Friday, March 2, 2012

My Sweet Strong Will...

Dear Elijah,
You seriously crack me up! You make me laugh so hard, and what's tough, is that most of the time I laugh, I have to hide it from you. You have been such a good boy. You have learned that when I say, "no, Elijah... Come over here," that you should not be going where you are going and should come over to mommy. For the most part, you actually listen to me, and do it with a smile. You sense our tones at times and respond very well, and other times you try to test the waters, and see what you may be able to get away with. Typical... :) For example, when I told you not to touch the trash can today, and then saw you run over to it as st as you could and throw your socks away! You are always throwing your stuff in the trash. haha... I for one kind of enjoy watching you learn, and getting to see how you react to us now that we are having to be more on top of you in a way. You are learning your boundaries, and trying to see what is alright and what you should not be doing. Its really a whole new world for all of us! We are all new at this, and all of us are trying our best to teach, learn, and be consistent. Funny how you have to think of things like, if it's not ok to touch the VCR at one grandma's house, and the other grandma doesn't really care or have that rule, you have to make the rule everywhere so that you will not be confused!!! I know that you are strong willed. I know that you throw some pretty good fits, but on the flip side of that, it's like you are so easy, listen well, and are a pretty good tempered baby for most of the time! It's so funny to see all these sides to your personality. I haven't labeled you at all, because to me, you are still developing your temperament, and personality. I always think to myself though, that you are a super smart little guy! I of course think you are just the smartest, and brightest baby boy I have ever met ;) heehee, but I'm a bit bias. :) But you really do surprise me every day! It's funny that I think something is so amazing, and when I want to tell other people, I'm not sure they get as excited as I do ;) Hahaha... Like when you learned to stack your stacker cups, or when you learned how to redirect your walker to make it go another way. Things like seeing you kick a ball and chase after it make me so delighted! I love watching you figure something out. It's the best to actually see how you come up with a technique of how to accomplish your goal. You rarely give up :) Your daddy felt your little sister move last night and we were all pretty happy about that! Oh, and you are a very good sharer. You share all your toys with us, and when we say thank you, you laugh and smile. Sharing makes you happy ;) Oh, and I almost forgot! You got your first "blood ouchie" last night :( It was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad. You fell and hit your upper lip on one of your toys, and it bled... :( But you were fine, cried for a while, but calmed down with some love, cold compress, and a bottle.
My lucky charm ;) You just started wearing these jammies, and
I happened to have a box of lucky charms since they were on
sale for 2 bucks! So I thought a picture was in order ;) Love ya!

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