Monday, February 13, 2012

My Valentine..

Dear Elijah,
Hey sweet face! You are seriously so cute! I woke up this morning and had to wait for you to wake up, usually it's the other way around. I couldn't wait to see that cute sleepy face, and those squinty eyes that make my heart melt. You are so warm, and cuddly when you first wake up, and I think it's a mommy's privilege to be able to have those moments as her own. When you woke up, you were making sweet sounds and I walked over and said, "is that MY baby?" I say that every time you wake up. I walk into the room saying that and you start to laugh and smile really big! This morning when I was carrying you around with me grabbing your diaper, clothes, and stuff to get you ready, you kept dipping your head down under my face looking up at me. You were trying to get my attention, and just wanted me to look at you! Hahahaha. It was so cute! You kept doing it, and I would smile at you, and you would just laugh. You had your banana oatmeal this morning, and acted all coy with grandpa at breakfast. Then you and mommy played for a while. You were walking all over the living room, and I have to say, it still shocks me that you are walking on your own here at home. You will not do it as much in public, but when you are home and feel safe, you roam all around with no one's help! I can't even believe it! Last night I told your daddy, "Man babe! We have a full blown walker now!" It's just that you are so little, and I didn't expect you to walk to fast. You enjoy music so much! You have been dancing, and I LOVE your moves ;) You sway back and forth, and move up and down, tilt your head side to side, and even sometimes wave your hands all around.
I am so in love with kissing you! I can kiss you all day long. If I could make a living out of kissing you, I'd be a billionaire! Daddy and I are ALWAYS kissing your little feet! It's our favorite! Your feet are so cute, and so soft, and you giggle when we do it, so that makes it even more fun! I treasure the times you and I lay on our king size bed and play. You jump on me, and grab my face, my hair, and my ears while trying to slobber all over my face. You love to wrestle, and that's what you and mommy do a lot of the day. I just throw you around on the bed, while you try to grab me and kick! It's so fun! Then you get all lovey and want to rest on mommy for a bit, but then out of nowhere, you grab my face and hair and start getting all hipper again! Hahahahahaha. I love it! I gotta say Elijah, boys are so much fun!
Tomorrow is Valentines day! I asked you to be my Valentine today and you shook your head no! How rude! Well, you don't have a choice, you have to be my Valentine along with your daddy ;) You two guys are pretty much the most handsome two guys around, and I'm a lucky lady!

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