Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Dear Elijah,
One day I'm helping to hold you up so you don't fall over, and the next day you are sitting up for minutes at a time! I mean, the progress that you make in a matter of a DAY is insane! I was going to show people yesterday how you are "learning" to sit up, but told them you would only be able to for like 5 seconds before you fall into soft pillows ;) but you totally proved me wrong. I think I was beside myself more an anyone. Only because I think it's crazy that you can pick something up so fast. You still need me to be right next to you when you sit up by yourself, but you seriously do so great! You will be 6 months old in about a week or so, and I am just so impressed by you. You amaze me! Hahahahaha, I'm so seriously proud of you. Your first tooth has come all the way through, and it's pretty much the cutest tooth I've ever seen! ;) Your auntie Tiff brought by a cool blue seat for you to help you with sitting up by yourself. With this seat, mommy can walk around and not have to be right next to you. You like it, especially when the tray is on it, so you can whack your toys against it and make loud sounds. You are into loud sounds if you are the one making them.
Yesterday you were so entertained by yourself, so I took that as a sign to do stuff around the house. Yay! You allowed me to do 4 loads of laundry (your clothes, our clothes, sheets, and towels), clean the kitchen (scrub counters, sweep and mob the floor, and organize cupboards), clean the living room (dust, vacuum, and rearrange fall decorations), and clean mommy and daddy's bedroom (organize our closet, vacuum, dust, and make the bed with clean new sheets!). Of course in-between cleaning I was playing peek-a-boo, feeding you, changing you, cuddling you and putting you down for naps, but all together you had a wonderful tear free day. Today on the other hand has been a pretty clingy day. I don't mind at all though. It rained all morning, we snuggled on the couch playing with your favorite toys, and mommy sipped on hot cocoa while you enjoyed the spinach/banana baby food I made for you when daddy stopped by in between jobs. You tried crawling today, but then gave up and rolled over onto your back. Hahahahahaha. You now don't have to stay on your tummy when mommy puts you down for tummy time, you can roll over now by yourself. When you roll over onto your back you give me a huge smile as to say, "heeeeeheeeee, I don;t have to do tummy time now!" hahaha. It's very cute. You are showing signs of being very mellow, YET, very strong willed. You are usually very good, and sweet, but if you don't want to do something, you won't! I see some stubbornness coming out in you, accompanied with a sweet spirit. Crazy how parents can kind of tell these things, and kind of get a glimpse at a very young age of who their babies may be in the future. You are very much your own person already, and have likes and dislikes. You show love, anger, frustration, attitude, humor, and so much more. I'm loving getting to know you, and nurture you at this time. We pray for you constantly. I pray that you will be touched by the Holy Spirit, and learn Godly values from us, your relationship with Jesus, your family, and from your extended family; the church. You are such a gift Elijah, and we will always and forever be so grateful for you. Love you.

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