Friday, February 10, 2012

Tired mama!

Dear Elijah,
You have been super active and it's pretty much the cutest thing! You walk, but even then, you would rather run! Hahahaha... If you think one of us is right there and will catch you, you just take off running! Hahahaha... You can stand up on your own now, and you do that everyday from the middle of the room. The last two night you have been waking up crying, and will not go back to sleep! It's crazy, and just out of the blue! I think you may be in pain from your gums or something. I rubbed your belly, and your head for a while before it donned on me that you may just be in pain. You NEVER do this. So finally last night I gave you a tiny dosage of Tylenol, and you fell right back to sleep and slept the rest of the night. You poor guy :( You woke up in a great mood though, and ate a great breakfast! Then you and mommy went to the park, and then you rode your little horse on the patio. It was a good morning.

I have been pretty sick the past few days, and I'll be honest, it's been rough! I have been nauseous and tired, and feel like if I sit down, I just may fall asleep! I can't say it's been easy, because if I don't feel like you are getting enough attention, or activity I tend to feel bad. So you and I have been outside as much as I can, and I've pushed through the past few days, but I can't wait for the weekend and your daddy to be home. Your daddy is so good at playing with you, and taking care of me when I feel like this. I am hoping that all 3 of us can take it easy and get some good relaxation and rest this weekend! Well, you always get good rest, and lots of activity ;) but maybe your dad and I can tag team and work together to achieve some rest and FUN!!! ;)

I've been a bit stressed out, although I know God has helped me with that. I've been able to give so much up to God in prayer and I know that things have been better because of that. I was pretty worried and stressed about having cramping the past few days on top of the tiredness and sickness, but when I went to my doctor, she said everything looks fine! I told her about the cramping, and she said it's just my ligaments stretching, and my tummy getting ready for the growing baby inside ;) Aaaaaah, I really need to learn how to NOT worry. It's stupid if you think about it. I mean, it's all in God's hands, and I am so much happier when I am able to trust in God rather than myself and my own ideals. :) Thank Jesus I am not a worry wort, but I do struggle with it at times. You got to come to the doctor with me, and you saw the pictures of your little sibling. It was so cute! You grabbed them, and looked at them like, "what is this?" Hahahaha. It was so cool Elijah! Your little brother or sister was moving, and waving their arm up and down, and it was just so cool to see! I got butterflies!!! I'm so excited that the 3 of us get to welcome a new member to our family! You two are going to be awesome friends ;)

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