Saturday, November 19, 2011

Growing boy :)

Dear Elijah,

Hi baby boy! You are such an amazing child my love. You have been laughing so much more recently, and all it takes is daddy or me looking at you. Haha. So cute! You are exploring new movements, and trying out new ways to get what you want. For instance, you will reach as far as the tips of your fingers and arms can stretch to get something, and if that doesn’t work, you fall over sideways and roll, then try again. I’ve recently seen you grab the blanket you were on and pull it towards you to reach your binky. That’s kind of cheating though Elijah, because I put it just out of your reach on purpose, so that you would have to try to crawl. You are too smart for that trick. Haha. You like touching faces, people watching, and sharing your binky. You will shove your binky in our mouths if we are not paying attention and happen to yawn in front of you. You smile really big when you do things like that. So here is something else new you have been doing. With your two sharp bottom teeth, you bite mommy! Yes, when I’m nursing you, sometimes you will bite me and when I screech out loud you look up at me with your big blue eyes, and smile as big as your smile can get! You actually think it’s funny and that mommy is being funny when I make those painful sounds. You even chuckle a little bit. I have even tried in a very soothing, gentle voice telling you not to bite because it hurts mommy, to which you smile or laugh at again. You are way to cute to be mad at, and I actually find humor in the whole situation after the pain goes away. I hope this is not a habit, although it’s happened now about 5 times! Hahaha…

Your daddy and I have been taking you out to parks along with others. We like to get you out and bout around other kids when we can. I have finally decided that I should probably join a mommy group of some sort at this point. You need to be around other babies now, and I would probably benefit from being around other mommies! I think I’m going to finally look into a mommy and me somewhere. Man, I’m super new at this… I’m used to it being just you and I for most of the day. But alas, it cannot always be this way.  Heehee.  I would enjoy something as simple as park dates with other mommies and babies. Something less structured and mellow... That’s what I should look for! Anyways, when we take you to the park, you watch the other kids playing and watch them running around. I know you want to get down and run around with them too by the way you are staring. You like to go down the slide with our help, and you really enjoy the baby swings. When we take you to Starbucks with us, you spend the whole time looking around at everyone there, an sometimes you just laugh at people even if they aren’t looking back at you. Hahahahaha. It’s funny… You are so amused by people just walking around, and then when they try to make you laugh you get all serious. You can be very serious and just stare someone down. You won’t even blink sometimes.

Today you wanted to eat, but you also were tired. I tried feeding you and you would eat for a second and then stop and cry while reaching for the hallway door. You did this like three times before I finally realized, maybe I should walk to where you are reaching… I got up and you smiled, and we walked into mommy and daddy’s room. When you saw our bed you giggled as if I was getting it right. I laid you down on our bed and then you ate very well, and fell asleep. It’s so crazy how smart babies (you) are. You know what you want and what you need, and try to communicate that to us in any way you can. It’s pretty cool.

Ok, so clumsy is not a good way to be when you have a small baby to take care of. I have noticed lately that I cannot hold onto ANYTHING and it’s driving me crazy! I have no idea what it is, but your binky, bottles, toys, and on and on and on keep slipping out of my hands. Not big or important things, just small very annoying to drop all day things… I’ve never been the poster child for control or anything, but this is just ridiculous! My phone, keys, bobby pins, etc. I cannot seem to stop dropping. When I’m in the kitchen I drop spoons and things like that. Last night I was trying to plug in my phone to charge and dropped it between our bed and head board. That’s when I lost it and exclaimed to your dad that I keep dropping stuff!!! I seem to be more clumsy as of late and it’s actually noticeable. I hope it goes away soon. I need to get a better grasp on this. Haha. To top that off, your new favorite thing to do it drop everything on the ground to watch me pick it up, or better yet, you like when I hold you over what you dropped so that you can pick it up. It’s like your favorite game now of days. Hahahaha. It’s been great, but I can’t say that I love that game…  Love you!

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