Sunday, February 26, 2012

Daddy Save!

Dear Elijah,
You have to be the sweetest baby I have ever met! You are just so sweet to the people you love. You show your love so openly and freely, and I couldn't be more proud of you and thankful for your tender heart. During church today you walked up to where your grandpa was sitting and layed your head on his knee just to give him some love. You did this multipul times, and then would come and hug me and lay your head on my chest. You are so cuddly, and you really enjoy snuggling up to the people you love. Today at church you were running around outside with your daddy, and you were feeling rather brave and like you could go up and down the small incline all by yourself. Any little bump very much affects your walking, but you were actually doing quite good. Daddy was right there watching you, and all of a sudden you went flying forward about to do a face dive right into the concrete. As my heart leaped out of my chest into my throat, your dad quickly reached out as fast as he could, and caught only your face! It was perfect! His hand was the cusion for your face that would have otherwise slammed into concrete! Aaaah, I was so thankful that daddy was quick on his feet. After church we all went out to eat with your 2 sets of grandparents and your uncle Jake. Your uncle actually had to leave the restaurant and go sit in the car because he was having
pain. He just got a major back surgury, and is super tough and really brave about the whole thing. When we finally got you home today, your daddy and I layed on the floor of our downstairs living room, and you roamed and ran around us playing with your toys, and having a blast! The best thing  ever was when you would run up to your daddy and lay your head on his chest for a minute and then get up and play again! You did this all night, and were just so in love with your daddy tonight. He was eating it up and enjoying every single snuggle you gave him. He holds you tight and says, "aww, thank you buddy, I love you too." It's just the best! You did it to me too a few times, but mostly your daddy tonight. You would always look up at his face while you were laying on him and smile. I was enjoying watching you all night. What a relaxing time we all had together tonight. I love being a family. I love our family! Lets see, you walk very well now, and rarely want to be held. You always talk to yourself and crack yourself up. Tonight you were being so funny, and would laugh every time you fell down. We call that your "punchy/goofy" mood. You get very wound up and laugh at everything at times.
 You kick soccer balls, and throw very well. You understand, nap time, or sleep time. You will now walk to your crib if you are tired and hold onto it while looking at me with longing in your eyes ;) You know if we say, "where is your ball," you walk up to your ball and show it to us. You understand "bottle," or "baba." You dance all the time! You have also been so much better at playing on your own with your toys. You have figured out how to use some of the more advanced ones, and that keeps you pretty entertained, although you prefer card board boxes, water bottles, and other such things so much more ;) You have also figured out how to stack your stacking cups and every time you stack one, you throw your hands up in the air with a huge smile and we say, "yay." You also do that with your shapes. You can sometimes fit a shape into its hole and we all get excited when you accomplish that! You rarely get a shape in, so when you do, it's very exciting.
Just a little while ago, we thought you were tired and wanted to go to sleep, so we put you in your crib and you stayed for a while even though we all knew it seemed early... Your dad took off to the store, and I was walking out into your area to grab something, and you were standing there peeking over your crib bars. It startled me! You started giggling, and were so not ready to sleep yet, so we are now playing again, and you are playing with your ball, and with your shapes cookie jar that sings ;)  Oooooh, daddy's home! Yay! you just ran up and gave him a huge welcome home hug ;) Love you Eli.
This was us at church today :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cousin Time

Dear Elijah,
You and Nic had a sleep over last night, and let me tell you, I'm pooped! I'm so glad you guys had fun though. You both were so hipper running around the house and playing. You fell like 20 times, but didn't care at all! You both actually stayed up way passed your bed times because you were so excited and wound up by each other. It was funny, but insane around here last night! With bath time, getting Jammie's on, brushing teeth, and preparing juice and milk, you guys had mommy tired out! I finally got you both into bed, and you both fell asleep around 10pm! So late! This morning daddy got you up and fed breakfast while mommy got some extra shut eye. Then I got up and made pancakes for you and Nic while daddy left to work by 8am! You both loved the pancakes, although I wish Nic would have eaten more ;) He just wants to play, play, play and hardly wants to make time for anything else! Hahahaha. You guys are way too cute. Then we went to the park and you guys swung on the swings and played there till grandma picked up Nic. You and I went to story time at the library. Now I'm trying to get you to take a nap, but you aren't really cooperating. Hahaha... Oh well. I hope you fall asleep soon. You should be super tired!

