Dear Elijah,
Hello baby boy! Well, you are looking good and healthy, you have been moving so much, and you are still so cozy in my tummy :) You have been getting pretty heavy! Yeeeeps! I feel like my back is hurting a lot more now, but I guess wether you are in my tummy or in my arms, my back just need to get stronger ;) Now more than ever I have been so anxious to see you! I have been having dreams about you, and in all the dreams you are born and look how you look in your 3D ultrasound. Lots has been happening. We are still using every day till you are here to prepare for you. Yesterday we went to pick up the baby carrier your daddy wanted from Target. We ran into a new mommy there and she talked our heads off for about 20 minutes on "new mommy" advice. I'm sure your daddy did NOT want to hear about some of it. Hahahaha... There was a lot of nursing talk, and we will leave it at that. She was nice ;) The past few nights you have been so squirmy. I have also been getting really harsh BH contractions, and there was even a night your daddy and I thought we might be heading to the hospital! But I do not want to be sent home 5 times before I really go into labor. So I am pretty practical about the pains. I figure I will be sure when you are on your way. I pray so anyway... Also, if I can sleep through some it, I'm sure it's not the real thing. Haha... I was in a "mood" the other night, and was REALLY fatigued and SO tired!!! Actually lately I've been a walking zombie! So I told your daddy... "Babe, I'm still pregnant... and I'm going to be just as pregnant tomorrow as I was today." Sometimes it feels like I have been pregnant for 3 years! Haha. Hey! You just kicked me... heehee. I got you to dance the other day. I sang to you and you were moving to my beat! I'm serious! You really were. Your daddy will softly drum out beats and sing to you too, and you start to kick to his beat! It's so funny! Oh, the other night when we thought you might come join us, we had a HUGE power outage! We didn't have power for hours, so we ended up going to your grandparents house to stay and to save our food! We got to use their refrigerator and freezer, plus it was very nice of them to let us crash there so that our phones would be charged, and our food would be saved. Your daddy has been busy busy at the Gym, and it's been fun to tag along and take pictures. I have some cool ones to show you. Love you Eli. We see the doctor tomorrow, and I'm so excited because she says we are going to take a peek at you! Yay!

I painted your Elijah Train today! |

Can't believe we are this big! |
2 days into our 38th week! |
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