2 days after your due date :) |
Dear Elijah,
Today I saw our doctor, and although I like her very much, she has been wrong on her predictions of when you will be here. So today she was so shocked to see me, and said that she thought I would have had you by now. They hooked your mommy up to a machine to monitor your heart beat, movement, and my contractions. I was having contractions (of course), you were moving like crazy, and your heart beat was strong. After 20 minutes of that, she checked me and said that I am finally at 4 centimeters and changing. She said everything looks ready to roll and she is surprised that I am not in full on labor right now. Especially considering the night we had last night. Then she did an ultrasound to check your fluids and everything looked great. You have plenty of fluid around you and are getting what you need to be a healthy boy. I say your little face, but it was mostly hiding behind your little hand. You always do that by the way. Your hand is always up covering your face, or you are sucking on your fingers whenever we peek at you! Like father like son. Your daddy used to suck on his fingers all the time too, and still does! Hahaha, not really, but he is a nail biter. She sent me off saying that she was not going to tell me this time what she thought because she must sound like a broken record. But then she went ahead and said her opinion anyway which made us all laugh. She said that the next time I feel strong contractions like I did last night, not to wait to long this time because from the looks of it I may go into labor faster once it starts. She said I have to give myself time to have even an option of an epidural if I want one. Then she said, I think he should come today or tomorrow. Then she started laughing and said that she shouldn't have said that because you have been surprising her up to this point. She said you are just having too much fun in there. :) All the nurses and my doctor were so surprised not to see your daddy there today! He had to work, so your Nina Melissa took me. They all say that he is the only daddy they have EVER seen come to all the appointments, and now when they don't see him, they all ask me where he is. Hahaha... Well, we weren't exactly planning on these last two appointments. Haha... Last night I all of a sudden got thee worst pain I have felt yet! It was so painful that I had to quickly lay down on the bed to relieve the pressure I was feeling. But when I shifted to try and compensate for the pain, it shot to my lower back with a vengeance. Your daddy heard me from the living room make the weirdest sound I have ever made... Use your imagination... It was like a groan/scream, and then laughing. I could not help but laugh at myself for the sound that had just come out of me! Your dad was like, "what the heck! Are you ok" as he ran into the room. He started to rub my lower back as I was trying to get into a position that might relieve some of this pain. Then it finally calmed down. This happened again and again, and the contractions were 6 minutes apart! Uggggggggh! Elijah, you are such a trickster! A few were 4 minutes apart, but then it shot up to 9 minutes apart, and then back to 6. I did not get much sleep. But when I did fall asleep, I knew it wasn't time since they were getting further and further apart! How the heck is a woman like me supposed to EVER know when true labor hits!? Hahaha, I mean, those were so painful last night that I cried! And I have a high tolerance for cramping. This was different and effected every part of my lower back, stomach and pelvis area! I just hope it is getting close. Is there like a button I can push? Hahah. Love you baby boy. I have a picture of you and me today, but it won't upload, so I will post it later for you.
phone photos aren't the best :) |
But there we are! |
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