First of all, you went to the Long Beach aquarium 2 days ago, and LOVED it! I loved watching you look at all the fish and sea creatures. I have to say, I didn't think you were quite ready to be interested, but I was wrong, and you had a great time. Aunt Cindy and uncle John came in from Bakersfield with two extra tickets to go, so aunt Teresa and I tagged along. It was fun, and I got you a little stuffed animal (sharkey) to have as a souvenir :)
Last night you slept through the WHOLE night. I was so surprised! I don't expect you to do that yet at all, but it was a nice treat to sleep through the night for all of us. We woke up missing you though, and not much longer after your dad and I woke up, you joined us. You could tell we missed you because when you woke up, we were soooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited and asked you why you didn't say hello to us in the middle of the night? Hahahahaha Sooooo, did you miss us? We really appreciated the uninterrupted sleep, but we did miss you ;) You were all smiles when you finally did wake up! Ah, so cute!
Ok so it's time to get real here for a second. These letters are just for you Elijah, and I am so glad that I started doing these because it's not only letters to my baby boy, but a motherhood diary for me! I have already appreciated going back a reading some of these, and it reminds me of what things were like and the feelings I was having at certain moments. So I have to be honest with you and say... You ARE SO EASY!!! haha... Ok, yes, motherhood can be challenging, and tiring, BUT it never ever outweighs the fun, the joys, and the excitement of it all. MY experience with YOU, has been unexpectedly breezy. I could try to analyze it all day long, but the simple truth is that I have had a blast taking care of, and loving you! I struggle with fears, and different things like that. I worry... I pray, pray, pray!!! Let me tell you, prayer, and God's grace has been the rock that I stand on, and because of that, we are having so much fun! I know there are many challenges to come, but they are welcomed. I know you are going to probably knock me on my butt some days, but with God's grace I'll get back up. :) I love you my little man! The funny thing is that people are always coming up to us saying "JUST WAIT..." or "YOU BETTER ENJOY THIS TIME BECAUSE IT ONLY GETS HARDER." That makes me so sad! It's like Jeeze, can you please LET me enjoy my baby and not be such a downer. Thanks! I am usually nice to these people and just smile, and don't want to be rude, but it gets to me at times. I think we all know how challenging it can be, but for goodness sake, let me be. I'm having a blast! We hear so many negative things out and about. People trying to be funny I guess. Hahaha. Then you get the breath of fresh air with those rare, sweet people who say things like... "Isn't it great?" or "Aren't you guys just having the best time? I miss those days :)" Refreshing... I love those people. Or the ones who have had a hard time but are still so positive, "Oh man, no sleep, diapers galore, but I wouldn't trade it" or "It was so hard for us but it's different for everyone." I don't mind that at all. In fact it's always encouraging to hear a mother's difficulties, and how she came through it. There are so many women who are brutally honest about there experiences even when they were horrible! I appreciate the honesty. I seriously get it. We just happen to have you Elijah, and you have not yet pushed us to our breaking points. It's sort of a catch 22 for people anyway which is why I am nice to them. Hahahaha. Because the comments that we appreciate hearing might not be what other parents want to hear when they are barely hanging on. :) We always joke that if you have another brother or sister, they are going to show us what up! They are going to have us on our knees begging for help! Hahahaha... We are pretty spoiled by you. It's fun to have this experience, and then if we have another child, it's going to be fun to have a whole other experience. I mean, I'm sure you and your siblings would appreciate the differences between your letters... One reads, Oh what a wonderful day prancing through the meadows with the baby sleeping in my arms... While the other reads... Help! Hahahahahaha... Oh my gosh, Elijah... Your fits are hilarious! Yes, my 4 month old throws fits. You will scream at me sometimes if I move you, or if you want something. The first fit I saw you throw, I just took a step back and watched you kick your feet, whine, and turn red in the face. I picked you up after realizing what I was witnessing was your first fit. That was at 3 months! Hahahaha. Here are some things that help me keep my chin up. 1) When you spit up on me for the 4th time in a row, no joke... I laugh. Yes, barf all over my shirt, pants, and inside my shoe! I laugh because when I look at you afterward, you are laughing at me! You think it's so funny! Or you just feel really good after getting it out, so you smile huge, and laugh! Makes me feel better every time. We were meeting with our banker yesterday and you seriously threw up on me 4 times during the meeting. And it did go in my shoe that time. The 4th time, I looked up at your daddy with a straight face, and the banker gave me the box of tissues at his desk and said "here, you need these more than I do." I took that opportunity to laugh. Throw my hands up in the air and surrender to motherhood. Hahahahaha... 2) When you freak out, and are seemingly crying for no reason (which is more and more recently), I try to appreciate your situation. You need me. Plane and simple. You can't do things for yourself, so I try to understand how frustrating that might get for you at times. :( 3) here... hahaha. that's it! Here daddy :) before I get to that point. I have the luxury of having your daddy be home more, and let me tell you, your daddy is so good with you. He has opened arms for you my love. All the time! 4) I don't take myself to seriously because most likely during the day you will find a way to humble me. Like when you pooped on my stomach the other day. Humbled... Or when you spit up down my shirt. Humbled... Or the time you kicked me in the eye ball. Ouch... And that time you peed on the wall... Thanks a lot... Hahahaha. That's it :) Those are the things that help me with you Eli. I try to laugh my way through. And yes, I have cried my way too! Especially when I was pregnant, and you were a week late. I broke down. I cried, and didn't think I could go another day! But I did. God made me. Hahahaha.
I have pictures of you at the aquarium! Hopefully I will be able to post them, but my email is not working right now. If they never end up on here, just ask me about them, and I'll show you :) Love you!
Oh!!! and thank you for the birthday present! I love it. Your daddy, grandparents and you really know how to surprise me! :) I love my pink bike that I hope to someday bike ride with you :)
Oh!!! and how could I forget... You ate a banana for the first time 2 days ago!
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That's you eating banana for the first time! All blended up! |
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