Friday, February 17, 2012

My Little String Bean!

Dear Elijah,
Today you and mommy went to our MOPS group again, and it was very fun! I really have a great time there and am so glad my table of women are so down to earth and nice. You also get to hang out with lots of sweet babies your age, and you really like the interaction. You are never crying when I pick you up. Today we had to leave early because you had a doctor appointment in Long beach at noon, and we had to stop and pick up your nina to come with so she could help me out. When I walked out of MOPS to go get you out of the nursery, I saw 4 cute babies being pushed around in a little red buggie! One of those cute babies was you! It was just so cute seeing you enjoying yourself and befriending a little girl. Her name was Rylee I gathered, and you two were buddies I guess for the whole time. I saw you guys holding hands on your buggie ride, and my heart melted! Then I saw you kind of let go, and she went to touch your face, and then you touched her face and you two were smiling. I mean, seriously? Can you get any cuter! Your teacher said that you two from the very moment you saw each other decided to be buddies and that you two played together the whole time. Hahahahaha, That's just so cute to me, and she was such a sweet little girl. I'm glad you are nice to other babies :)
Your appointment went good. You actually didn't get shots this time, you were just given papers to go get your blood drawn in the next few weeks. So we will do that maybe when daddy can come along :) Also, you weigh 16 pounds! I couldn't believe it! only 16! You little string bean ;) You are so light, long and skinny. Hahahaha... You are 29 inches, which they said was tall. Who knows right? All I know is that you are healthy, eat great, and super active. The doctor checked you out and said all is well with your health :) Yayayayaya! Mommies love hearing that! Ok, so on the other end, you have to go see a specialist! Yeeps, sounds scary I know, but it's needed. Your daddy and I noticed a while back that one of your neck muscled was a lot larger than the other, and that you seemed to favor that side. As if one muscle was developing correctly, and doing all the work, while the other was not. So I pointed it out to our doc, and he is sending us to a specialist, and said it is definitely something that need to be corrected, taken care of, and looked into. He said not to much to worry about, but for sure needs attention. So we will be praying for that, and praying that God will heal what needs to be healed. We love you pumpkin boy! You did a great job today at the doctors, and if you were older I would have taken you to ice cream after. That will come later ;)
at the doctor, ready to be checked out ;)

Monday, February 13, 2012

My Valentine..

Dear Elijah,
Hey sweet face! You are seriously so cute! I woke up this morning and had to wait for you to wake up, usually it's the other way around. I couldn't wait to see that cute sleepy face, and those squinty eyes that make my heart melt. You are so warm, and cuddly when you first wake up, and I think it's a mommy's privilege to be able to have those moments as her own. When you woke up, you were making sweet sounds and I walked over and said, "is that MY baby?" I say that every time you wake up. I walk into the room saying that and you start to laugh and smile really big! This morning when I was carrying you around with me grabbing your diaper, clothes, and stuff to get you ready, you kept dipping your head down under my face looking up at me. You were trying to get my attention, and just wanted me to look at you! Hahahaha. It was so cute! You kept doing it, and I would smile at you, and you would just laugh. You had your banana oatmeal this morning, and acted all coy with grandpa at breakfast. Then you and mommy played for a while. You were walking all over the living room, and I have to say, it still shocks me that you are walking on your own here at home. You will not do it as much in public, but when you are home and feel safe, you roam all around with no one's help! I can't even believe it! Last night I told your daddy, "Man babe! We have a full blown walker now!" It's just that you are so little, and I didn't expect you to walk to fast. You enjoy music so much! You have been dancing, and I LOVE your moves ;) You sway back and forth, and move up and down, tilt your head side to side, and even sometimes wave your hands all around.
I am so in love with kissing you! I can kiss you all day long. If I could make a living out of kissing you, I'd be a billionaire! Daddy and I are ALWAYS kissing your little feet! It's our favorite! Your feet are so cute, and so soft, and you giggle when we do it, so that makes it even more fun! I treasure the times you and I lay on our king size bed and play. You jump on me, and grab my face, my hair, and my ears while trying to slobber all over my face. You love to wrestle, and that's what you and mommy do a lot of the day. I just throw you around on the bed, while you try to grab me and kick! It's so fun! Then you get all lovey and want to rest on mommy for a bit, but then out of nowhere, you grab my face and hair and start getting all hipper again! Hahahahahaha. I love it! I gotta say Elijah, boys are so much fun!
Tomorrow is Valentines day! I asked you to be my Valentine today and you shook your head no! How rude! Well, you don't have a choice, you have to be my Valentine along with your daddy ;) You two guys are pretty much the most handsome two guys around, and I'm a lucky lady!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hair? Makeup? Cute Clothes?

