Sunday, January 8, 2012

cute new things!

Dear Elijah,
Today when I was feeding you a sweet potato, I was blowing on it before giving you a bite, and when I put it to your mouth, you blew on it and then ate it! It was so cute!!! I was laughing, and called your daddy. You did it the whole time. You would watch me blow on it, and then you would blow on it too! You are so funny! I probably mentioned this before, but about a month ago, you started playing peek a boo with us. You pull your blanket over your face whenever we say, "Where's Elijah?" and then you pull it down really fast, and we say, "there he is!" You will do it with any kind of cloth that you can find. All we have to say is, "where's Elijah," and you immediately pull the blankets over your head! It's the cutest thing ever! You are pretty smart little guy. You catch on to things super fast, and are always trying to copy the sounds we make. You have started what I like to call, "the smug face." Sometimes when I am trying to make you smile, you crack a little one, but then pull it back and give me a very smug look. As if you are too cool to smile right now... It's funny... I used to tell your daddy he thought he was too cool for school, and so you may have inherited that from him. Hahaha... Although I do a pretty awesome smug face myself... :)
Bath time is splash time for you. Now that you can sit up in there, instead of kicking to splash, you use your hands and smack the water as hard as you can. Needless to say, bath time for you, is bath time for whoever is giving you one. Heehee... You still refuse to crawl... I know, I know, I know that babies should crawl because it helps this and that and is good for them because of this and that... BLAH, BLAH, BLAH! I can't force you to do something you have no interest in doing. I guess you will just miss out on those skills until later. Hahaha... I hear all the time that I have to MAKE you crawl, and I just smile and nod. I've even heard people say, "no, don't allow him to walk until he crawls." What!? Am I just supposed to push you down? Hahaha... I tried forever to do tummy time, I practiced on a big bed so that you could face plant and it wouldn't hurt too bad. I would crawl for you so you could see how it's done, and I even moved your body in the crawling position. Nothing worked, and then you started walking. You pull yourself up on everything! You will walk all the way around the living room moving from one thing to the other and sometimes get brave enough to walk a few steps to something that is out of reach. You are walking bit by bit. So it looks like you have skipped crawling, and have gone to walking instead. It's not a race babe... Hahaha... But  have to say, I was so proud of you, and to see you accomplish what you have been wanting to do for a while now, was so fun!
Your grandparent (Grandpa Dean and Grandma Darcie) are coming back from Thailand tomorrow! I miss them, and I know you will be happy to see them too.
Your cousin Stephen is in town, so we got to spend some time with him and your other cousins at the park yesterday! It's always a pleasure seeing all those guys. He is getting so big, and already running around the park so fast! He gave you kisses, and is is just the cutest! I can't believe him, he is running and is only about 18 months! But he has been walking since he was about 7-8 months I believe! Maybe early walkers run in the fam :) Love you Elijah!

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