Friday, February 17, 2012

My Little String Bean!

Dear Elijah,
Today you and mommy went to our MOPS group again, and it was very fun! I really have a great time there and am so glad my table of women are so down to earth and nice. You also get to hang out with lots of sweet babies your age, and you really like the interaction. You are never crying when I pick you up. Today we had to leave early because you had a doctor appointment in Long beach at noon, and we had to stop and pick up your nina to come with so she could help me out. When I walked out of MOPS to go get you out of the nursery, I saw 4 cute babies being pushed around in a little red buggie! One of those cute babies was you! It was just so cute seeing you enjoying yourself and befriending a little girl. Her name was Rylee I gathered, and you two were buddies I guess for the whole time. I saw you guys holding hands on your buggie ride, and my heart melted! Then I saw you kind of let go, and she went to touch your face, and then you touched her face and you two were smiling. I mean, seriously? Can you get any cuter! Your teacher said that you two from the very moment you saw each other decided to be buddies and that you two played together the whole time. Hahahahaha, That's just so cute to me, and she was such a sweet little girl. I'm glad you are nice to other babies :)
Your appointment went good. You actually didn't get shots this time, you were just given papers to go get your blood drawn in the next few weeks. So we will do that maybe when daddy can come along :) Also, you weigh 16 pounds! I couldn't believe it! only 16! You little string bean ;) You are so light, long and skinny. Hahahaha... You are 29 inches, which they said was tall. Who knows right? All I know is that you are healthy, eat great, and super active. The doctor checked you out and said all is well with your health :) Yayayayaya! Mommies love hearing that! Ok, so on the other end, you have to go see a specialist! Yeeps, sounds scary I know, but it's needed. Your daddy and I noticed a while back that one of your neck muscled was a lot larger than the other, and that you seemed to favor that side. As if one muscle was developing correctly, and doing all the work, while the other was not. So I pointed it out to our doc, and he is sending us to a specialist, and said it is definitely something that need to be corrected, taken care of, and looked into. He said not to much to worry about, but for sure needs attention. So we will be praying for that, and praying that God will heal what needs to be healed. We love you pumpkin boy! You did a great job today at the doctors, and if you were older I would have taken you to ice cream after. That will come later ;)
at the doctor, ready to be checked out ;)

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