Dear Elijah,
Did you know it actually takes an effort on my part to look human, and not like a zombie. Ahahahaha! These days I've been so tired, that tying a shoe seems almost impossible. I like easy to grab stuff like slip on shoes, and baggy sweatshirts. Lately I've noticed that my hair just goes straight up with not even a second thought.Your daddy laughs at me because I always say, "Oh honey, while your up, would you grab me this or that?" Usually he's not up... I just like to say that so I don't sound so lazy! Hahaha... I wish I could explain it though! I actually am lacking all energy at this moment. I can't even rally! Before, I could rally even if I was tired, I could just get myself to burst back into gear. Early pregnancy has taken it out of me for the time being. I have felt my energy levels go DOWN, and then swing back up!!! I thought they would stay up, and then here I am again. It could be a lot worse! With you, I couldn't function. At least this time I can function, just a lot slower. :) You give me spunk. When I see you, you do bring me into motion ;) It's funny because on a regular day, I'll be looking like a scraggle rock, raga-muffin, joe-crap the rag man, and you will be clean, bathed, in a fresh new CUTE outfit ;) That way, all the focus goes to you, and I can hide under my over sized sunglasses. ;) Heeheeeheee! I love it! At this rate I may be able to qualify for one of those makeover shows! Hint, hint... Tell your daddy to send in recent pics of me to what not to wear. I'd love a whole new wardrobe! Ahahahaha! Ooooooooh mama's just poking fun at herself. This stuff doesn't matter a smidgen, but is fun to find humor in. Truth is, I love experiencing all this different stuff. I never ever knew what to expect in motherhood, and when I get to experience all these new and different stages of motherhood, I get excited, and feel like taking it all in and remembering it! I want to remember how it was to have a 9 1/2 month old who was starting to walk while being 3 1/2 months pregnant! I want to remember being tired, having fun, being moody, getting too emotional, being overwhelmed, experiencing overflowing joy, laughing, crying, and all this stuff that's happening to me and to our growing family! Oh gosh Elijah, you and our new addition are going to be 17 months a part! That's the exact amount of time me and my brother are a part from each other! We were like two peas in a pod growing up. Although, I was telling your grandma Diane tonight about how he and I used to get into fights a lot! I don't really mean arguing, I mean wrestling, kicking, punching, knock down-drag out fights. I enjoyed these times believe it or not. I found it exhilarating, and for some reason I can't explain, I always knew in the back of my mind, that my brother would never REALLY hurt me. I mean, yeah, I got hurt a lot, but he would never actually damage me on purpose ;) We made up games together, had a lot of the same friends, told crazy stories, kept each other company, got shots together, took medicine together, had chicken pocks together! Good times. I hope you and your sibling get along as good as me and mine did :) Or better! ;)

We went to the park yesterday with your nino, uncle Oscar, Auntie Erica, and your cousin Nic! It was a lot of fun. We had a picnic, and played at a park that was super cool looking. They had toys there that were interesting and fun! Nic helped you down the slide a couple times, and you walked all around, and played with the sand. On the way home Nic played with you in the back seat until you fell asleep, then he made sure to tell us that you were asleep, so we had to be quiet ;) So cute! He also asked your dad to roll up his window when he saw a motorcycle at the stop light because he said the motor cycle would be to loud for "baby Elijah" and it will scare you. He'a always looking out for you. He introduces you to everyone as "his cousin baby Elijah". "That my cousin baby Elijah!" I love hearing that. It's the sweetest!

You like to shake your head back and forth now. You do it a lot, and we think it's funny! We ask you questions, and you shake your head no to every one. It's awesome! Love ya!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Tired mama!

