Dear Elijah,
I wanted to tell you some of my favorite things about the last 9 months!
1. That feeling I got when I saw the plus sign on the pregnancy test!!! Such a strong and joyful feeling. I loved the butterflies in my tummy and the way your daddy hugged me.
2. Knowing someone is growing inside me. I can't begin to explain what that's like, so I won't. I just love it :)
3. Thinking about what you are going to look like. Your daddy? Me? Some distant relative? haha
4. Sharing our joy about having you with all the people who love us has been amazing! Things like this (pregnancy) bring family and friends closer, and also fill places with more fun and joy. It's so great feeling loved and supported through something like this :)
5. This has created an even stronger bond between your daddy and I. I know that day by day we grow closer, and knowing that you have been growing and are coming to join our family has prompted the best moments, conversations and quality time for us.
6. Praying for you the last 9 months has been so fun! It's been a great resource in helping mommy stay close to Jesus and share deep concerns, joys, and other life experiences with my our creator.
7. I have loved the maturing that has happened throughout these months. Half of that is being a married woman now with those responsibilities, but through these last 9 months, I have tried to grow more spiritually, emotionally and mentally. It's been a very cool journey. And I still have so much more to learn! Love it!
8. Feeling you move for the first time! WOW!!! So incredible! I will always be thankful for that blessing! Then continuing to feel you move and grow has been so awesome. I still NEVER get tired of that. I love seeing and feeling you move around. I'm so glad to experience that!
9. All the down time I get while being pregnant has been so nice. I have worked since I was 15. TCBY was mommy's first job, and it seems like I was always busy, working, or going to school. Although I LOVED every moment of all of that, I have enjoyed this new season of resting. By resting I mean, having you grow inside of me and getting to get back into my hobbies. I got to crochet so many blankets and scarfs, paint, get back into photography a bit, write, read, bake, cook, and learn how I wanted to do things around the house. I am so grateful to the morning sickness for that! It made me stop for a while and learn to enjoy a slower pace.
10. All the time your daddy and I have gotten to spend together in our first year of marriage was greatly attributed to you being in my tummy! Forced me to hang home a lot more that I would have if I had not been prego! Heehee... It's been such a blessing.
Now for the things I'm looking forward to and have missed... These are my favorite things about when you finally join us!
1. I get to sleep on my tummy again! wooooohooooooo!!!
2. Wrestling around with your daddy! Which you will find out is so much fun!
3. I can't wait to have a glass of wine again. Sometimes it's nice to sit outside somewhere and drink a margarita or a glass of wine with your daddy and relax. We'll see when that will happen again ;)
4. Being able to breath again! I can't wait till I won't be out of breath just walking to the bathroom! Yipee!
5. Getting to snuggle, kiss and hug YOU! Can't wait to nibble on your cute little toes, and fingers. Your daddy says I can't bite you, but nibbling is fine :)
6. Taking you on walks in the park and by the ocean! We can't wait to take you everywhere with us in your stroller while mommy gets to participate in running and jumping too!
7. Wearing my pants! and my cute shirts that have been shoved away in my closet for nine months! Especially my new yellow bathing suit your daddy bought me! Beach here we come!
8. Getting to wear a dress and HEELS again! Yay! Mommy gets to feel pretty again. Not that I don't now, but I mean more myself, and the without a basketball shaped tummy ;) I love this look actually. I really do. Don't mind it, and your daddy says I look amazing and cute! Hehe, but mommy misses her old shape too ;)
9. Drinking a caffeinated drink at Starbucks... That would be nice here and there, although I don't mind decaf at all really. Just knowing I could... That will be cool. Haha
10. Reading to you, singing to you, playing with you, sharing you, praying with you, and sharing family time all together! Can't wait!!!