have to say, I didn't think you were quite ready to be interested, but I was wrong, and you had a great time. Aunt Cindy and uncle John came in from Bakersfield with two extra tickets to go, so aunt Teresa and I tagged along. It was fun, and I got you a little stuffed animal (sharkey) to have as a souvenir :)
Last night you slept through the WHOLE night. I was so surprised! I don't expect you to do that yet at all, but it was a nice treat to sleep through the night for all of us. We woke up missing you though, and not much longer after your dad and I woke up, you joined us. You could tell we missed you because when you woke up, we were soooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited and asked you why you didn't say hello to us in the middle of the night? Hahahahaha Sooooo, did you miss us? We really appreciated the uninterrupted sleep, but we did miss you ;) You were all smiles when you finally did wake up! Ah, so cute!
Ok so it's time to get real here for a second. These letters are just for you Elijah, and I am so glad that I started doing these because it's not only letters to my baby boy, but a motherhood diary for me! I have already appreciated going back a reading some of these, and it reminds me of what things were like and the feelings I was having at certain moments. So I have to be honest with you and say... You ARE SO EASY!!! haha... Ok, yes, motherhood can be challenging, and tiring, BUT it never ever outweighs the fun, the joys, and the excitement of it all. MY experience with YOU, has been unexpectedly breezy. I could try to analyze it all day long, but the simple truth is that I have had a blast taking care of, and loving you! I struggle with fears, and different things like that. I worry... I pray, pray, pray!!! Let me tell you, prayer, and God's grace has been the rock that I stand on, and because of that, we are having so much fun! I know there are many challenges to come, but they are welcomed. I know you are going to probably knock me on my butt some days, but with God's grace I'll get back up. :) I love you my little man! The funny thing is that people are always coming up to us saying "JUST WAIT..." or "YOU BETTER ENJOY THIS TIME BECAUSE IT ONLY GETS HARDER." That makes me so sad! It's like Jeeze, can you please LET me enjoy my baby and not be such a downer. Thanks! I am usually nice to these people and just smile, and don't want to be rude, but it gets to me at times. I think we all know how challenging it can be, but for goodness sake, let me be. I'm having a blast! We hear so many negative things out and about. People trying to be funny I guess. Hahaha. Then you get the breath of fresh air with those rare, sweet people who say things like... "Isn't it great?" or "Aren't you guys just having the best time? I miss those days :)" Refreshing... I love those people. Or the ones who have had a hard time but are still so positive, "Oh man, no sleep, diapers galore, but I wouldn't trade it" or "It was so hard for us but it's different for everyone." I don't mind that at all. In fact it's always encouraging to hear a mother's difficulties, and how she came through it. There are so many women who are brutally honest about there experiences even when they were horrible! I appreciate the honesty. I seriously get it. We just happen to have you Elijah, and you have not yet pushed us to our breaking points. It's sort of a catch 22 for people anyway which is why I am nice to them. Hahahaha. Because the comments that we appreciate hearing might not be what other parents want to hear when they are barely hanging on. :) We always joke that if you have another brother or sister, they are going to show us what up! They are going to have us on our knees begging for help! Hahahaha... We are pretty spoiled by you. It's fun to have this experience, and then if we have another child, it's going to be fun to have a whole other experience. I mean, I'm sure you and your siblings would appreciate the differences between your letters... One reads, Oh what a wonderful day prancing through the meadows with the baby sleeping in my arms... While the other reads... Help! Hahahahahaha... Oh my gosh, Elijah... Your fits are hilarious! Yes, my 4 month old throws fits. You will scream at me sometimes if I move you, or if you want something. The first fit I saw you throw, I just took a step back and watched you kick your feet, whine, and turn red in the face. I picked you up after realizing what I was witnessing was your first fit. That was at 3 months! Hahahaha. Here are some things that help me keep my chin up. 1) When you spit up on me for the 4th time in a row, no joke... I laugh. Yes, barf all over my shirt, pants, and inside my shoe! I laugh because when I look at you afterward, you are laughing at me! You think it's so funny! Or you just feel really good after getting it out, so you smile huge, and laugh! Makes me feel better every time. We were meeting with our banker yesterday and you seriously threw up on me 4 times during the meeting. And it did go in my shoe that time. The 4th time, I looked up at your daddy with a straight face, and the banker gave me the box of tissues at his desk and said "here, you need these more than I do." I took that opportunity to laugh. Throw my hands up in the air and surrender to motherhood. Hahahahaha... 2) When you freak out, and are seemingly crying for no reason (which is more and more recently), I try to appreciate your situation. You need me. Plane and simple. You can't do things for yourself, so I try to understand how frustrating that might get for you at times. :( 3) here... hahaha. that's it! Here daddy :) before I get to that point. I have the luxury of having your daddy be home more, and let me tell you, your daddy is so good with you. He has opened arms for you my love. All the time! 4) I don't take myself to seriously because most likely during the day you will find a way to humble me. Like when you pooped on my stomach the other day. Humbled... Or when you spit up down my shirt. Humbled... Or the time you kicked me in the eye ball. Ouch... And that time you peed on the wall... Thanks a lot... Hahahaha. That's it :) Those are the things that help me with you Eli. I try to laugh my way through. And yes, I have cried my way too! Especially when I was pregnant, and you were a week late. I broke down. I cried, and didn't think I could go another day! But I did. God made me. Hahahaha.
