Dear Elijah,
Oh what you put your daddy and I though!!! Haha Last night at around 9pm, I started getting contractions. I finally was getting them more regularly so your daddy started timing them just in case. At first they were pretty bad, and averaging about 5 minutes apart. They were so uncomfortable, but not very painful. I've felt worse pain with my monthly cramps. So I wasn't over reacting, we just watched T.V. as I would feel my stomach go from soft to hard all over and feel tightness and un-comfort all at the same time lasting about 30 to 35 seconds. This went on for 3 hours!!! Some were 4 minutes apart, some were 6 minutes apart, and yes we even reached 3 minutes apart for a short time. But I was still not convinced. I read about the stages of labor and I would still be considered early labor at that point since they were so here and there. They said it's best to wait the early labor out at home until you get the longer, more regular contractions. Your daddy was soooooooooooooooo funny. When he thought I was going to be going into labor last night he ran to the kitchen and started eating anything he could get his hands on. I was like... "What are you doing?" and he told me he didn't want to be hungry at the hospital because he wanted to stay with me the whole time, and not have to leave for any reason. Hahahahaha... So he was cramming down fruit, veggies, yogurt, and turkey, while I was laughing thinking how cute he was. We both started to deep clean for some reason too. I started to spray down the bathroom, and when I walked into the kitchen to get the floor cleaner, your daddy was cleaning the kitchen floors and the stove! Hahahaha... Then we went walking up and down our apartment stares together. Then I decided just to go to bed, and if I could sleep through the contractions, then it wasn't going to happen just yet. I wasn't too worried seeing as how I just saw my doctor yesterday, and everything looked good. I guess my body just wants to REALLY prepare me for what's coming. So... Thanks body! I really appreciate that. Besides all that craziness last night, I woke up again in the middle of the night, and couldn't go back to sleep... So of course I used that time to pray. But the funny thing was, at first all I could think about was our wedding day and how much fun that was! Oh, my goodness, we had so much fun, and it was the best day ever. I whispered to your daddy, "Thanks for the best wedding I could have ever imagined," and he just smiled and kept on sleeping,. He probably doesn't even remember me saying that. Hahaha. Once I stopped reminiscing, I started praying for him and you. I prayed that you would be healthy and safe, and I thanked God that you are going to come in His timing, which is so comforting. Then I prayed that your daddy and I would be Godly, good parents who would come together on this journey of parenthood. Also that your daddy would shine at his new job and learn more. Then I ate some cereal and went back to sleep! I woke up this morning to your daddy getting ready for work, and he asked me if I was feeling anymore contractions. :) I actually am just feeling a bit sore and achy this morning, nothing too much. Well, that was our night last night. You tricked us again kind of. Hahaha... Oh well, we love you and are super excited to find out the day you and God have planned for your debut... :)
Us on the couch watching T.V. waiting for contractions to be regular... |
Just waiting it out! |
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