Wednesday, November 17, 2010

On My Mind...

Dear Elijah,
I believe Jesus woke me up this morning to pray for so many things. I was awake at 4am this morning thinking and praying very hard. By the way, you were moving a lot too ;) Your daddy and I were watching the news before bed, which we usually do not do since I can't stand falling to sleep after seeing things that are not that nice on T.V. But we saw one thing that brought us both way down, and made us so sad. I prayed this morning for the weak, the small and the innocent. I prayed that God would protect and defend them. It brought me to tears and yet I wasn't praying for any one person specifically. I woke up your daddy after my prayers, and asked him to then pray for me because I felt that I was bearing these burdens by myself. Your daddy prayed for me right then, and I felt more peace. He prayed, and I was able to focus on the joys God can bring us even in rough times, and even when we just can not see the good anywhere. In moments like these I ALWAYS think of the people I care for and love the most. I prayed for my ENTIRE family to be safe, protected from evil, and also to be wise, and make good decisions. I always pray for the little ones in our families, but this morning I prayed very focused and steady for the baby's and kids in our family, and for you of course. You are so blessed just as your dad and I were, to be born into a loving family who wants to take care of you. But most importantly, you are being born into a family that trusts in God, and who have been praying for you since the moment we found out about you. We know that ultimately you belong to God, and you are His child. We are so blessed that God chose us to take care of you and love you. But you will never know a love like God's love Eli. It's so strong and pure. Here are some of my genuine thoughts from this morning. After thinking of all the people in the world who need love and protection, I stumbled into thinking about your dad. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love him. Every night when I fall asleep next to him, I pray for him, and think to myself, what would I do without him? How did I ever learn to love him so much? What did I do to deserve his unconditional love? Then this morning I wrote in my journal... Eli, if you wait on the Lord, God will bring you the deepest love that will come from a place you would have never imagined. Your dad and I were not just lucky. We fell right into Gods plan because we were both seeking Him at the time. Your daddy talked to you last night before bed and told you how much he loves you, and all I could think was how blessed you are to have him as your dad, because I feel like the most blessed woman in the world to have for my husband. So even though there are terrible things going on in this world that we need to be woken up to pray for at times, there is still so much love and joy around us. God is still in control, and will never leave us alone. So I am so thankful for all the good and wonderful things in our lives, and will continue to pray for the weak, the small and the innocent since we have the hope of Jesus in our lives. I love you Eli. We are praying for you baby boy :)

my love

Our last night being engaged! Night before we got married ;)

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