Us at Target yesterday. Trying to walk it out :) |
Dear Elijah,
The smoothie your dad made us last night :) |
Well, all day yesterday was a rough one... I was nauseous in the morning hours, and then started to get practice contractions during the afternoon hours. They were pretty painful, and so confusing! I have no idea what real labour pains feel like, but the ones I had yesterday were pretty bad! They started to come more and more throughout the day. Your daddy tried to take my mind off of them, so we went to Starbucks to play cards, and he WON! So not only was I in pain, but I was mad too. Hahaha... Then we went walking around Target so that I could walk around and be entertained at the same time. Hahaha. Oh, and we wanted to get some photos printed for your room ;) At Target I got really bad ones, and had to stop walking. I started to freak out just a little, not too much, but I was concerned I guess. We finally left Target and came home. I went straight for the internet to look up "False Labour", "Pre-contractions," and all that stuff. I read and read and read, while your daddy made me a delicious strawberry banana smoothie! After I drank the smoothie we decided to watch a movie to get my mind off the contractions. That didn't really work. I became sooooooooo uncomfortable, and your daddy was timing the pains. They came and went for over three hours, and were painful but more irritating. I knew every time one would leave it would be back soon! The average time they were coming (although they were quite spastic) was about 8 minutes apart. We called the hospital finally, and they told us not to bother coming in unless I was having some other symptoms along with the pains. So I'm glad we listened and stayed home. I do not want to be sent home from the hospital. That would be very disappointing. AAAAAgh, Elijah!!! I can't wait to see you! Stop teasing mommy and daddy :) Hahaha. Love you.
awww you poor thing. i wish i could be of some assitance but no kids here never been preggers lol sorry sweetie I said April 1st can you hang in there? :D