Monday, October 10, 2011

No Place Like Home

Dear Elijah,
I have had just the best time with you lately. I always have fun with you, but little man, I tell you, you have been so EXTREMELY cute that at times I think I can't take it. I love laying in mommy and daddy's cozy, comfy, soft bed with you and just laughing at each other. You lay next to me giggling, touching my face, paying with your feet, and giving me looks that seriously melt my heart! Today I believe I said, "Aaaaah, Elijah James! You own me!" It's because I just love everything about you. I love being HOME with you so much, and would never dream of trading this time we are blessed to have for anything! I love sitting on our couch with blankets piled high and pillows everywhere doing super baby with you! I hold you up in the air and then plunge you down to my face and kiss you. We have fun putting blankets and pillows on the floor and letting you sit up by yourself :) I love watching you jump in your jumpy, smiling, laughing and looking at me to see if I'm watching you. Hahaha. So cute! When you are preoccupied with your toys and jumping, mommy gets to read a book with hot chocolate and a bowl of cereal. I love making you your food! Since you are eating solids now everyday, I've been getting creative. Today you has Zucchini, Spinach, Pumpkin and you actually ate it all! You are a great eater, and not very picky. Oh and by the way, today was your first time swinging on a swing at the park! Crazy! What a big boy. You are growing so fast. :)
At this moment it's about 9pm, and you are asleep in the other room. I'm enjoying vanilla scented candles, music, and cuddle time with your daddy. He just got back from worship practice, so I'm going to go. Love you baby boy!

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