Sunday, October 16, 2011

Daddy as a Baby!

Dear Elijah,
Last night we went to visit your grandma and grandpa Holland. I asked to see some of your daddy's baby videos of when he was about 6 months old. IT WAS SO UNCANNY!!! You guys definitely had your differences, but OH MY GOSH, it was like watching another version of you. You guys had the same face expressions, same cry, same sounds, and same movements. It was like so weird to watch, but I couldn't peel my eyes away! You both had similar reactions, frustrations, and smiles! Of that smile! No wonder your daddy had me at Hello. ;) Well, not exactly at hello, but you know the story. hahaha... Both of you have that amazing smile, and it was so cool to see how much of your daddy is in you. I see a lot of me too, especially lately, but what is ultimately cool, is that you look like Elijah! You have your own twist on your daddy and I, and it's so fun to see what our genes created. We'll have to show you these videos someday and see what you think ;)
Ok, so another exceptionally cute thing that you do must be told. I asked your daddy if he had noticed something that you do, that I have noticed and enjoyed for a while now. He said he hadn't really noticed yet, so you and I showed him. Whenever we are watching "F-R-I-E-N-D-S" you could care less, and are usually focused on your toys or whatever you may be doing, BUT, every time you hear the theme song you stop whatever you are doing and stare at T.V.! It's soooooooooooooooo funny! You totally love the song, and will stop everything to watch and listen. It's cute! When your dad saw, he couldn't stop laughing. We even took a video of it tonight. You don't pay attention EVER to the television when it is on; you don't even pay much attention to your Veggie Tales at this point. You would much rather talk to mommy, play with your toys, and go for walks to touch leaves, grass, and flowers. You sort of love nature ;) It's fun to see how much you look around and study everything you see on our walks, or when we go to the park! You also like watching cars drive by. I LOVE YOU!!! I just have to say, I am such a blessed woman to have you and your daddy in my life! I take delight in you and your daddy. I am overjoyed to stand next to you two as a family, and will always claim you both... Except when you embarrass me that is... Then I may walk in the other direction for a second. hahaha! No but seriously, every decision I make, every word that I say, and every move that I make will always begin with you guys in mind. We are a family, and that's what everything revolves around now. It's awesome. When I married your daddy, my world changed. I now had another person to share my life with, and my world, my love my decisions and everything changed to include your daddy! Now you are here, and we get to include you in all of our life. You, your daddy and I are a package deal, and it's so unbelievably cool how close we are. We are all a unit that moves together. It's pretty amazing Elijah. God is at the center of our unit, and we are so blessed to have a God who loves us and blesses this family every day. LOVE YOU!
cleaning the tables at Starbucks again... lol

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