I have pictures of you at the aquarium! Hopefully I will be able to post them, but my email is not working right now. If they never end up on here, just ask me about them, and I'll show you :) Love you!
Oh!!! and thank you for the birthday present! I love it. Your daddy, grandparents and you really know how to surprise me! :) I love my pink bike that I hope to someday bike ride with you :)
Oh!!! and how could I forget... You ate a banana for the first time 2 days ago!
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That's you eating banana for the first time! All blended up! |
Monday, August 1, 2011
Oh baby!
Dear Elijah,
These are exciting times my boy... You are pretty much doing all these new things right before my eyes. I notice every little thing that is new that you do! Probably because I hardly ever take my eyes off of you ;) heehee. You have been gaining so much more control in your arms and hands, you hold up your head so good now, and you are being held like a big boy. You have a lot more personality, and you definitely know what you like and what you don't like. You let out a scream, or a laugh!!! YES, I SAID LAUGH!!! It's been slowly sneaking up on us. You would give a little chuckle here and a squeal there... But now, as of two days ago, I can MAKE you laugh by tickling your neck, or playing peek a boo!!! Wooohooooooo! You finally think we are funny enough to laugh! Makes me cry happy tears when I hear your cute laugh. It's the best! We have been going like EVERY Saturday and Sunday Open House Hunting! It's our newest hobby ;) Super fun, and we love seeing all these amazing homes that are tucked away in San Pedro. Your daddy and I grew up in San Pedro, and we still find ourselves in neighborhoods we never knew existed! And these crazy HUGE mansions in the middle of a normal neighborhood. It's really cool, and you are with us when we go on these excursions! All the agents think you're so cute ;)
So the other day I asked your dad, "so.... should I take him to go get professional pictures done? Isn't that what we are supposed to do?" Hahaha... He said, "NO! You take such great pictures, we will never need to go elswhere, you can just take them!" I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo flattered. Your daddy thinks I can do anything, but I wasn't sure that I could capture your cuteness and didn't know if you would hold still, blah blah blah... So we decided to do a "photo session" with you and your daddy said he would help me!So I set up our living room like a little studio :) and I would tell your daddy how to place you in the picture, and you were soooooooooooooooooooooo good. You usually clam up when a camera comes out, and make the most serious faces when you see one. But for this session, you were just in your own little world, and I love how the pictures came out!
Mommy has to always keep a good eye on you, because you picked up this new habit of grabbing any piece of material around you, and pulling it over your face! You LOVE doing this, and it's actually really funny! you pull your blankets over your face and look so cozy, until mommy has to come pull them off. haha to cute.
These are exciting times my boy... You are pretty much doing all these new things right before my eyes. I notice every little thing that is new that you do! Probably because I hardly ever take my eyes off of you ;) heehee. You have been gaining so much more control in your arms and hands, you hold up your head so good now, and you are being held like a big boy. You have a lot more personality, and you definitely know what you like and what you don't like. You let out a scream, or a laugh!!! YES, I SAID LAUGH!!! It's been slowly sneaking up on us. You would give a little chuckle here and a squeal there... But now, as of two days ago, I can MAKE you laugh by tickling your neck, or playing peek a boo!!! Wooohooooooo! You finally think we are funny enough to laugh! Makes me cry happy tears when I hear your cute laugh. It's the best! We have been going like EVERY Saturday and Sunday Open House Hunting! It's our newest hobby ;) Super fun, and we love seeing all these amazing homes that are tucked away in San Pedro. Your daddy and I grew up in San Pedro, and we still find ourselves in neighborhoods we never knew existed! And these crazy HUGE mansions in the middle of a normal neighborhood. It's really cool, and you are with us when we go on these excursions! All the agents think you're so cute ;)
So the other day I asked your dad, "so.... should I take him to go get professional pictures done? Isn't that what we are supposed to do?" Hahaha... He said, "NO! You take such great pictures, we will never need to go elswhere, you can just take them!" I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo flattered. Your daddy thinks I can do anything, but I wasn't sure that I could capture your cuteness and didn't know if you would hold still, blah blah blah... So we decided to do a "photo session" with you and your daddy said he would help me!So I set up our living room like a little studio :) and I would tell your daddy how to place you in the picture, and you were soooooooooooooooooooooo good. You usually clam up when a camera comes out, and make the most serious faces when you see one. But for this session, you were just in your own little world, and I love how the pictures came out!
Mommy has to always keep a good eye on you, because you picked up this new habit of grabbing any piece of material around you, and pulling it over your face! You LOVE doing this, and it's actually really funny! you pull your blankets over your face and look so cozy, until mommy has to come pull them off. haha to cute.
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