Thursday, November 3, 2011

Our Family Night

Dear Elijah,

Lately you have been sucking on your toes! You have done it like 2 times before, and I remember the very first time you grabbed your own foot, and put it to your mouth! Now in the past week, you have been playing with your little toes and feet a lot! Daddy captured some pictures tonight of you doing it while you were laying on the couch with mommy.

Tonight was a special night for me. Really it was a special night for all 3 of us, but I was touched through the family time we had tonight. We got your books of the shelf. One book is titled, What Happens When I Talk to God? The Power of Prayer for Boys and Girls, and the other book is titled, Bedtime Blessings for Boys. The Bedtime Blessings for boys was one that daddy used to read to you when you were still in my tummy! We decided to start reading these books to you every night. Our little book reading time before bed became a family devotion/worship time for us. We also read the bible to you. We decided since we were already reading to you about Jesus, we should follow it with the scripture. Your daddy and I usually read the bible and pray together before bed when you are already asleep. I know we never really planned it that way, it just seemed to be happening. I am so glad that tonight you were able to be a part of that prayer/reading/ and worship time. You seemed so active and excited to be sitting there with us. You were watching us pray, sing and read, and I know that even though you are only 6 months old, you are still able to learn and feel the things that we do around and with you. We pray with you all the time, and sing to you all the time, and we read to you so much, but this time was different. It was a family time focused on all those things. I sang some of my favorite worship songs as a child, and your daddy played the drums. Then I read you your book on prayer, and daddy read you the blessing for Boys book followed by Genesis reading about how God created the earth. We sang, and sang and sang, and you were even trying to chime in! So cute! Your voice is like an angel. Looks like we have started a family tradition without even trying! God started a tradition for us, and we are so thankful to have such a personal God. He knows us, and knows what works for our family. I’m so thankful for our wonderful, amazing, full of grace, and merciful God. I can speak of His love forever. I love that we can open our hearts and let Him set us free. I’m so excited for you to learn so much more about the God we serve. You are seriously such a joy. I tear up just looking at you sometimes. I’m so glad. I’m so glad to call you my son. You have the sweetest most precious smile, and the most innocent heart. You are so tender hearted and loving Elijah. You have the ability to let us love on you as much as we do, and love us back with such affection. You already show signs of such strength and discernment. You are very cautious, but you will always try to reach a higher goal. Your ability to do something new every day inspires me. Your looks of wonder melt my heart. You look at something with an inquisitive mind trying to know what it could be. I love you.

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