Dear Elijah,
You have been super active and it's pretty much the cutest thing! You walk, but even then, you would rather run! Hahahaha... If you think one of us is right there and will catch you, you just take off running! Hahahaha... You can stand up on your own now, and you do that everyday from the middle of the room. The last two night you have been waking up crying, and will not go back to sleep! It's crazy, and just out of the blue! I think you may be in pain from your gums or something. I rubbed your belly, and your head for a while before it donned on me that you may just be in pain. You NEVER do this. So finally last night I gave you a tiny dosage of Tylenol, and you fell right back to sleep and slept the rest of the night. You poor guy :( You woke up in a great mood though, and ate a great breakfast! Then you and mommy went to the park, and then you rode your little horse on the patio. It was a good morning.

I have been pretty sick the past few days, and I'll be honest, it's been rough! I have been nauseous and tired, and feel like if I sit down, I just may fall asleep! I can't say it's been easy, because if I don't feel like you are getting enough attention, or activity I tend to feel bad. So you and I have been outside as much as I can, and I've pushed through the past few days, but I can't wait for the weekend and your daddy to be home. Your daddy is so good at playing with you, and taking care of me when I feel like this. I am hoping that all 3 of us can take it easy and get some good relaxation and rest this weekend! Well, you always get good rest, and lots of activity ;) but maybe your dad and I can tag team and work together to achieve some rest and FUN!!! ;)

I've been a bit stressed out, although I know God has helped me with that. I've been able to give so much up to God in prayer and I know that things have been better because of that. I was pretty worried and stressed about having cramping the past few days on top of the tiredness and sickness, but when I went to my doctor, she said everything looks fine! I told her about the cramping, and she said it's just my ligaments stretching, and my tummy getting ready for the growing baby inside ;) Aaaaaah, I really need to learn how to NOT worry. It's stupid if you think about it. I mean, it's all in God's hands, and I am so much happier when I am able to trust in God rather than myself and my own ideals. :) Thank Jesus I am not a worry wort, but I do struggle with it at times. You got to come to the doctor with me, and you saw the pictures of your little sibling. It was so cute! You grabbed them, and looked at them like, "what is this?" Hahahaha. It was so cool Elijah! Your little brother or sister was moving, and waving their arm up and down, and it was just so cool to see! I got butterflies!!! I'm so excited that the 3 of us get to welcome a new member to our family! You two are going to be awesome friends ;)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Times Are Fun!

Dear Elijah,
This morning, as we did a couple days ago, we went out with mommy's old friend Annalisa. It was a great morning to get out, and grab a bite to eat and some hot cocoa, while you had fun winking at mommy's friend the whole time! You were trying to put your toys on her pancake! HAHAHA, I thought it was funny, because you were so determined to get your "topping" on her food, and you kept reaching for her plate. She was a great sport about it all, and is super easy going around babies. That's always a nice thing ;) We usually go for walks, but it was rainy this morning, and I did not have your rain cover for your stroller.
You slept through baby storytime today. Oh well, there is always next time ;) You were pretty tired after a busy morning of flirting. You went right to sleep when I got you home and in bed.
Your cousin Nicholas is in town, and you get to see him today when you wake up! Yay! He called earlier and asked us to come over, it was so sweet!
Also, you get see your little sibling to today on the ultrasound! Nina is going to come with me so that you can come and see! I'm so excited, and I am just praying that all goes well. We will find out the due date today! Can't wait... Uh oh, I hear someone in the other room! Gotta run. You woke up! Love ya!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Crackers are Great Accesories :)

