Dear Elijah!
You are still in my tummy. It's cool. I mean, you are 36 weeks though Eli, don't you think you should be moving on here? I mean there are baby's that are born at 35 weeks and you know what they say... The early bird gets the worm... Hahahahaha, I'm just kidding. But I do think that since the doctor said you are super healthy and a good weight and size, you should at least consider coming out now. I know I've made it all cozy and stuff for you in there, but I mean, come on, there is so much more to do out here! Heehee. I love you! I know I'm going to miss you being in my tummy once you are out. There really is something special about feeling you move around in there, and getting all this quality time with you. :) Last night we had our cousins Bill and Christina Main over along with you Auntie Tiff, Uncle Jimmy and your cousins Grace, Katelynn, and Hannah! They came over for dinner, and it was so nice to have them. When they left we were watching the news and last night a huge earthquake took place in Japan, which was followed by a very large tsunami! It was so sad to see all the damage, but we were praying for everyone affected by it, and praying that God would be with them. Those poor people lost a lot last night. There were tsunami warnings for Hawaii, and other places, and they put California (where we live) on a tsunami watch! This was the first time I ever have witnessed something like this take place where it could actually reach so close to home. It was pretty scary, not really for us, but worrying about it hitting other places and causing more damage. So far things have been mellow today. I went to work with your daddy today to watch him train people! It was so much fun! I got to see how hard his clients work, and how caring and encouraging he is. He is most definitely the trainer I would choose! He inspires people to really work hard, and gets them results! I took some pictures on my phone today undercover because I didn't want to make people nervous. I wasn't really watching them to much since I know that can be uncomfortable. I was mostly just hanging around trying to stay out of the way ;) Maybe someday you and your daddy can work out together :) I worked out a little and went for a light jog today. I feel great! Love you Elijah!

Your daddy helping grandma :) |
Your daddy working out! |
Your daddy training your grandpa :) |
You and me 2 days away from 36 weeks! |
Your grandma's working HARD! |
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