Saturday, November 19, 2011

Busy Wekkends and Party Fun!

Dear Elijah,

Goodness have we been busy! It’s been a good busy though ;) Last Friday we all met up with your uncle C.J., Nina Melissa, Megan, uncle Oscar, Auntie Erica, and Nic for a late breakfast. It’s always nice hanging out with family. Auntie Erica held you while uncle Oscar was putting ice cubes next to you watching you try to pick them up, It was funny because you tried but the cubes would slip out of your hands! Hahaha. After that we all but Meg and Nina went to your great grandma Gutierrez’s house to visit for a bit. You fell asleep in Nita’s arms ;). Then  your dad and I went with your uncle C.J., uncle Oscar, Aunt Erica and your cousin Nic to go see Puss in Boots. We thought we had better leave you with grandma (my mom) for the movie since you are super active and we think it’s weird to take babies into a movie theater. Hahaha… Some people do it though! Anywho, it was a funny movie and a really great time to get to spend time with Nicholas.  After the movie we all went for ice cream and then back to grandmas to get you. You were having a great time of course. Every time you cousin Nic would see you he would say in a high pitch voice, “what’s up little duuuuuuuude!” SO FUNNY! I loved hearing him do that.

On Saturday we got to go to a baby party! It was so fun, and really cute. It was your friend Lydia’s first birthday. Her parents invited us to come join in the fun of balloon volleyball, baby play time, cake and presents! You, your dad and I got Lydia some pink UGGS with a pink tutu, and a blue plaid button up shirt with brown UGGS.  It was soooooooooooooooooooo fun shopping for a baby girl. We are so used to (and love) shopping for baby boys ;) Nice change :) You are so funny. At Lydia’s party you were acting different. Like you were feeding off what the other babies were doing. It was so cool to watch you. You even tried to crawl! You didn’t even know how to yet, but though you might take a chance in front of all the little girl babies. Hahahahaha. I got a picture of you and Lydia. You wouldn’t even look at the camera because you were staring at her. I think you really enjoyed being around other babies because you were watching them and trying to talk to them. SO STINKIN CUTE! Another reason why I have to look into a mommy group, or some kind of mommy and me thing. Well, later on, Saturday night I was at my moms (grandma’s) house, and I was in uncle Jakes bedroom rocking you. Nic came in and climed up on the bunk bed latter and looked down at you with a very serious face… He then said, “I love you. But I have to go away in the morning little dude.” It was theeeeee sweetest thing ever!

On Sunday we had a going away dinner for your uncle C.J. He is going to be out to see for a long time! The family all got together to pray for him and say goodbye for a while. It was awesome. And the food was soooooooooooo good! I love homemade yummy food. Your dad and I had to leave for a while to help lead worship at the Sunday night service, so we left you with the fam. When we got back they said you were so good and you even got passed around a lot and didn’t mind at all! That’s improvement baby boy. Usually you get a little overwhelmed. Of course right when you saw me, you started fussing. Haha… You missed me! You love me! Hahahaha. You got to see your little cousin Gavin too. He just turned one not too long ago.

It was an awesome weekend. Only sad thing was saying goodbye to Nic and your uncle C.J. We will miss them so much.

These past few days you have been doing new stuff! You try to crawl from the sitting position, but then you back up again and won’t attempt going for it. Hahaha, and you have been super loud. It’s so cool. You scream just for fun now, ad laugh after you do it. You said, “baba” the other day and I  jumped up in excitement. I know it’s not really your first word, but it’s a new sound. You hadn’t until then made the B sound.  You say “mamamamamam,” and “dada,” all the time! Now you say, “baba,” too! So cute! I guess we will know when you are actually saying mama and dada in reference to us. Well, we go to the dr. today to get your shots. :( it’s sad, but last time you did great and were so brave! I’m hoping not to cry, but it’s going to be my mom’s (grandma’s) first time coming with. So she may cry and then make me! Hahaha. I love you sweet Elijah. You are so fun, and seriously such a joy.

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