Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hair? Makeup? Cute Clothes?

Dear Elijah,
Did you know it actually takes an effort on my part to look human, and not like a zombie. Ahahahaha! These days I've been so tired, that tying a shoe seems almost impossible. I like easy to grab stuff like slip on shoes, and baggy sweatshirts. Lately I've noticed that my hair just goes straight up with not even a second thought.Your daddy laughs at me because I always say, "Oh honey, while your up, would you grab me this or that?" Usually he's not up... I just like to say that so I don't sound so lazy! Hahaha... I wish I could explain it though! I actually am lacking all energy at this moment. I can't even rally! Before, I could rally even if I was tired, I could just get myself to burst back into gear. Early pregnancy has taken it out of me for the time being. I have felt my energy levels go DOWN, and then swing back up!!! I thought they would stay up, and then here I am again. It could be a lot worse! With you, I couldn't function. At least this time I can function, just a lot slower. :) You give me spunk. When I see you, you do bring me into motion ;) It's funny because on a regular day, I'll be looking like a scraggle rock, raga-muffin, joe-crap the rag man, and you will be clean, bathed, in a fresh new CUTE outfit ;) That way, all the focus goes to you, and I can hide under my over sized sunglasses. ;) Heeheeeheee! I love it! At this rate I may be able to qualify for one of those makeover shows! Hint, hint... Tell your daddy to send in recent pics of me to what not to wear. I'd love a whole new wardrobe! Ahahahaha! Ooooooooh mama's just poking fun at herself. This stuff doesn't matter a smidgen, but is fun to find humor in. Truth is, I love experiencing all this different stuff. I never ever knew what to expect in motherhood, and when I get to experience all these new and different stages of motherhood, I get excited, and feel like taking it all in and remembering it! I want to remember how it was to have a 9 1/2 month old who was starting to walk while being 3 1/2 months pregnant! I want to remember being tired, having fun, being moody, getting too emotional, being overwhelmed, experiencing overflowing joy, laughing, crying, and all this stuff that's happening to me and to our growing family! Oh gosh Elijah, you and our new addition are going to be 17 months a part! That's the exact amount of time me and my brother are a part from each other! We were like two peas in a pod growing up. Although, I was telling your grandma Diane tonight about how he and I used to get into fights a lot! I don't really mean arguing, I mean wrestling, kicking, punching, knock down-drag out fights. I enjoyed these times believe it or not. I found it exhilarating, and for some reason I can't explain, I always knew in the back of my mind, that my brother would never REALLY hurt me. I mean, yeah, I got hurt a lot, but he would never actually damage me on purpose ;) We made up games together, had a lot of the same friends, told crazy stories, kept each other company, got shots together, took medicine together, had chicken pocks together! Good times. I hope you and your sibling get along as good as me and mine did :) Or better! ;)

We went to the park yesterday with your nino, uncle Oscar, Auntie Erica, and your cousin Nic! It was a lot of fun. We had a picnic, and played at a park that was super cool looking. They had toys there that were interesting and fun! Nic helped you down the slide a couple times, and you walked all around, and played with the sand. On the way home Nic played with you in the back seat until you fell asleep, then he made sure to tell us that you were asleep, so we had to be quiet ;) So cute! He also asked your dad to roll up his window when he saw a motorcycle at the stop light because he said the motor cycle would be to loud for "baby Elijah" and it will scare you. He'a always looking out for you. He introduces you to everyone as "his cousin baby Elijah". "That my cousin baby Elijah!" I love hearing that. It's the sweetest!

You like to shake your head back and forth now. You do it a lot, and we think it's funny! We ask you questions, and you shake your head no to every one. It's awesome! Love ya!

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