Dear Elijah,
Well, today is one of the few appointments that your daddy will miss. He is usually there right by my side, but today he has to work. Your Nina Melissa is going to take me, so that's nice of her. We will find out today how much I'm dilated. I'm dying to know!
Last night I woke up in the middle of the night WIDE awake! I could not go back to sleep even though I really did try. Instead I sat up in bed all bored watching your daddy sleep. Haha... That is until I kissed his face till he woke up, and then said, oh hi honey, your up! Haha... It didn't last long. He fell right back asleep. But I did get to tell him that I couldn't sleep, and he tried to care, so that was nice :) So I decided to pray. I prayed for you of course, and for your dad. Sometimes at night is when I think about how much your daddy has on his shoulders, and I pray for him and that God would give him strength. Then I end up going through the whole list of family members which is HUGE by the way. You have a BIG family Elijah. Keeps you praying, that's for sure. I actually spent a lot of time praying that my family members would make wise decisions on a daily basis and listen to God's voice. I prayed that they would all be safe and always be aware of what they expose themselves to. Then I fell back asleep like a baby :)
Your dad just told me right now as he is leaving to work... "Babe, if you call me, and I don't answer, cuz you know, we're having a baby or whatever, don't leave a message, just text me so I can read it right away..." It sounded funny to me. I had to write it. He said "goodbye you two, keep me updated"... We are all on high alert since your due date is 2 DAYS away :) How exciting... There's a country song called "Bring on The Rain," but I changed it to, "Bring On The Pain!" Hahahaha... We also changed the lyrics to a worship song call "Jehovah Jireh" It goes... "Jehovah Jireh, my provider, his grace is sufficient for me, for me, for me..." We changed it to... "Come on Elijah, you can do it, come on out of me, of me, of me..." Hahahaha... I like that song, it's a good one. We also made up a song that is really simple... It goes... Eli B Eli Beli, Eli Beli Beli, Eli B Eli Beli Eli Beli B! See!!! Easy!
So here's the thing Elijah... I learned so many songs and phrases growing up, and I went 20 some years singing and saying these things wrong. No one had the decency to correct me, so I will let you in on a few easy to mess up songs and phrases so that you do not go through the same embarrassment...
1. When you sing Pat a Cake Pat a Cake... It's actually "Mark it with a B", NOT... "Mark it with a bean"
2. When you sing Would You Like to Swing On a Star... It's actually "Carry Moon BEAMS home in a jar," NOT... "Carry Moon Beans home in a jar."
3. When people buy vacation spots around the world it's called a "Time Share," NOT a "Time Chair."
There are many more, but these were the big ones that I suffered much ridicule over! Hahahaha. Love you :)
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