Dear Elijah,
So I got your your first sippy cup today. I actually got two kinds to see which one you would do better with. One has a straw, and the other is one tat you have to tilt up to drink out of. You loved the sippy cup. I gave it to you and you chewed on the top for a bit then threw it on the floor and started playing soccer with it!!! Hahahahahahahahaha... You were kicking it all around the house, and laughing, and thinking that it was the coolest new toy ever! You are such a boy! I kept picking it up and showing you how to drink out of it, but you would just look at me funny, and then continue to throw it and kick it around. So I tried the other one. This time you actually got some juice out of it, and so you were less rough with the second cup! You drank all of your juice successfully, and then threw it! Hahahahaha. You have had a cold for the past few days, but I saw a lot of improvement today. You had more energy, and were a lot happier. We spent the whole day out of the house though because I felt like you needed fresh air and sun! Not like you haven't been out of the house the whole time you were sick, it was just more limited, and I was feeling a bit caged myself. Hahaha... But today was very fun, and we ended the night by going to the Olive Garden with grandma and grandpa Holland and grandma Darcie! I love that place, and every time we are there we have the nicest people helping us, and they sit us in the family section, which is really nice for us. You dance and sing a lot more these days. You sing so much and it is so adorable! I LOVE your little melodies and songs. Also, recently we exposed you to one of your cousins baby dolls, and you are so funny with it! We say, "can you give the baby love," and you will hug and lay your head on the baby doll! It's so precious! You are very sweet, and then you go and bite the dolls fingers! Hahahaha, you'll be snuggling all sweet with it, and then you slobber all over the dolls face. It's the cutest thing to watch. You have also recently started to figure out what a pillow is for. So you grabbed grandma's pillow off the couch and laid it on the floor and put your head on it! It was so cute! You hug the pillow and will always try to put your head on it even when it's not on the couch or on the floor. You will stand up, pillow in hand, and lay our head on it when it's in your hands. It's pretty darn adorable. Tonight at dinner you kept starting the wave! You would throw your hands up, and then look at daddy who was sitting right next to you, and then he would throw his hands on the air, and then so on and so forth till everyone at the table was throwing their hands in the air! You got a kick out of that, and did it again and again! Hahahaha. Also, today at Starbucks I put you down thinking you were going to walk to your auntie Melissa, and instead you walked over to some man, and hugged his legs! Hahahahahaha! I ran over, and the guy was shocked and looked down laughing, and said hello. It was pretty funny. Oh and another new cute thing you do it when your daddy comes home, you hear him coming down the stairs, so you start to walk to the door while dancing and saying, "dada dada dada dada." It pretty awesome, and dada loves it! Oh and another thing you have been doing is eating your crib!!!!!!! YES! yes... You read this right... You have the bad habit of scraping your teeth along the side of the crib, and now there are teeth marks on your once beautiful dark wood crib! Hahaha... It might as well say, "Eli was here." Haha... You think that picking your nose is funny. You stick your finger in your mouth and pull it out REALLY fast when you are mad at me. You are running now. You fall every day! You shake your head no every time grandpa asks you if you're a good boy, then he says, "Don't shake your head at me, you are too a good boy!" and then you pick your nose to get him to say in a funny voice, "get that finger out of your nose!" Haha.

You enjoy throwing stuff over the gate :) |
Just kicking around your sippy cup ;) |
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