Thursday, August 25, 2011

New Mommy Stuff...Oh my...heehee

Dear Elijah,
You are sleeping right now, and I think you are just the cutest! You and I are at grandma's house waiting for daddy to get off of work so that we can pick him up! So, your dad has been coming up with tasty, yet healthy recipe's for a cook book he is putting together. Seriously, he is the best cook in the world. I'm not joking... You and I have been playing around with bananas, carrots and mango's! You love all three so far. I can't believe you are eating solids. You look like such a big boy when I feed you! You are still mostly nursing, but I will sometimes give you a little bit of solids here and there. Sort of easing you into it. You do very well, and you eat so fast!
Oh my gosh Eli, I have never been more aware of squeaky doors and creaky floors! Everything squeaks and creaks so loud now that you fight sleep. You can sleep through lots of noise, but it has to already be going on. You jolt awake when for instance... Daddy drops a spoon in the sink when you are almost asleep!!! Hahahaha. That happened last night and you were so cranky! I finally got you to drift into a nice sleep and your father dropped a loud metal spoon onto glass dishes in the sink!!! LOUD! hahaha, and you woke up, and didn't go back to sleep for a while. I walked into the kitchen with you in my arms and the straightest face I could possibly make, and your dad already knew before looking at me that he woke you up. Hahahaha... He was like, I know, I woke him up, I'm sorry...... I wasn't really mad at him, I just wanted to give him a hard time :) I mean, after all, he was making dinner for us! I thought it would be funny to make a list of things that stand out to me as being funny/irritating about being a new mom. Highlight NEW... My sister, your Nina Meliss took us to coffee the other day and asked me, "so, what like, super bothers you about other people concerning Eli." I danced around the question for a while, then just started laughing and blurted out all my pet peeves! hahahaha!
 #1. When ladies come up to us in Starbucks and tell me, "he's cold." Yes, I sure do like to freeze my baby. You are usually recovering from sweating and being super hot outside, and mommy is usually in the transition phase of putting your blanket, hat and socks on you... So irritating...

#2. When people ask you... YOU a 4 1/2 months old, why you are wearing that... Who knows, they may think you are to hot or to cold in the chosen outfit of the day. I can't quite keep up with other people's body temperatures. If they are hot or cold on a whim, you must be too. Thing is, when you and mommy leave the house, it's usually early and you are cold, then it gets hot. So I will change you accordingly, but apparantly not fast enough for the public... So irritating...

#3. When people try to send me a message through speaking to you... I hate that. Use your imagination... It could sound something like... (baby talk tone) "your to little, your mommy needs to feed you more." or "why do people dress you babies in jeans, what happened to dressing babies like babies?" ehem, I do dress you like a baby.... A very cute baby. Hahahaha... Yes you have baby jeans, forgive me I have sinned... ;)

#4. You are wearing blue, have a green and blue blanket, and are holding a shark... "Oh how old is she?" HAhahahahahahaha... I actually think that is funny. People always assume you are a girl. The only thing that bothers me about that is that I have to correct them and they feel embarrassed. haha

Hahahahahaha....Guess this stuff comes with the territory ;)

Believe me, I along with many new mommies could write a book on this stuff. But all in all, it gives us something to laugh about later. I LOVE mommyhood, and I wouldn't trade any of these experiences for anything. Even the irritating ones ;) I have a ball taking care of you! But you know I have to say this, maybe a tiny disclaimer... I find it kind of endearing when you are at grandma's house, and I come back to a half dressed baby. :) They strip you down! Socks OFF, jeans OFF... hahaha that is just cute, and that's what I do at home ;)  Oh funny side note, when we were hanging out with my aunt Teresa a while back she looked at me and said, "oh my gosh, you are just like I was... I too used to put shoes on my babies that could not yet walk." Hahahahaha... I know it sounds funny, but I feel like you are not put together well with out shoes or socks on when we are out and about. I always think it looks so unkempt when you are barefoot on public to much. I do let you now more than I used to, since it's so hot... But yes, I bought you sandals when you were like 2 months... Hahahaha. You have shoes, sandals, socks that look like shoes, and yes, you have worn them all! I personally love your little feet, so when I do let you go shoeless or sockless, I love seeing your cute little toes all free! Love you baby boy ;)

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