Monday, January 9, 2012

Won't sit down!

Dear Elijah,
These days I can't get you to sit down at all! You used to at least sit for about 10 minutes playing with your toys, and now you are not having it! You NEED to be standing at all times, and when you end up on your bottom sometimes, you fuss and pull yourself back up. So I was going to go out and get you a play table so that you could stand and play with your toys, but the little excersaucer that Auntie Tiff sent over a long time ago works as a play station for you now. You refuse to sit inside of it, but you love walking around it playing with all the fun stuff. It's perfect for you right now. You move from one toy to the next and just circle around it while being able to stand. I also like that it's not completely stable, it moves a bit since it's circular on the bottom, which allows you to work on your balance! This morning I had you upstairs after breakfast, and you like to play with the cabinet handles on grandma's entertainment center. But the entertainment center is far from your little table that you stand at to play up there. I was sitting on the couch watching you, and all of a sudden you let go of the table, turned your body toward the entertainment center and walked over to it. You looked like Bambi when he first started to walk, but you made it to where you wanted to be, all while I jumped up and ran to be next to you in case you fell! I had no idea you were going to just walk on over. It scared me a bit, and now I have to keep close to you. You really do fall a lot still when trying to walk, and I hate not being there to catch you. But when you first started you wouldn't even try unless we were right next to you. Now you just go for it, and have parents tripping over things just to make it to you in time! Hahahahaha... I JUST witnessed, as I was typing, you let go of your play saucer and walked to your daddy who was standing by the dresser trying to gather his clothes for the day. His back was to you, so he didn't even know that you were wobbling your way over to him. I just gasped, and told your daddy that you were right behind him! Hahahahaha... This whole first walking stage is a bit crazy, but we love it! You keep us on out toes now for real!
I just opened a new Christmas toy right now for you and you are loving it! We are opening the toys one by one and introducing them slowly so that you can play with each one. You have so far loved every one of them. It's so nice because we didn't have many toys for you at all.

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