Dear Elijah,
Well, your cousin Gavin turned 1 years old, and we got to go and celebrate with him today! It was such a sweet birthday party, and it's always nice to get to see family. The colors were very cute, green, orange, brown, and some yellow. It looked super Autumn ;) I love that! There were giraffes, and other cute animal decorations, and Gavin was wearing a hat with his name on it and a #1!!! Too cute! I couldn't help but think of you turning one years old here in the nearer future. I was watching Gavin thinking, Oh my gosh!!! He can't be one year old already! I feel like we just got the text message with his sweet little picture announcing he was born. We were in Seattle when he was born, and you were in mommy's tummy! It's crazy how fast you little ones grow. You got to take home some really cool balloons to play with, and had a great time. You were a bit fussy at times though since there were a lot of people, and you had just woken up from a nap, but all together I think you did great!
Lets see, you have sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much personality these days. You kind of shy up around lots of people, but when it's just you, daddy and mommy, you are a little crazy guy! You grab everything, test your different voices, pull hair, fake cry, laugh super hard, scream laugh when I really amuse you, and when you find a sound you like making, you will just keep on and on and on doing it. It's so funny! You love trying to talk right now, and it's always followed by a proud smile on your face. You do the cutest proud of yourself smile, and you raise your little eyebrow up when you do it. This seriously makes my heart melt! I told your daddy the other day it's almost to much cuteness to take in... Hahaha... I love you so much! You are so fun to play with, and I am enjoying every new and old thing you do ;)
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