Dear Elijah,
Hey you! So yesterday I was getting ready for the day. I was all dressed and ready to walk out the door, and I am always holding you while getting ready here and there since you are pretty clingy these days. Your dad came up behind me and started tearing something off my tank top..It was just a cracker. You had somehow put a wet cracker on my back and it dried to my shirt! LOL... I was like, um, thanks babe, that could have been a bit embarrassing. I'm notorious for going out with my tags still on my clothes, or leaving the size stickers on them. That's pretty embarrassing and all, but crackers are a bit more noticeable ;) Glad your daddy always catches me before I go out. I've have banana on my pants, baby puffs stuck to my butt, and your food in my hair, and your dad has always grabbed them before I was exposed to the public ;) Hahahahaha... I wonder how many times I've done stuff like that when he's not around? Food for thought... Anyway, You are such a joy to be around. Although you are starting to throw some fits more often, they usually don't last too long, and you are a good listener. You may make fake cry sounds when I tell you know, but you usually listen to what I'm telling you to do ;) You have started this new thing where you try and hit the back of your head on your car seat when you don;t want to be in there. Daddy hates that! He gets so worries that you are really going to hurt your head, ad so he sits back there with you while lecturing you about how that will hurt your head, and you can't do that. He puts his hand in back of your head so it won't while he is trying to come up with a way to tell you not to do it. It's kind of cute ;) He spends time trying to learn, and get to know you and how you respond to him. He uses a different tone, and you know he means what he is saying. You get upset when we put you in the seat sometimes! Other times you're fine and can't wait to get driving. hahahaha... You silly boy. We love ya! We watched the super bowl at grandma's house yesterday, and you got to play with TWO grandma's and TWO grandpa's! You were having a lot of fun, while mommy and daddy relaxed on the couch ;)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

MOPS, and Marriage :)

Dear Elijah,
I have gotten most of my energy back, and for that I am so thankful. God has been so gracious to me during this sweet pregnancy, and I am able to still take care and spend good quality time, laughs, and playtime with you. Although I do have to dodge a lot of tiny kicks, and by tiny, I mean small foot, HARD kick. You like to kick a lot when I'm getting you dressed, and so I have to turn you away from my tummy, or make sure I am getting out of you way. Hahaha. You have picked up new things such as when you wink now of days, you do a head bob with it. You tilt your head to the side really fast while winking! It's so funny, and makes me laugh so hard sometimes. You look so cute doing it. You are still waving hello and goodbye, and you have learned to wave with your fingers now along with your whole hand going up and down. You start with the whole hand moving up and down, and then turn your hand around and wave with your fingers, although you are waving toward yourself. Hahaha! Looks like you are telling people to come here. Heehee. So cute! It still melts my heart when you lean into us and start to snuggle your face into us, and love on us. It's just so cool to have such a loving baby. You are so strong willed too! Oh my goodness, if I pick you up while you are walking, you go straight to throwing a mini fit and kicking your legs. I realize these days that you would much rather roam around on your own two legs then be held. But you still can't roam all by yourself, so you need our hands to walk around. It gets pretty tiring, BUT always exciting to watch you stomp around. You stomp a lot... haha...
You and I had a busy day yesterday. We started with MOPS, which we both really enjoyed. You had fun in the nursery with the nice ladies and other babies, and I had such a great time with the other mommies I met! They are all so kind, and I am blessed to have been put at such a great table of moms. I think 4 of the moms at my table are pregnant! I'm in good company ;) We heard an awesome speaker, Julia Anderson, speak on marriage. It was amazing! I learned so much. It's crazy how in such a short amount of time, you can have so many revelations. She encouraged all of us to step back and really take a good look at who we are, and also our marriages. I was so happy to be reminded of so many important things, and also to see that, yes, at times I make the effort to do all the things God calls us to do in a marriage, but also, that I need help from God to be consistent in those things. It made me realize JUST how much I love your daddy. It made me see that I am willing to do what it takes to have a joyful, healthy marriage. It also made me realize just how great I have it being married to your daddy! He has allowed me to stay home with you, and do the things that I love. He works so hard, so that we can put gas in our cars, eat, live with a roof over our heads and so much more. I'm blessed that he is such a great father to you. He loves being your daddy, and he is such a good example of love to you. I saw how much he does to make me feel important, and loved. He creates an environment of peace for me so much of the time, and he is also my rock when I need him to be. He leads us, and he loves us. I love that he is involved in our church in a lot of ways, I love that he has accepted my family as his own. I love that he can make me laugh like no one else. I really got to see how my actions can bring joy, and good things to us, or destruction and hurt. I'm so thankful that God cares enough for your daddy, you and I, to put people in our lives who can show us, and teach us how to strengthen our relationship and not destroy it. I am so thankful that I can learn from wise women who God has anointed and called to be involved in teaching others. Um, I hate to end this so abruptly, but you are throwing things our of your crib, and banging your bottle against the rails. I need to go get you out of your crib now. Hahahahaha! You little cutie ;)