Monday, January 16, 2012


Dear Elijah,
This morning you woke up at 5am... Ehem, excuse you... You are supposed to go to bed at 8:30, and wake up at 7am or 7:30... What's the deal pumpkin? Why have you been waking at 5am the last two mornings. Mommy can't quite be that entertaining at that hour. Maybe it's just a weird couple nights, and you will go back to your usual time. One can hope ;) At least you are really good about it. As long at we give you a bottle, you eventually fall back asleep until about 7am. That's what you did this morning. Then you and mommy went up to eat breakfast around 8am. You have been putting yourself down for naps lately. I just lay you on the bed, and you turn on your side a fall asleep. It's pretty cute. After your late morning nap, I took you upstairs for a banana. You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your banana's! You were eating, and I'm trying to teach you how to ask for the foods you want, so I say what I'm giving you over and over again. Today I held the banana and kept saying it. You would reach out for it, and I would give you a piece while saying, "here's a banana... banana... banana..." hahaha... But although it may sound funny or annoying to the people around us, it sure paid off today! You said it! You said... "Baabaanana" You added a syllable, but you said it! Then you said it sooooooooooooooo clearly and all I could do was wish your dad, or SOMEBODY was there to witness you saying BANANA!!! You did, and I'm so proud of you... You tried to say it later and it came out, "babala" You are learning ;) Love you monkey boy!
Getting into grandpas stuff... haha

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